News - Will Warzone 2 Guns Be Any Good Warzone 2i

modern warfare 2

On top of this, we're going to be seeing a notable change to the amount of health that players have with Modern Warfare 3, and as a result. I was curious to see what it would look like just porting those Modern Warfare 2 guns into Modern Warfare 3 without making any changes.

Assault rifle ttk comparison (150hp)

Assault rifle ttk comparison (150hp)

so with this we're going to be primarily focusing on the damage values and the time to kill however there are a lot of other factors that I want to touch on after the time to kill comparison, so make sure you stick around for those cuz that could also have a big effect but let's just Dive Right into this with our time to kill comparison , and we're going to start off comparing the Modern Warfare 2 assault rifles to the assault rifles that we had access to in the Modern Warfare 3 beta keep in mind these values are our best time to kill potential to the body in the maximum damage range for these guns and as we can see here I was very surprised to see these results, it looks like porting those Modern Warfare 2 Guns over without changing any damages.

modern warfare ii

May actually work. You can see the Modern Warfare 3 guns from the beta are distributed fairly evenly throughout this time to kill graph, and this is not what I expected. I fully expected they'd have to make some very noticeable damage adjustments to the Modern Warfare 2 Guns to make them fit in properly with the time to kill however that just doesn't appear to be the case with assault rifles now one of the beta guns from Modern Warfare 3 the MTZ 556, will have the fastest time to kill potential to the body out of any of these assault rifles, but the MCW is right around middle of the road when it comes to our base time to kill to the body and the SBA 545 is a little bit on the slower end actually so again I did find these results to be quite interesting it looks like at least just based on this it could work just fine just bringing those Modern Warfare 2 assault rifles over without adjusting damage profiles.

However i wanted to take this a step further with the assault rifles and have a look at what happens when you mix one single head shot in with those body shots, and with this, even though we get a higher head shot multiplier for most of the Modern Warfare 2 assault rifles, the fact that their base damage values tend to be quite a bit lower than the Modern Warfare 3 guns means that these Modern Warfare 3 assault rifles tend to perform significantly better when you add one single head shot into the equation, so now you can see them skewing far more to the left-hand side of this graph, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing; in fact, that's probably what they'd be aiming for if anything.

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My guess is they're going to want to keep the Modern Warfare 3 guns at least a little bit better than the Modern Warfare 2 guns because they want to encourage people to be logging in and leveling up those Modern Warfare 3 weapons, because what would the incentive be if the Modern Warfare 3 weapons were just outclassed by all of the Modern Warfare 2 weapons that you already have maxed out from the past year of playing? But again, I don't see any obvious issues here, just simply porting the damage values from Modern Warfare 2 Guns into Modern Warfare 3.

Smg ttk comparison (150hp)

Smg ttk comparison (150hp)

Now that's just looking at assault rifles, I want to also have a look at the other most commonly used class of weapons, which is SMGs. And once again, just plotting all these SMGs in Modern Warfare 2 and the Modern Warfare 3 beta, we once again see a reasonable distribution of those Modern Warfare 3 weapons in here, although they do tend to skew toward being a bit better on average than many of the Modern Warfare 2 SMGs.

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Although I will say guns like the minib, for instance, may be very significantly outclassed in Modern Warfare 3 compared to some of the faster-killing SMGs. So perhaps for certain individual guns we may see some minor tuning here or there just to make them at least viable, but in general, at least for SMGs.

I don't think we're going to need to see any significant rebalancing of damage profiles. However, let's once again take a look at mixing one single head shot mixed in with those body shots, and in the case of the Modern Warfare 3 SMGs that we had access to in the beta, one single headshot. As far as I could tell with my limited public match testing, which is limited, it didn't seem to do anything, whereas for many of the Modern Warfare 2 guns at 150 HP, mixing that one head shot in will make a difference, and this puts those Modern Warfare 3 SMGs now toward the middle of the pack when it comes to time to kill.

So there we go, just looking at the two most commonly used classes of weapons: assault rifles and SMGs. I honestly don't see any significant issues here with them simply porting those guns over and maintaining their exact same damage profiles.

Other weapon types

Other weapon types

In saying this, though, with some of the other weapon types. I think they're definitely going to have to make some changes, specifically the weapon types that are capable of getting a one-shot kill, and the big one that's coming to mind right now is like the Sab.

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For instance, from Modern Warfare 2, with its current damage profile, it would still be able to get a one-shot kill to the upper torso, neck, and head with an aim-down sight speed potential of less than 200 milliseconds. That would be incredibly overpowered in Modern Warfare 3. I think that would actually be the best gun in the entire game by a noticeable margin if they just ported that over and didn't change anything, so I definitely think certain types of weapons are going to need some adjustments, but when it comes to the standard full auto guns that we've looked at so far, they could probably just port them over one to one when we're talking about damages at.

Visual recoil


least, but damage and time to kill aren't everything. There are some other factors that I wanted to mention in this article. One of the big ones is that I'm very curious to see what they end up doing with the visual recoil of the Modern Warfare 2 weapons, because that was one of the big upsides of the Modern Warfare 3 beta.

Modern Warfare III will be the first CoD Multiplayer game that brings in all of the guns from the previous game and since there's also going to be a change to health values, I wanted to take a look at how the MWII guns in their current state would stack up against the MWIII guns that we had access to in the Beta.
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