News - How To Win Warzone 2 Solos With Ease. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks

best warzone 2 tips

In today's War Zone 2 tips and tricks article. Today's article isn't going to be just a straightforward, cookie-cutter imprint of how to win every single game, like you see a lot on YouTube instead. I want to break it down into three stages, the early game, the midgame, and the late game, and give you valuable tips and tactics that you can use in every game no matter where you land or what you do, so without further ado, let's get on with it now.

The early game is going to make or break any game in Warzone, and to be honest, if you die in the first few seconds and get sent straight to the gulag nine times out of ten. I would suggest that you just quit and restart. A good start in this game is paramount, especially when you consider that things like cash are very scarce, so if you come back from the gulag lake, chances are you're going to spend the rest of the match playing catch-up and you're going to put yourself in a very bad situation.

What I'm going to suggest you do is scrap the contracts; don't go to the contracts because a lot of people will be doing this, especially the Intel contracts and the safe crack contract. I know I said in my previous solo guides that you should be going for the safe crackers, but that was a few weeks ago, and at that point, not a lot of people were going for these.

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I'm going to give you two options for where I think you should land that are going to give you incredible positioning and a lot of loot now the first one is going to be the police station here, and also I'm going to suggest that you go to the bank now do bear in mind that depending on where the flotation path of the plane is headed, one or even both of these might not be the best place to drop, for example, if you're going straight over the bank and there's a contract there.

It's probably a good idea not to drop by there because there's going to be a lot of other people, obviously. I also look for vehicles nearby when I'm trying to land to see if there is one nearby. This is why I love dropping by the bank, because you can get a lot of cash very easily, and if only one other person is there a lot of the time, then you'll be able to avoid that fight and get a little bit of cash.

how to get solo wins in warzone 2

It doesn't matter what your primary is; it doesn't matter whether the circle is going to end; the best thing that you can have in your pocket at this stage in the game is going to be the fennec, because it will absolutely delete people. To summarize, you just want to get in, get looted, get cash, get the fennec, and then stay in the car, and then you're in the midgame now the mid game the.

The biggest enemy that you're going to have is going to be yourself or your lack of patience. I can't count the amount of times I've got to like the top 70 or the top 50 and then I see someone and they run into a building, and then I decide to push that building where they're holding an angle and I get sent to the gulag, and I smash my fists onto my desk and scream, "Why do I even bother you?" "You have a vehicle, and you have a fast-firing SMG." There is no reason why you should be pushing into buildings.

how to improve at warzone 2

You just need to stay patient, and then what I suggest you do is just go from gas station to gas station, or gas station for you guys over the pond. That way, you'll be able to get even more loot, and you'll also be making sure that your vehicle is staying topped up on fuel. Now, at this point, what I would suggest is, depending on where the circle is that you want to stick to driving around in, open areas, you really want to avoid any built-up areas with high buildings.

People will love to just hide up on these buildings with an LMG or a few drill charges, and they could take you out pretty easily instead. Instead, what you need to be doing is driving around on sort of the north-east side of the map or the south side of the map, where there are fewer buildings now on top of this.

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You also want to make sure that you're sort of just outside of the circle. If you're just outside of the circle as you patrol around, you're never going to get caught in the gas because you're in a vehicle, so you'll always be able to make it inside the gas, but also what you'll do is catch people running, and you'll catch them off guard.

tips for warzone 2

This is where you'll be able to employ the tactic that I like to call the car jump. If you didn't watch my last article where I gave you this tip, I'll go over it briefly again. Basically, in Warzone 1 and 2, if you jump out of a moving vehicle while it's moving, you will not take any damage and you will stop dead still, whereas the car will continue on with full momentum.

If you drive past an enemy, the car will whiz past them, and you can jump out while they're still shooting at the car, giving you a free easy kill. This is how I get my armor. Satchel How do I get extra ammunition? This is basically how I set myself up for the end game while playing solos because it is so easy to get the drop on these players and you can take them out with ease if you followed my earlier tip and have the fennec in your back pocket, and this is basically going to conclude my tips for the midgame.

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The midgame is all about just driving around, staying patient, and only taking easy fights; obviously, if you want to go for high kill games, then do it that way, but if you're serious about winning a solo game, the midgame is where most of the frustration is going to happen because there are going to be people spread around absolutely.

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What you want to do is scout out the circle on your map whilst you're driving around, and then try and find what you believe is going to be the highest points available in the end game positioning. Loadout, it doesn't matter if you've got all the perks; if you have ship positioning, you're going to get, but what I would suggest that you do is ditch the car and then make your way to the high point, and then you wait and are patient again.

The thing is, even if you see someone running in the open, you could easily take chances. It's not going to be the best idea. Yes, that guy will have to die at some point, but that doesn't mean that you have to give your position away, and nine times out of ten, you'll be able to let most of the other people remaining kill themselves.

warzone 2 best tips and tricks

I'm just trying to hold onto the last bit of high ground that I have available. I do not want to be down in those buildings, because then it is a lot easier for someone to creep up behind me with no footstep or audio. I have the storms on my back, so I know that I'm completely safe. From all of this area I have in front of me.

I see this guy here, so I pepper him with a few bullets so I know that he is forced to be able to plate this, which means that I'm able to run with the zone and get the next bit of high ground that is left. I see this guy sniping, but I decide that the best course of action is to just continue on.

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In this video, I'm going to show you how to easily win Warzone 2 solo matches! I'll share with you my tips and tricks for winning in this intense online multiplayer game! If you're looking for tips on how to easily win solo Warzone 2 matches, then this Warzone 2 Tips and Tricks Video is for you! By the end of this video, you'll know all the tricks to beating the enemy and taking home the victory.
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