News - 5 Tips To Win More Warzone 2. 0 Solos

best warzone 2 tips

Solos and Warzone 2 on the massive Owl Mazura map are a ton of fun but also extremely difficult, but I've got five tips for you guys to help improve in both of these and just Warzone 2 in general. Now, as a quick heads-up, in the beginning of this gameplay, which I'm voicing over here, it's going to be pretty laggy and steady.

This has been happening on a lot of the games, unfortunately, like the first circle or so, but then it gets much better and kind of evens out at the end of the game, so hopefully this gets fixed soon. So tip number one is all about cash flow right now. Cash is really hard to come by in Warzone too unless you're doing particular things, and for me, the best thing to do off the bat is to land on a safecracker, contract these.

They're essentially like scavengers; they're going to mark three safes on your map; you go up and interact with them, and it blows up a save and drops a bunch of loot, including cash; we complete all those, and you're going to get even more money for completing that contract. You're going to easily have 10K, plus enough to get two of your custom loadout guns now that you're a full loadout, not your equipment in perks but just your guns with attachments, and then usually have some left over to buy things like an ID and in this particular game.

how to get better at warzone 2

I ended up dying from something that was completely out of my control, but I won my Gulag. I landed on a safe cracker and got a ton of money, and then I was right back in the action because of this contract, and that kind of goes into tip number two, which is that having that cash flow allows you to get things like UAVs.

Now, UAVs function differently in War Zone 2. There was only one per buy station, so if another random player goes up to a buy station and buys a UAV, there's one left. There are no more UAVs at that buying station; I'm not sure if they replenish over time or not. But uavs are hard to come are hard to come by and extremely rare because when you are shooting with an you're shooting a unsilence gun, you do not ping on the minimap like you did in War Zone One, but you do appear on the compass, which is that top portion of your screen, and it gives you the direction that people are shooting from but not an exact location, so the only way you know an exact location is.

how to improve at warzone 2

With a UAV now, if you can't find uavs or bounty contracts or another great way to one get cash, but two give you an idea of where somebody is and even if you're not going to necessarily go push them, if you pick up a bounty contract, you now know okay, there's somebody in this area. Tip number three, and probably one of the most important things for all of Warzone right now, is to slow down.

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Number one, we don't know this map, and we're also learning it, but more importantly, these sprint times and the aim down site speed times in Warzone 2 are incredibly slow compared to those in Warzone 1. One thing that I've personally done is turn off my automatic tactical screen. I have it on single tap to auto tax ramp, so it's very easy for me to get to my auto tax sprint, but it's also easier for me to just walk around at a normal place with my gun down so I can much easier aim it in case someone pops around a corner because if you get caught sprinting and someone sees you, you're dead, and you're not going to win that fight for the most part, so a general rule of thumb is if you're in a tight area, whether it's indoors or something like that, slow down and don't go sprint.

You're also going to make way less noise when you're not sprinting, and you'll see that a lot in this gameplay of how that comes in handy for me. Number four is always rotating with cover, so besides the slow sprint to fire slow ads, it also has an incredibly fast time to kill in war zone 2. And if you get caught out in the open, you are gone for the most part, so when you are going from point A to point B, try to find a round where you have areas of cover to get behind if you start getting shot, or even take a vehicle, and things like that.

tips for warzone 2

The vehicles. I think, are going to be extremely useful in War Zone 2 because of the size of this map and the overall slower movement speed of your characters, and then my final tip, which at the end of this game was an absolute textbook, is Solo. Game ending: There are two main ways to play late games in solos, and number one is going to be to always rotate, in late with the gas or with the zone, and you'll see I do that, and if I didn't do that.

I would have died in the situation 100 percent. A lot of players and soloists like to hang back, and the last thing you want to do is have someone wrap around you from behind, because chances are you are done if someone gets behind you. Then the other option is going to be if you have a pretty good idea of where the zone is going to end up going.

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I'd recommend trying to find a center power position if you think you have a clear rotate to get there early, so if that's a building or a large hill. I'd kind of do a little bit of both of those things in this end game, so I'm going to leave it at that. Those are my five tips, but in this gameplay I am talking about my thought process for what I'm doing, so I think there's still a lot of useful information.

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To just watch the rest of the gameplay and for you guys to help understand some tips to just improve and solos especially but in War Zone 2 in general, so guys. I hope you found this article helpful if you did leave a like and subscribe for more content like this. I think I hear him. It's weird man, the ttk like really close is like lightning fast but then like mid-range like that, it's slower but he also did have a three-play vest, so like that does make it feel a lot slower because he's got 50 more HP than I do basically, a lot of cash self-revive.

I'll kick that hold that okay vibe. I got more cash too, my bounty is up here but it's going to go away soon, there were more people that ping over here, so chances are there's more people in here. I just have zero idea where they are. I'm going to go here. I guess this is a rather steep hill, gentlemen.

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We are getting our workout in. I could also try to go to a buy station and buy a UAV; hopefully nobody has bought in a UAV permit because there's only one UAV per buy station. I am not a fan of that mechanic either. I think you make significantly less noise when you're not thrown on the bike. He probably just popped it; I'm pretty sure he just popped that, so he knows where I am, and I'm not sure if he saw me or not.

This does have a small glint, though I'm pretty sure this is a scope. All right, I think I'm cool with what I got; I'm 90 percent positive. He just bought a UAV, so yeah, it's gone. Can I buy gas masks? Gas masks are well, gas Max is cheap, dangit. I could probably buy another one and stash it if I'm feeling frisky.

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5 Tips to Win More in Warzone 2. 0 Solos. In this educational Warzone 2 video we take an in-depth look at strategies to win more games in Warzone Battle Royale Solos. Become a Crew Member to receive exclusive perks.
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