News - This Is The Top 250 Warzone 2 Ranked Play. Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded


I'm playing against the top 250 console players on PS5 with crossplay off now. Recently, after one of my last articles, you would have seen how I was playing against cheaters in mod 33 rank play, and it got so ridiculous of the amount of cheaters that were coming up against in PC Lobby, so I've decided to play on PS5 with crossplay off that way there's no way anyone could cheat, and they recently even stopped cronis from being able to be used on PS5, so that's some really big news for the Crossbay community.

So, I've been grinding out, and it's so much nicer to play this game, you know. So, going on to P2, I'm playing on this back crates area, trying to hold an anchor the morning of my team; unfortunately, I did get picked off there, but my teammate Rusa did pick up the game. Kill sorry, playing in a Freeman stack with Rusa and this other guy that we bumped into in the lobby.

So guys, if you are trying to play any sort of crossplay off, the best thing to do is you can just party up with people that play well on your team, so I picked up an i twopiece there, and just looking where my teammates are positioning here. I see my teammates spawn garage. They're either going to be coming from the tunnel side or tickets, but I've seen two red dots over there, so I need to turn around before that tunnel push.


I've just seen one push on the top kill the guy. Rex is that top 250 player on the other team; you'll see it flash up on the scoreboard, but with 26 seconds left on covering this dick side and looking to rotate, we've got a nice little lead going to this P3. You need to reload here. It does get a bit bad timing on there, as you can see.

Yeah, just at the bottom of the scoreboard, rank 41, that guy's been grinded out already. I think on my main account I'm like rank 26, and that guy's level 41 already, but he is in the top 250, but I do get the revenge kill back on him. There are two on P3. I would have called out to my teammate that it was two, but unfortunately for two to get picked up there, we've got a nice little, you know, 40-point lead here going into P3.

atlanta faze

There is plenty of time to break, and I do think I made a bit of a mistake there. I kind of TR the same Hardo location three times on that same day. Corner, hopefully I don't CH a fourth time; otherwise, that'll be super readable. I think I do it here because I've got Rusus here. You're more likely to break up when you've got like two of you pushing the same angle, but I do get picked off there, so I do it four to five times on a road doing the exact same thing.

That's a bit brainy there, by me. I definitely should have picked a different route to take because we've gone from having a 40-point lead to actually having a 10-point leader, and they've still got 20 seconds left on this. I'm hoping me and this other guy can get a bit of a pinch going on. I do pick up one kill and play for the contest.

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I think I ego child this and do get killed from if I remember it correctly, whereas like what I should do here, yeah, just get. I've got to sprint out, get some bad time, and where I then sprint and get killed, I should have just kept that contested, because. He knows exactly where you are; you know roughly where he is, but you don't know if he's behind a heady or anything, so I definitely should have pushed up there, but I'm working into P4 here.

bpl 8s server

Looking at the mini map, my teammate's got the bottom garage covered. I need to get closer to the time, but I do have Rex there in my head. I think I did have a bit of help from my teammate Mushy there, but again, just blocking this back side of the spawns, and from here I cool out and get the live ping.

Live ping is so good for rank players; you can't do it in the proper CDL mode, or, you know, if you play any proper competitive, but in rank play, you can use live pings, and they're so key even if your teammates aren't using headsets. That live ping tracks the enemy for a good three to four seconds, so it's so key to use.

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You know, even if you can't call it out, everyone can see it on their screen. Get a bit lucky there with the timings on Calpi, but I'm working into this P5 rotation for 15 seconds because my teammates in the hill won't be spawning tunnels, so they'll be spawning back apartments and be forced to push through midway or ticket side.

bronze to iridescent

I get a bit unlucky with that guy killing. I probably shouldn't have shot in the first place. I should have waited for him to push, and now you can see we're spawning on the apartment side because they're all set up. So 20 seconds go into this hard point. You can see my teammates are on my side, so they're all around this hill, just trying to play for some information, play for a pick, and I hit a ping there again.

You know if you're playing solo. Jo Q if someone doesn't have a headset even just a live even if you don't get a live ping, the actual ping within itself can just be handy for where someone is. So my teammate in P2 Ratus has picked up the kill. On time, just clearing the garage, my teammate spawned behind me, so I know it's safe to push up trying to get his cross.

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I've called out to him that there is another one on the push, so he knows he is looking for one. I've seen one of the top tickets on the mini map, looking for TSM on the top ticket, but I'm just laying on a little bit of a cruddy off-angle here. Pick up Rex, pick up the nice two-piece, and the last guy is the garage.


I'm hoping that he CHS me, but with 15 seconds left, I think he does push to the new hill. NOP, he is another off-angle fair play to him; it did actually work out for him, but spawn up here. 5 seconds need to be rotated to that next H ASAP, but we've now managed to regain a good 40-point cushion in this game from P5.

P5 is such a money he on skid, Ro, And it's just so refreshing; mentally, I know that they've added ranked play. Sorry. I know that they've added kill counts back to rank play today, which is a really big update, especially for PC, so you can actually see if people are actually cheating, but it's not going to do anything to stop people from cheating; it might stop one or two people proper hard like w hacking or doing proper hard aimbotting, but if they are going to cheat, they don't care if kill cams are on; they're going to be doing it anyway.

cdl hardpoint

But it's just that it's so nice to play console-only crossplay off where you don't have to think someone's hacking. It's just so refreshing that one guy was in P2 up there, but we're getting some good time on this P1. I think P1's a bit underrated on this map, where a lot of people seem to just solely focus on P2 off the rip, but you can get some serious good time on P1, and then that's your time where you should look.

Yo guys in this video I'm playing against a Top 250 player on the enemy team where I drop a KD of 22 to 16 with almost a minute of hilltime.
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