News - Warzone 2 Season 2 Is Good

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well. The season 2 road map for Modern Warfare 3 has been released, and yesterday we covered the crossover between Modern Warfare 3 and The Walking Dead. I don't really want to touch on that today; it's coming. It works with the zombie theme that they're trying to go for.

I'm fine with it, but let's talk further about all of the content you're going to see in season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 because this kicks it up a notch they looked at Season 1 was a little underwhelming, so they kicked it up a notch for Season 2. A lot of this has one giant asterisk hanging around it, though, because, like we've seen in the past, anytime they try to fix something, they end up breaking the game, so it is remarkable that when they release season 2 on February 7th, they do not break the game, and the user experience is enhanced with this update.

Deteriorated and that the game doesn't become unplayable for some, because that's my fear again. It's hard not to have that fear creep in your head because of the evidence that we've had for the last several years—several content drops that have all, in some way or another, broken other aspects of the game.


So I am a little cautiously optimistic about this. I have to be because of the evidence that supports my fears. What I will say though is that if they are able to release this with minimal problems or no problems, it is going to be an overall win for Modern War 3 because, like I said earlier, there's a lot of content here, and let's just dive into it right away.

First, I want to cover Modern Warfare Zombies. There is a little bit of disappointment here, and I feel for the Modern Warfare Zombies players, as it seems as if they're getting the shaft again. There is a new story mission coming, but it's not going to be at launch; it's going to be in season, so you're going to see it probably in March, the same with a new dark ether Rift, the same with new schematics, and a new warlord.

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All of this is coming in season, and I can understand why it is extremely disappointing. Because this season seems to be centered around the Zombies theme, it seems to be centered around the Walking Dead crossover, and to not have more for Modern Warfare Zombies is a disappointment. Now, where it gets better, it improves.


Right away, with Call of Duty: War Zone Fortune's Keep is coming back; there's an eradication contract coming weekly; zombie targets Squad wipe streaks; Bunker Buster kill streak research vessel, which is coming in season and extendable. Bridges, all of this is coming to Fortune Keep; there's also going to be new Wonder Weapons zombie powerups; there's going to be a rogue signal public event; and there's new equipment coming, which is called the portable decontamination station; and of course, ranked play is coming to War Zone, so that's everything that's coming to War Zone in season.

xtz ferocity

2, maybe not as much as some would like, but you can tell that they are adding to it all the time and again follow the cohesive theme of working with The Walking Dead and building a little bit more of a zombie theme, and this continues into multiplayer, and this is what I want to cover: new maps. Stash House, which is a brand new small area map I've said it before and I'll say it again: they nailed meat in season 1 for Modern Warfare 3; they needed more small area maps in Modern Warfare 3, and they nailed it, so hopefully the same can be said for Stash House.

We're also going to get Vista and departures—all of this at launch—as well as a brand new operation for war mode, Operation Tinman. Now in season, we are going to see Dos House remastered, and it appears there's going to be a couple variants also entering the map Pool for either hord point or Vortex, both of which are coming in season two at some point, and those two variants are going to be Skid Grow and Airborne.

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I'm excited to see what happens again. I didn't play a ton of Vortex, but Hordepoint might be something I try out. The other modes that are coming to Modern Warfare 3 here in season 2 are going to be team gun game Bounty Sniper only and Jugger MOS limited time mode, as well as hordepoint now right from the get-go team gun game snipers only and hordepoint will be in the game from Launch; the other two are going to be in season.

So that's all of the content, right? We're going to be getting a new zombie story mission, although it has to wait until in season for a brand new map for War Zone or a returning map. I guess with Fortune's Keep, and then, of course, the three new 6v6 maps and operation Tin Man for War Mode. So a lot is going on here.

This is one of the most content-heavy releases we've ever seen from this seasonal content drop system that Call of Duty has had for the last several years. This is a good thing now. Will it all work? Only time will tell. Will all the content be good again? Only time will tell. I've always said that quantity does not equate to quality, and I'd rather have quality over quantity, so maybe that comes into play here, but again, I don't know.

I haven't been able to play this season yet, so who knows? I will save my judgments and my criticisms of all this content until I can actually play it now. Of course, with every new seasonal launch, there's going to be new weapons, new orders, and more new weapons you're going to get: Bp50 and the Ram 9, which are both battle pass weapons.

There's also going to be the SDA subverter, which is going to be in season, as well as the soul render, which is in season. There are also some new aftermarket parts. There's a new operator, and of course there's going to be a myriad of different events as well, and this is what I want to focus on: the first horde hunt of the year at Dragon Crypo Boot Camp.

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The Walking Dead's fear of the living and V Talkx's decay's realm are all different events that are going to be happening within season 2 of Modern Warfare 3. I have said this from the beginning. Call of Duty needs to do more limited-time events; they need to do more things to drive player retention, and player traffic events help do that.

I'm excited to see what comes of this, but again. I'm hoping that they're actually better than what we've seen so far in Modern Warfare 3, because, if I'm going to be honest, the events that we've experienced as of late in Modern Warfare 3 have been sort of a letdown. I'd like to see more rewards and incentives for the player to play the events and complete the challenges, but we'll just have to wait and see.

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