News - Improve At Warzone 2 Right Now. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks



Forget about having insane aim and forget about the crazy, cracked-out Adderall-sniffing movement in this article. Today. I want to give you my best Warzone 2 tips and tricks for how you can improve absolutely dramatically. Today, by understanding some core fundamentals that absolutely anyone can get to grips with, and if you do understand these things and you implement these tips.

I promise you are going to see incredible results almost immediately.


Immediately now the first thing that we need to talk about today is going to be your positioning in this game. Positioning is absolutely key because of that fast TTK and the way that the game generally flows. You could have the best aim in the world.

You could have the most cracked movement in the world. But if your positioning is wrong and you have bad positioning, well, I'm sorry, the other team is going to get you nine times out of ten now. The first thing that you always want to make sure of, like a bass line, is that when you take part in a gunfight, you are at a higher elevation than your enemy.

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I know that this is basic knowledge, but I see a lot of people taking guns. And to be honest, the people that I'm playing with sometimes are taking gun fights uphill; they are trying to attack people while they have The High Ground The thing is. I know that a lot of people understand that you need to take the high ground, but I don't think a lot of people understand why, and the answer to that is actually pretty simple: if you are on the low ground, that means whoever is above you will have a top-down view of your head, meaning that the first thing that they're going to be able to see and the first thing that they're going to be able to shoot is going to be that sweet little face of yours, which is going to put you relatively in the gulag.

High ground

High ground

Quickly now, on top of this, if you have the high ground, all you have to do is crouch behind literally any cover and you are completely covered, whereas the people below you will, nine times out of ten, actually have to go prone to avoid your line of sight. This will give you a major advantage, because it means that you'll be able to pop in and out of cover insanely, whereas, for the other team to do the same, they will have to go through like another second and a half of animations to get to the same point where they can pop in and out of cover.

If you have it in your head the whole time that you need to be taking engagements from the highest point possible, this is going to improve your game so much, and if you don't have The High Ground, don't take that shot, don't give away your position, get above your enemy, and then take the fight, and I promise you, nine times out of ten, you're going to win that fight.

Now, on top of this, if you're going to fight someone, make your move. Make sure that you're not going to get pushed into them by the storm. I see so many people taking fights when the storm is approaching from their rear. This means that any sort of cover you have, whether it be on high ground or not, is null and void because sooner or later the storm is going to push you into the enemy's territory.

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However, if you position yourself so that the enemy you want to fight is between you and the storm, well, guess what? You have the advantage because the storm is going to push them.

When to push

When to push

The storm is pushing them; you're going to be able to beam them down, no questions asked, and the nice thing about this is that if the storm is behind them and it's hot on their tail, you don't even have to get the finish because the storm is going to do the rest of the work for you.

Now that we're on the topic of finishing enemies, you really need to understand standing and know when the right time is to push. For example, if you're playing duos and your teammate calls out to you that they have one of them down and you can see that enemy, nine times out of ten the right play here is going to be to push.

At this point, you have numbers on your side, so if you continue to hold the angle and you continue to hold that high ground, this is going to allow the other team to reset and get their downed player up and put the plates back on. This means that there was absolutely no advantage in knocking that teammate down in the first place because now you are right back at the same position as you were when you started.

If you push when one teammate is down, that means, at worst, you have a 1v1 on your hands, and at best, you catch them with their pants down trying to revive their teammate. It's a win-win, and even if you get killed in that 1v1, it's. You will have gotten some shots off, and your teammate will be close behind you to finish.

Class setup

Class setup

The kill: in order to make your pushes more successful, you need to make sure that you have a gun for the job. I have personally been rocking the RPK and the Fennec. I find that this is the best combination in the game so far, and I will be releasing a class setup article on it because the RPK is shredding people at medium to long range, and then the Fennec deletes them.

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Quickly up close, like, literally with the fennec up close, there is nothing that can beat it, especially. If you have a little bit of aim, you can hit those headshots, but like I said, none of this matters if your positioning is wrong. If your positioning is wrong, then that means you're going to be caught with your RPK in your hand when you need your fennec, and vice versa.


best warzone 2 tips

You need to be stylish in your positioning, and you need to get into the habit of making sure you have the advantage before the fight has even begun. The last thing that I want to talk about on this topic is your communications. I want you to really practice your communication with your teammates.

It doesn't matter if you're playing in quads, duos, or even on your own. I see so many people who, when they get into stressful situations, just shut up; they shut up until the fight is over, then they die, and then they go, "I'm dead." You seriously need to be giving more information to your teammate on the phone.

I promise to give you the best Warzone 2 tips and tricks I possibly can. Anyway, that's it from me today; I'm average. Joel peace thank you.

Use these Warzone 2 Tips and Tricks to Improve at Warzone 2 RIGHT NOW! From Warzone 2 Positioning to Having good coms, this Warzone 2 Tips and tricks video has it all.
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