News - Fixing The Warzone 2 Armory System

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well with season 1's content drop. We got a ton of new stuff, obviously the new maps and a few new modes, but we also obviously received a ton of new armory unlocks. And, well, in part, this is great as it gives us more to unlock. It's also showcasing just how arbitrary this system is.

Now, of course, everybody has their own opinion on how it should work, should it even exist in the game, and while I might be in the ladder camp where I don't really think it needs to be in the game and it arbitrarily bogs down the unlock system. I can also sit here and create an argument for it to exist to add a layer to the unlock cycle in Modern Warfare 3, but how can we make it better?

How can it be improved? So today I'm going to put on my developer hat and pretend that I'm an employee over at Sledgehammer Games and create a system that I believe would make the Armory unlock system a lot better and a lot more engaging for every single player instead of it just being arbitrarily daily challenges or instead of just winning games, it'll become a system that works for everybody as well as makes it feel rewarding when you do unlock a specific Armory.


Now, originally, when I thought about doing this article. I just said. Why don't they just make it as simple as what they had in Black Ops 2 where you just got a level-up token to unlock something, and that's it? Well, the complications with that are that Modern Warfare 3 has a ton of stuff locked behind the armory unlock system; it's not just weapons; it's not just attachments; it's also perks; it's also kill streaks.

It's also a field upgrade. So I don't think a simple level-up token makes sense. What would make sense instead? What about armory challenges? What if there was a specific section just for armory challenges, not tied to daily challenges or wins? specific armor challenges you have to complete; maybe some of them are as unique as you utilize.


This attachment for x amount of kills or attach this perk to earn x amount of kills or travel this much distance in tactical sprint so that it seems as if you could earn multiple challenges, in every single game you're not tied to earning only one or two challenges or the maximum three daily challenges a day you're tied to unlocking as many armory challenges as you possibly can, and then each armory challenge gives you a certain amount of XP as well as an armory token so that you can unlock what you want in the armory system.

So some will be harder, and some will be easier. The hard ones might grant you 10 armor tokens. The easy ones will grant you one. So you can sit there and grind for the things you want to grind for; at the beginning, earn those tokens, spend them on the things you want to spend them on, and then, and then, you can earn the other stuff in the background, similar to how it is now, but you'll be earning more and more frequently so that you can just have more access to the game instead of this arbitrary, grindy, over-the-top system that we have now that can be improved.

xtz ferocity

So this is just one of my ideas, and honestly. I think it's something that will diversify and create more engagement within the game, which is a positive thing as players are going to be trying to earn these armory challenge rewards instead of just going through the arbitrary daily challenges or the arbitrary win to get your armory unlocks.

Instead, you've got something more engaging to work towards. Now, of course, this isn't the only idea I have, so if you're not a fan of that, you might be a fan of this one, where every single armory unlock has a specific challenge associated with it. Unfortunately, what this will do is create a system where it'll be a lot tougher to earn multiples in one game, but maybe you can let's use the trophy system.

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For instance, to unlock the trophy system right now, I believe there are three daily challenges or wins that you need to unlock. Well, instead of that, maybe I have to get five kills off of stun enemies, so you equip that stun grenade and stun five enemies, you get those five kills, and bada bing bada boom, you get the trophy system unlocked.

We've also had to unlock the vetle warship, gunship, or whatever the Harrier is in Modern War for three. Either way. I think both of these changes I've made to the armory tokens with more generalized challenges or the specific challenges to unlock what you want at a specific time is a better system than what they have right now.

What they have right now is far too arbitrary and feels far too fluffy. This would provide a little bit more depth to the game and a little bit more engagement for the player. I think it would earnestly change how we play Modern Warfare 3, even if it's just in the short term, as it would push players more towards trying to grind for challenges, which we know players enjoy doing.

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There is a level of fun associated with that; otherwise, people wouldn't be grinding for the interstellar camo, people wouldn't be asking for Classic Prestige to come back, people wouldn't be grinding to hit the maximum 250 level right now, and all this would equate to having that more complete experience.

From the get-go, I've been against this armory unlock system. But there are ways to improve it, and this is where I'm going to ask you and lean on you a little bit. What would you do to improve the armory unlock system? You can't take it out. I'm going to remove that from the possibilities because I know a lot of people would rather it just be removed all together.

No, you have to have it in the game. How do you make it better for all players? How do you make it more of an experience? versus something that's just on the back burner, how do you make it engage with the player base a little bit more. That's all I'm looking for. We all know Modern Warfare 3 isn't a perfect game, but honestly.

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I think if we can work together as a community to come up with some actual resolutions to some of the problems that this game has, we can have a really solid game. I do believe that Sledgehammer Games is listening to us, and they're taking our feedback seriously and trying to apply it to this game.

Because they want to showcase their past problems within the Call of Duty franchise, which is not a direct correlation to how they can develop a game, they want to prove to this community that they're better than Vanguard and that they're better than what they've showcased so far. So let's help them out.

Let's work with them. Let's give them proper feedback on their games so that they can strive for improvement and make their games better, more in-depth, more engaging, and more community-friendly. But it's going to take all of us to do it. I do want to see Modern Warfare 3 succeed. I want to see it be good.

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