News - 3 Key Changes Already Coming For Warzone 2i Beta Week 2

Player visibility

Player visibility

And starting it off, the first thing they mentioned here on their list was operator visibility. This is something that I think is going to be a really easy tweak for them. It's literally just tweaking some values. So it's nice to see that they've acknowledged this feedback, and we should be expecting some changes for the second weekend of the beta.

Honestly, if they just revert it back to what we saw in Modern Warfare 2, I'd be happy with that.

Slide adjustments

Slide adjustments

Next up, another thing they mentioned here is slide timing, and while they didn't go into detail with this. I think it's safe to assume that this is likely talking about that little delay after a slide cancellation, where you're kind of stuck in place and you can't get immediately back into a sprint or a tactical sprint.

Now personally, even as a more aggressive player that's been utilizing slide cancel quite a bit throughout the first weekend of the beta. I didn't mind this too much as a happy middle ground between Modern Warfare 2019 slide cancel and Modern Warfare 2, where sliding was essentially a useless mechanic entirely, so I am curious to see what they do here if they're just going to eliminate that delay and make it back to how it used to be where you could get right back into a tactical sprint almost immediately after a slide cancel.

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I'm not saying I'm necessarily opposed to that. Like I said, I'm somebody who utilizes slide canceling myself, and I will adapt to that just fine. I'll probably even benefit from it more than anything, but at the same time. I don't think the game should be 100% catered to one particular direction, and I really didn't mind having that middle ground present with the way that the slide cancel worked in the first weekend of the beta.

In either case, I'll definitely keep you guys posted on this. Once we get into the second weekend, I will do some side-by-side comparisons so we can see exactly what they do to this slide.

Spawn adjustments

Spawn adjustments

But then finally, for the things that they listed out that we can expect for the second weekend of the beta, these are adjustments to spawn selection, and this has been my number one gameplay-related complaint with the game since the Call of Duty next event. Even the spawns are in a rough state, and I've actually been doing a ton of spawn analysis.

I've literally spent hours just going into matches, pulling up my attack map, and watching spawns for the entire match on all of the maps and various modes. And I finally got a pretty good handle on how the spawns are working, and I also have a ton of feedback to provide on this. And hopefully, with the feedback I provide, I wouldn't expect it to be implemented within the second weekend of the beta.

I'll be able to help them a little bit with those tweaking spawns before the launch of the game, and there we go. Those are the three things that they've listed that they are actively going to be working on between beta weekend 1 and weekend 2, and I am excited to see those changes.

My big hope for weekend 2

My big hope for weekend 2

One thing I would love to see as well is that we never know if they're actually going to do anything about this, and it almost seems pointless to even ask at this point, but man.

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I hope they do something about the matchmaking. Something really seems to have changed yesterday. For the first couple days of the beta. I wouldn't say I had a serious issue with the matchmaking; obviously, it felt like I was getting harder than average matches, but a lot of that could just be chocked up to the fact that it was the Early Access portion of the beta, so people that are playing in that are generally going to be people that are very serious about the game and have pre-ordered the game or tracked down a beta code through some other means.

modern warfare 2

However, when the beta went open for all PlayStation players, it's like a switch got flipped with the matchmaking, and things got significantly harder. Also, the connection experience got significantly worse. I was noticing a lot more desync, and a huge mismatch between the feeling of how long it takes to die to an enemy versus how long it takes to kill an enemy player it honestly felt like enemies were reacting instantly and dropping me in two bullets even though I know that they were actually killing me in four to five bullets that's not at all what it was looking like on my end and the game became practically unplayable, at that point and it was really frustrating cuz I like the core mechanics of the game I like the gameplay of the game, but obviously when it feels like you're at a huge disadvantage there and your enemies are killing you instantly but it takes you the appropriate number of shots to kill them, that obviously isn't going to be a good experience.

I actually tweeted this yesterday, and I stood behind it when I was playing Call of Duty next against streamers and actual professional players. I felt that was an easier experience than what I've been experiencing throughout the past day of the beta, so obviously there's an issue there, and I hope this is something that gets resolved.

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Honestly, this happened last year with the Modern Warfare 2 Beta as well. I remember that for the first bit, I was having a great experience with it, even for the first weekend. I think I had a great experience, and then the second weekend, it was like they flipped a switch, and it was just a terrible experience after that, so I guess time will tell for the second weekend, but hopefully there's a bit of an improvement here because I definitely haven't been having fun for the past day or so of the beta.

Weekend 2 start time

Weekend 2 start time

And with that, there's just one last section I wanted to cover in today's article, and that is what we can expect to see content- and game-mode-wise for the second weekend of the beta, which is just a reminder. The Early Access portion of this is for Xbox and PC, and this will continue to be open for all PlayStation players.

This starts this Thursday, October 12th, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time, and then on Saturday, October 14th, this is when it goes open for all platforms, so you don't need a beta code; you don't need to pre-order.

Content & modes for the second weekend

Anyone can hop on for free on October 14th to play, and with this second weekend of the beta, they're going to be bumping up that level cap up to level 30, which will then allow us to unlock anything else that we were able to see within the menus of the first weekend of the beta, and this includes things like the ghost perk as well as covert sneakers or effectively the Dead Silence perk in this game.

modern warfare ii

Additionally, Highrise will be added to the second weekend of the beta, and I'm looking forward to this the most. Even though the spawns were pretty rough when I was playing Highrise at Call of Duty next, it's definitely my favorite out of the lineups of maps that we've had access to, so I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on that.

Week 1 of the Modern Warfare III Beta has come to an end and Sledgehammer has already outlined several things that they're planning on changing for the second weekend of the Beta.
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