News - Warzone 2i Beta Vs Warzone 2019 Slide Cancel. Is It Still Too Slow

modern warfare 2

I wanted to cover what the slide cancel looked like after the buff for the second weekend of the beta of Modern Warfare 3 and compare it to the past several Call of Duty games. I have been noticing quite a few people providing their feedback after the beta, and there's still a lot of people saying that buff wasn't enough and that they should get that slide cancel delay down to the level of, like, modern warfare 2019, for instance.

Now, this slide cancellation delay we're referring to is after you perform a slide cancellation in Modern Warfare 3, especially on the first weekend. There was a little bit of a delay before you could get back into a tactical sprint, for instance.

Beta week 1 vs week 2

Beta week 1 vs week 2

After you perform that slide , cancel now for the second weekend. But this is what it looked like from Week 1 to Week 2. There is a bit of a reduction there, but you can get back into Aack Sprint just a little bit faster in the second weekend. And like I said after this buff, there were still many people out there saying that they didn't take this far enough and that they should further reduce that delay after a slide cancellation.

Slide cancel evolution/comparisons

So I wanted to compare this second weekend post buff slide cancel in Modern Warfare 3's beta to the most recent Call of Duty games, and we're just going to work backwards here so we'll put it up against Modern Warfare 2, which for those of you guys that don't know doesn't actually have the ability to slide cancel, so obviously getting back into attack sprint after initiating slide is going to be significantly faster in Modern Warfare 3 as for Call of Duty.

modern warfare ii

Vanguard: This game did have a slide cancel, however it had a unique form of slide cancelling where you couldn't get back into attack Sprints for a little while you could get into a regular Sprint almost immediately and you could also fire your gun almost immediately after a slide cancel, but there was a short cooldown period where it prevented you from getting back into a tactical Sprint I think to prevent people from using this as a primary method of maneuvering around the map and more so as a tool to aggressively challenge somebody.

So again. Modern Warfare 3 is very noticeably faster than even Vanguard slide cancellation, at least if we're looking at the specific scenario of getting back into attack sprint, and then finally, let's get into what many people consider to be the gold standard of slide cancellation: Modern Warfare 2019 And I think a lot of people will be surprised to see that the post-patched version of slide cancellation from the Modern Warfare 3 beta appears to be identical to Modern Warfare 2019. They already did; we're at that level, and I honestly don't think we should take it any faster than it currently is, even as a player who likes to play aggressively and as somebody who frequently uses slide canceling when it's available in the game.

Pre-slide delay?

Pre-slide delay?

In saying this, though, there is another delay that a lot of people have been mentioning, and I noticed this myself throughout the beta as well, especially when I went back to do these tests.

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In older Call of Duty games, I wasn't noticing this in the same way. Obviously, if you hold it for too long, then you'll dive instead of sliding, but I actually found several situations in my testing here where I would accidentally dive because I was just trying to initiate a slide, but a tap didn't do anything.

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And therefore I had to hold it down for just a brief moment, and I've got to say that while it was a very short window of time, it still felt a little bit awkward and jarring sometimes when I try to initiate a slide and literally nothing happens, even though I know I click the button down. I felt the click, but nothing happens, and then you don't want to hold it down too long to the point where you're going to be diving.


That just doesn't quite feel right, and I don't think this short delay to initiate the slide was intended. I feel like this is more something on the technical side of things that's just causing that to happen unintentionally. But in either case, I do think there's some room for improvement. I think the moment you tap that slide button, you should be initiating that slide.

You shouldn't have to hold it for any period of time whatsoever, because that just creates confusion with the distinction between sliding and diving. Honestly, if we didn't have the dive mechanic and it was just sliding. I probably wouldn't have even noticed this, or if I did. I probably wouldn't care about it too much, but yeah.

I just found that sometimes it wasn't quite as responsive as I felt it should be in order to initiate that immediate slide. Now, is this a deal-breaker or anything? I adapted to it just fine, and generally speaking. I got that timing down to a point where I wasn't accidentally diving too often, but still. I think there is some room to tighten things up a little bit in that area.

Wrap up

Wrap up

Aside from that, though, I don't have any complaints here when it comes to the slide cancellation. I think that reduction for the second weekend, while it may appear to be quite subtle, was enough in my eyes to bring it to the level of Modern Warfare 2019.

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And I think any faster than that would be way overboard, to the point where if you're not slide canceling, you're putting yourself at a massive disadvantage.

The Slide Cancel delay from the first weekend of the Modern Warfare III Beta was reduced in the second weekend and I still see many people calling for a further reduction so today, I wanted to look at the evolution of Slide Cancel over the years with side-by-side comparisons to see where it stands.
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