News - Will Warzone 2 Guns Be Any Good Warzone 2i

Something I noticed right away is that they significantly cut down on the visual recoil, the amount of visual gun kick that we were seeing, as well as the amount of muzzle smoke that creates sort of a strobing effect and makes it difficult to see what you were shooting at as you were shooting. There was a very big difference between the Modern Warfare 3 beta and Modern Warfare 2, and I'm curious to see if they're going to be making any adjustments to those areas when they bring the Modern Warfare 2 guns into the game; if not, that would be a very noticeable downside to using the Modern Warfare 2 guns compared to the Modern Warfare 3 guns, and again, perhaps that's what they're going to be going for; maybe they want to encourage you to use the Modern Warfare 3 weapons, so maybe they will maintain that high visual recoil.

Attachment differences

Attachment differences

Another big difference between these guns to consider is the attachments. As far as we're aware at this point, keeping in mind that we haven't seen the entire integration and how it's all going to work, the Modern Warfare 2 guns will maintain all of the same attachments that they had in Modern Warfare 2, whereas the Modern Warfare 3 weapons have a completely different attachment set that they'll be working with, and those attachments have completely different pros and cons attached to them, especially when you start stacking attachments.

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Together, I think we're potentially going to be seeing very big differences in full builds that you don't necessarily see if you're just comparing the base guns to each other.

Handling & mobility


And then finally, a couple other things I wanted to mention here based on my very limited testing throughout the beta with the Modern Warfare 3 guns It appears the base movement speeds of the weapons are roughly similar between Modern Warfare 2 guns and Modern Warfare 3 guns, so I don't think anything will need to be changed there, and you might be a little confused by that.

I've seen a lot of people express confusion, thinking I thought Modern Warfare 3 was so much faster than Modern Warfare 2, so it doesn't make sense that they had roughly the same movement speeds, which is the big reason you're seeing such a big difference in pacing. With Modern Warfare 3, they've just eliminated a lot of the movement penalties that existed in Modern Warfare 2, so it freed up a lot more options and allowed for more options for aggressive players to get around the map quickly, with slide canceling being the big one.


While you can feel way more comfortable moving aggressively in Modern Warfare 3, you can technically get around a little bit faster if you're using slide canceling a lot, for instance. The base movement speeds themselves don't appear to be drastically different between the Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 guns, so even if they don't touch movement speeds with Modern Warfare 2 guns, you're still going to be able to get around the map a whole lot faster, regardless of which gun you're using, whether that's a Modern Warfare 2 gun or a Modern Warfare 3 gun.

And then finally, when it comes to handling things like our aim-down sight speeds and sprint-out speeds, at least for the regular guns, they all appeared to be about the same between Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 weapons. However i was noticing that with certain guns in Modern Warfare 3, like shotguns, it felt like the sprint-out times on those were much slower on average than what we experienced in Modern Warfare 2, so I am curious to see if they make any adjustments there to equalize those, and perhaps that's something they will need to do with guns, especially shotguns, in order to keep them balanced with the generally slower time to kill that we're seeing in the game, but I guess time will have to tell on that one.

Wrap up

Wrap up

Overall, at the end of the day, looking at all these numbers. I was very surprised to see that the Modern Warfare 2 guns look like they will port quite nicely into Modern Warfare 3 to compete against at least the guns that we had access to in the beta build of Modern Warfare 3. Of course. I plan to revisit all of this at launch once we gain access to all of the Modern Warfare 3 weapons so I can get some proper testing on those, and then, of course.

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I'll be testing out the Modern Warfare 2 to see exactly what changes, if anything. But as of right now, at least I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. A like rating is always appreciated, and don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already. I'll talk to you guys next.

Modern Warfare III will be the first CoD Multiplayer game that brings in all of the guns from the previous game and since there's also going to be a change to health values, I wanted to take a look at how the MWII guns in their current state would stack up against the MWIII guns that we had access to in the Beta.
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