News - Confirmed Features That Were Missing The Warzone 2i Beta

Confirmed features for launch

Confirmed features for launch

modern warfare 2

Well, this is something I covered in the past, but many may have missed this with the aftermarket parts article that they uploaded before the beta. There were several screens that clearly showed the ability to access detailed stats. So that functionality, is in the game they just didn't have it in the beta build of the game and I'm pretty sure cold war did the same thing if I remember correctly Cold War didn't have those detailed stats in the beta but the moment the game launched we did get access to those detailed stats so we fully anticipate the detailed stats page will be available at launch, additionally in that same article another thing they confirmed is a firing range will be available, as well now I'm very curious to see what the new firing range looks like and I hope they expand the features on it so it's not as basic as the Modern Warfare 2 version but in either case I did want to point out this has been again a effectively confirmed unless something has changed from this build it's been effectively confirmed with that aftermarket parts article and the final feature we can learn from that aftermarket parts article that I actually missed when I initially covered that is it looks like attachment tuning, is going to be returning.

And you can see on this page that there is a tuning symbol. It only showed up on this particular section of the article; there were other sections that didn't show the tuning icon, but I guess some attachments can be tuned and others can't, but again, unless something has changed from this build that they were showing us with aftermarket market parts, it does appear tuning is going to be returning.

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Even though I was actually seeing some positive responses throughout the beta with people saying I'm glad tuning isn't in, it makes things just a little bit easier and more simplified while still having a lot of customization available with all of the attachments. Well, unfortunately for those people, it looks like tuning will be returning.

modern warfare ii

However, at least with detailed stats. I think tuning is going to be a lot better than it was in Modern Warfare 2, or at least I hope so, because that was one of the biggest frustrations with the tuning system in Modern Warfare 2: you never really knew exactly how much you were helping that particular area, and I would say more importantly, how much you were harming the characteristic that you're tuning away from.

In either case, it looks like that will be returning. As for the next feature that wasn't available in the beta but will of course be available with the full build of the game, it is access to double XP tokens, and not only that, but they have confirmed in the past that our double XP tokens from Modern Warfare 2 will be carrying over to Modern Warfare 3, so perhaps you want to hold off on using those in Modern Warfare 2 and just save them up for Modern Warfare 3.


After that, there's another feature that wasn't in the beta that has been confirmed to be coming for launch. This is the player's health bar, and from the sounds of it, it's your own health bar that shows up on your heads-up display, not the type of health bar that appears above enemy players heads.

So if we look back to the Cold War, for instance, you can see on the bottom left of the screen, right above the name, that health bar there. It looks like that will be returning to Modern Warfare 3, and I think that is a welcome edition, especially with the 150 HP and the generally slightly slower time to kill.

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I just find it nice to see exactly how hurt you are in any given situation. Instead of trying to guess based on how red your screen is at the time now, of course we did have this health bar available in Ground War. You can see it for yourself as well as your squad members, but just not in the regular multiplayer modes that will be coming to regular multiplayer, and with that, those are the primary features that I was at least seeing questions about throughout the beta.

People are just asking, Where is this feature going to be in the full build? It looks like the answer for all of those is yes; they will be in the full build of the game.

Expected features for launch

Expected features for launch

However, of course there's other things that haven't been explicitly mentioned, but of course we fully expect it will be in the full build, and it was just limited because it's a beta build, and this is not out of the ordinary, so things like the combat record, for instance, rarely give us access to a combat record for betas, but in the full build of the game.

I fully expect at least a basic combat record so we can check our like that. Additionally, in the challenges tab, we didn't have access to all of the various challenges, and that is again normal for a beta at launch. We should have a wide variety of challenges, including player challenges and camo challenges, for instance.

Also of course custom games as much as I would love to have custom games in the beta so I could do a ton of testing and provide even better feedback, with that testing, unfortunately that's something we just never get access to in betas and then obviously on top of that there's just a ton of content to be expecting at launch that we didn't have access to of course we didn't have all of the perks all the weapons all the equipment kill streaks, there will be more of all of those coming and then of course there is the content carryover this time around where all of the Modern War Warfare 2 content is also going to be carrying forward into Modern Warfare 3, and of course we didn't have access to any of that throughout the beta so there we go just in case you guys were wondering those are the features we can absolutely. Expect to see when the game launches.

More features i hope to see

More features i hope to see

Now let's get into a list of just a few hopes that I have for things that I think are reasonable, like asking for a theater mode at this point, which is probably unreasonable. I think it's highly unlikely a theater mode is coming to the game if they haven't mentioned it by now; that would be a massive surprise if it appeared at launch.

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But getting into this list, one feature that many of us have been providing feedback on with the beta build of the game that I think the functionality already exists for, and it's literally a matter of them just turning this on if I'm not mistaken This is a kill counter in the bottom center of your screen.

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