News - 2 Boxxing Has Hijacked Warzone 2/warzone

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well. Well, Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone's matchmaking systems have been hijacked and taken over by the Call of Duty community. They've decided to fight back against skill-based matchmaking and put the power in their hands again, showcasing what the game could be if it had proper matchmaking involved in it.

Of course. I am referring to the tactic that many of you're using across this community called two-boxing, and I made my thoughts on this pretty clear in the past, but I'll reiterate it again for those of you that don't know if you Tu box. Be honest about it and transparent about it. If you're creating content or bragging about your scores, just be honest about it, and I don't care.

I'm all with you here. I am there on the front lines, picking between skill-based matchmaking and engagement-based matchmaking. Whatever it might be, I'm right there with you. I think it's stupid. I think it's oppressive, and honestly. I think it is a major detractor to a great game, and if this is what you need to do to enjoy the game, if this is what you need to do to reignite that spark that Call of Duty should have with you, go right ahead; this is your game.

call of duty

Play it how you want to. I don't think you're really affecting anyone at the end of the day because we've all been there. We've all been in those lobbies before when we were grinding up through Call of Duty, where you're just getting absolutely pooped on by somebody on the other team. It happens that's part of the Call of Duty experience.

What used to make the Call of Duty experience so great was the fact that you had these diversified matches. From one match to the next, you never knew what to expect, but in the new skill-based matchmaking age, you always know what to expect. super close games with everybody right around 1.0 and little to no fun had by anyone, and that's one of the reasons why player retention is down and player numbers are down.

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People are just sick of this awful system that is anti-playay, and unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if Activision is willing to abandon it because they've invested how many years into it and how much money into it, so they're just sticking to it. Guns, but at least it seems two-boxing is a way around.


This is a method that you can utilize to your advantage to make the game fun again and make it feel like new again, and I'm all for it. Go right ahead and do what you need to. The unfortunate part about boxing is that the more prevalent it gets, the more common it gets. This's going to create a situation where you're going to force Activision to do something about it.

And unfortunately i don't think the result from this is going to be what the community wants, which is a loosening of the overall skill-based matchmaking parameters, something that many feel will increase player retention, increase player numbers, increase fun and enjoyment, and end up increasing revenue, which is what Activision cares about, so it still doesn't really make much sense as to why they won't do anything about the current skill-based matchmaking parameters, but that's neither here nor there.


They won't do that because it makes sense because it's Pro Player, because it goes against what they've been working on for the last five, six, seven, and eight years with their skill-based matchmaking system, so instead, what they're going to do to combat boxing is eradicate it to force you to play.

Tenure, you know how you create loyal fans, you create experiences that last, and you create a community that cares about your article game, but Call of Duty has been so anti-community for the last several years that it shocks me that they still have so many fans. I mean, I'm still here. I don't know why.

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I feel like a spouse who just keeps coming back after getting abused again and again and again, but I'm still here, and it's so disappointing, and it just showcases how far Call of Duty has fallen that the community is resulting in these types of mechanics and tactics to just find genuine enjoyment in their game.

I mean, I feel bad for content creators that have to play Call of Duty 2 3 4 hours a day. That grind sounds horrible. That sounds awful. I mean, I barely even want to play the game for two to three matches per week. It's not enjoyable, and skill-based matchmaking is definitely a contributor to that.

xtz ferocity

So yeah, go ahead and buy two boxes. Go ahead and make the game more enjoyable for yourself. Make it easier for yourself. It's so crazy to me that a game like Xiance is coming out, and their big marketing pitch is the fact that there is no skill-based matchmaking in it. game, the fact that we've fallen that far because this wasn't something that was in every single article game; it wasn't there during the most popular Call of Duty games, Cod 4 MW2.

World of War Black Ops 1; it wasn't there, and even if it was, it wasn't as restrictive as it is now; it wasn't as oppressive as it is now, so where do we go wrong, where do we deviate from the successful path we were on that was all about the player experience at the forefront? Why is it that it has been ushered to the back and replaced in favor of these god awful algorithms that are not about maximizing your enjoyment?

It's all about optimizing your playtime, and I'm sick of it. I'm glad that this workaround is getting more popular. I'm glad that people are taking back and fighting back against Activision because they need it. They need the wakeup call, but unfortunately, I don't think it's going to wake them up.

I don't think it's going to result in them realizing that skill-based matchmaking in its current form does not result in what its intended purpose is; instead, it actually has an inverse effect on the game, with players playing for less time and not as many players finding workarounds to the matchmaking system.

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I mean, it's mind-blowing, and I don't hear about this in other games. Maybe it is prevalent in games like Fortnite, Apex, or Rainbow Six Siege. I don't really know, but the fact that it's even a thing just makes me laugh, because in competent games, that's not how it should be. But that's my thought on this.

I'd love to hear your thoughts when it comes to two boxes. Are you somebody who would do two boxes? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

2 Box has become way more popular over the last few weeks. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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