News - Win More Warzone 2 Solos Today. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks



Luckily, I popped it at just the right time because a guy was crossing the street and coming to kill me. If I didn't have that UAV there, I would have been in a very sticky situation where the circle was going to be moving and I would have had to deal with that guy whilst.

The circle was coming to get me. So now there are 28 players left, and the circle is getting rather small. I can see on my mini-map that there is water ahead of me, so I'm going to have to make a decision in a minute as to where I cross. I know that I have an extra UAV in my bag, and this is going to prove very useful to determine what is the safest path to cross in war zone 1 by this point in the game.

tips for warzone 2

People would have ghosts, so a UAV would not be that useful. However, with the changes to loadouts, a lot of people are opting to buy their guns like I have, which means that not a lot of people are going to have ghosts at this point, so as I approach this door here. I'm aware that people on the other side in the buildings over the water have probably already set up in a position that they think they're going to be able to camp in and hold until the next circle moves.

Crossing the river

This is quite a dodgy position to be in because I'm going to have to cross out water and get into a safe place. I pop the UAV, and luckily it gives me enough information to determine that if I cross the river straight ahead of me here. I'm going to be in quite a safe position because a lot of the enemies are concentrated more on the east side of the map.

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Now, if you look here, there seems to be an enemy who's camped on the bridge. If I try and swim across here, most likely he's going to hear me and kill me and shoot me whilst I'm in the water, so I have to decide where I want to cross. I need to get far enough away from the bridge camper, but I also don't want to cross too far into the built-up area where I can already see that a lot of enemies are, so I decide to play it safe and just follow the gas in the water.

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I also take my time and move slowly and cautiously. Through the map. I know that all of those red dots I just saw on the UAV are also going to be traveling in the same trajectory as me, which means I have to be very careful not to get shot from the left as I cross through these buildings. The point of popping UAVs really isn't always going to be to know where people are at that moment.

The main point of popping a UAV in a solo map is to give you that valuable information and to know where the enemies are. If I hadn't popped that UAV. I would have had no idea that guy was there; obviously another guy was following that guy, and I was able to use myself to revive in this instance to be able to get myself up because he was probably scared to push knowing the same thing as me.



There are a lot of enemies around, but the thing is, when you're in a solo and you need to self-revive, you're going to need to make your decisions quickly, and that guy is probably going to come and push you because he needs to get you out of the picture so that he has a higher chance of winning this, which means you're going to need to make sure that you absolutely book it as soon as you have got yourself up and running.

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Now all I'm doing is chucking drills because I'm sure that this guy is going to be pushing me from behind, obviously. He didn't hear, and I hear him coming through the next building. Luckily. I get the drop on him here because he's running ahead of me and he's fairly easy to take out, but again, we still know that there was a large concentration of enemies on this side of the map, so we're going to have to be very, very careful to our left and to our right as well now because that Bridge camper was there earlier.

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This is why I'm hooking this low ground and making sure I follow the circle; the more space that there is between you in the circle, the more space that enemies can potentially flank you and get behind you, so by following the circle in like this, yes, it also means that you're pushed for time, but it also means that you're the safest you can be from the back.

I need to get more information because the final circle here seems to be very open. As a result, there's not going to be a lot of cover, so there's nowhere for me to hide if I make a wrong move. This was a bit of a dodgy play by me, as going to the roof makes you a very easy target for anyone who is sniping from any of that high ground; however, if you move quickly and you move unpredictably, you should be fine, and you won't get headshotted in one shot, like you would have done in a war zone.

One day, I hear something over to my left, so I go to investigate.



I focus my energy on the guy on the high ground because he is going to be the biggest threat, and I don't know what's happened to the lower guard, so I put my Precision airstrike in to hopefully take them both out. As you can see, I killed the ghost that was on top, and I guess that the other guy was already dead because I see his body flow off in the distance.

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This north-to-northeast sector of the map is going to be essentially clear to me because I've killed or seen people die that could be in the house on the rock to my rear. Both are clear because they are in the gas now. I know that there are two more people left other than myself, and the only place they can be is behind this little shack that I am holding up in now.

warzone 2 solo

If I go around to the right, that means I'm going to be putting myself at great risk because there are a lot of angles that I'm going to be able to get shot from. A lot of people are worried about going in the gas because they think that they're going to die in like a second. However, you actually have quite a long time in the gas, and especially if you have a durable gas mask like I do here, it does mean that you have that option.

I would always suggest that after you get your guns, you get a durable gas mask as well as a self-revive. are going to be the most important things you can have for a solo game to give you the biggest chance. There's not a lot I could have done differently here because, at the end of the day. I couldn't have passed this open area any earlier because the same thing would have happened and this guy would have killed me, so I decide that my best option is to go around the back here and try and play the gas.

I know that guy is there to my left, and he won't be able to see me this far into the gas. Now I can hear them shooting at each other. I see the third guy in front of me there, and I've managed to get the drop on him now. I'm running through the gas, and my durable gas mask has worn out. That was the mistake I made.

warzone 2 solo guide

I shouldn't have killed that guy right away. I should have made sure that I was close enough to the gas now. I'm trying to kill this guy at range, but again, he has The High Ground advantage.

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