News - Will Warzone 2 Fix Their Game Season 2

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well. Yesterday we covered the overwhelming wealth of content that is coming to season 2 of Modern Warfare 3, but towards the end of that article. I hypothesized that this season's success hangs on Activision's ability to release a competent update that does not break the game, does not have bugs that fundamentally break some of the core features of your game, and also whether or not they fix the core issues of the game.

So today I want to dive a little bit deeper into what some of those core issues are and what it is that is going to cause season 2 to fail. And it all comes down to three key components for me. Number one is spawns. The spawn system in Modern Warfare 3 has been universally panned since the game's launch.

Even before that, during the beta, we were talking consistently about how the spawn system needs to change, and unfortunately, nothing has been done about it. It seems that there's been an update to just one game mode spawn logic, which is hardpoint other than that, whether it comes to TDM, kill confirmed, or dominance.

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The spawn logic has not been updated, which does not meet the demands of this community, unfortunately. That is going to hinder whatever update you bring to Modern Warfare 3 in season 2. You could make three of the best maps in the history of this game with Dash House Vista and departures, but without better spawn logic.


They'll just kind of feel like they're midway, and that's the issue with Rio and Greece right now: both of them, which I feel are strong maps, are decent maps, but they're held back by a really bad spawn system, a spawn system that has plagued Modern Warfare 3 ever since its inception, and without real change, at least they're being worked on.

I don't really have high hopes for season 2 to change. I'm sure more content is better, and higher-quality content is awesome. But if we're still experiencing the same flaws that we experienced back in November and back in October during the beta, it's a little unacceptable, and that's why things need to change.

That would be incredible news. That would be the news would be music to my ears, because it's one of the biggest hindrances to my enjoyment of Modern Warfare 3. I have some other issues with the core gameplay of Modern Warfare 3, but if the spawn system were improved, some of those issues would fall by the wayside.


I wouldn't be as bothered by them so hopefully. They actually address it here with Modern Warfare 3 season 2, or at least at some point during the life cycle of season 2 for Modern Warfare 3. But that's not the only thing that is holding Mod Warfare 3 back from realizing some of its potential. The other thing that I've talked about numerous times is the servers, and hit detection in this game is absolutely horrendous at times.

Sometimes it's exquisite; it feels like I'm playing the classic Modern Warfare 2 game from 2009, where your hits are hitting and your shots are on target, and they're consistent. And then there's other times where it just feels as if you can't hit the broadside of a barn; you couldn't hit water if you fell out of a boat, like it's that frustrating.

xtz ferocity

It's extremely inconsistent, and the inconsistencies aren't just match to match; it feels like it's gunfight to gunfight, where it depends on who you're battling with whether or not you're going to be getting good hit detection or bad hit detection. Of course, some of this is user-related, and some of it is me being bad at the game, and I can come to terms with that and I can understand that, and recognize that I'm not here to say.

Call of Duty, please make me better. I'm saying, Hey Call of Duty, Dy, when I hit shots on target. Let them hit Target, right? Let them be on Target. And that's been one of the biggest issues and biggest flaws that Modern Warfare 3 has had. The game has just felt inconsistent since launch in its hit detection, but that's also not where the server issues stop.

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Yes, hit detection has been very poor, but sometimes, and I know all of us have experienced this shoot first, die first, the experience of being absolutely melted when you put in at least five or six shots into somebody. Those server issues are server-related; it's not your internet; it is 100% on Activision servers; and the fact that it feels like sometimes it takes 18 bullets to kill somebody and two to kill you—that type of inconsistency also ruins the overall enjoyment of your game.

During that skill-based matchmaking update, They talked so much about player retention, these types of problems, and whether it's the spawn of the servers. Those cause people to leave your game. They look at the overall servers, and they say this isn't consistent enough for me; the quality isn't there, so they leave the game.

It has nothing to do with the overall competition in the game; it has everything to do with the inconsistencies. From gunfight to gunfight, your bread and butter is gunfights. You have to be more consistent with it; you have to be better at it. You cannot just look at it and say, Well, good enough.

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Speaking of good enough, the matchmaking system—and this isn't going to be me once again going on a skill-based matchmaking rant; that's not what this is about. I mean, down to the core of this game, the matchmaking needs to be better. It's not good enough as it currently stands. It always feels as if you're going up against a pro team and you've got nothing but scrubs on your team.

The lobby balancing in this game is horrendous, and it's super consistently bad, and it's a major problem. The other issue that I'm sick and tired of experiencing is that if you back out of one match, the next match you enter is guaranteed to be a match in progress, and the wait times in between matches are still far too long because you exit a lobby and then you're waiting to find your next game.

Instead of lobbies being carried through, can we please have lobbies carried through again? I know it's been something we've talked about, and it's been something we've been promised in the past, but it still has not been done. It's a massive problem for Call of Duty, and it's something they need to fix, so the three pillars they need to fix in season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 are the spawns.

Just as it stands right now, they're not good enough; they need to be improved. It's been a talking point for far too long on the servers, which are causing massive inconsistencies with hit detection, overall gameplay, and matchmaking, and this isn't even again about skill-based matchmaking. It's just the overall team composition, and the way matches are found right now is clunky and inconsistent.

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