News - Will Warzone 2 Fix Their Game Season 2

All of this leads to a less enjoyable experience for the end user. You know what's shocking is that I mentioned this article and didn't even talk about the UI, because honestly, the UI doesn't bother me as much as it used to. I've just come to accept it for what it is; it isn't good by any means, but hey.

It's here to stay; there's nothing they're going to do to change it, but I think if we consistently provide feedback when it comes to the spawns, the servers, and matchmaking, maybe we will see significant changes, even minuscule changes that just improve the overall quality of the game. I think it is a net positive.

So that's what I'm hoping for season two, because there's a lot to love here; there's a lot to get excited about, but without fundamental changes and fundamental improvements to the overall experience, the update is going to feel like they're just adding quantity without improving the quality, and that's not what Call of Duty needs right now, so that's it for today's article.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on all of the stuff we talked about. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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