News - Warzone 2's Hit Detection Sucks

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well. We've all been there. Playing Modern Warfare 3, you get into a gunfight and you feel as if you should win it, but it just ends up with you losing it, and then you watch the kill cam, and your frustration grows, as it feels as if you were absolutely melted in two bullets while you put 10 or 11 into your enemy.

Of course, this isn't the first time that bullet registration has been an issue in Call of Duty. TF gunfights have been happening ever since, like in cod 4, probably even COD 2 bullet registration, ping, and connection. It's all very difficult to make it work perfectly and seamlessly; however, it seems as if the BS meteor is turned up to a thousand this year, and it feels as if every single gunfight that you get yourself into is a complete dice roll to see whether or not you're going to win it.

You could have the perfect positioning, but you still end up losing the gunfight. I mean, I'm sure we've all been in gunfights where we didn't deserve to win and we came out on top. I'm sure we've all been in that situation, and it feels as if the randomness of Modern Warfare 3 is just like no other Call of Duty before it.


Yes, we've seen hit-detection problems in the past. Yes, we've seen connection problems in the past, but never like this. So many times I find that I can put myself in a perfect position, and I just end up getting melted as if I never had a chance or an opportunity to actually compete in the gunfight.

And it's extremely deflating when you feel as if you're playing a very strong game—a very solid game—and then it feels as if the algorithm turns its head on you and all of a sudden you can't win a single gunfight. And I'm not saying this is every single game; I'm not saying part of it isn't a skill issue, 100%.

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I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best Call of Duty player on the planet, but I know that I probably am average, if not below average, at this point in time. I just don't play enough, but even with that being said, even with all of that, it feels as if this year is more so than last year and more so than the year before.


The game just cannot properly register bullets. There's just no type of actual registration that works, and I think this is 100% a server issue, which brings us back to our thesis of the entire year. Why is it that the foundation that Modern Warfare 3 is built upon is so terrible? And this actually, in my opinion, goes back to Modern Warfare 2019, when they changed the entire engine that Call of Duty runs on.

You know what's very interesting is that these types of bullet registration issues weren't as constant weren't as consistent. In Black Ops Cold War, a game that did not utilize the same engine, Modern Warfare 2019 uses the same engine that Vanguard uses in Modern Warfare 2, and now Modern Warfare 3 has a different engine.

You can tell there was no tax. Sprint, there were a lot of differences between Cold Wars gameplay and Modern Warfare 2019, and that's why I feel as if many people in this community found Black Ops Cold War to be a safe haven for them like I did or extremely jarring because you got used to how Modern Warfare 2019 played and then it completely did a 180 reversal with Black Ops Cold War.

xtz ferocity

But with that being said, I feel as if when they redid the engine when they tore it down and rebuilt it, something went funky with bullet registration. Something went funky with hitboxes. Something went funky with servers, and they haven't been able to fix it, and I don't even know if they're trying to fix it, and then of course you also have the conspiracy theory side.

On the fun side of all this, it says. Well. Activision does have a patent that says if you buy things in game, you're going to have better connection, you're going to have easier lobbies, and this is a conspiracy theory that this patent has been applied to Modern Warfare 3. Isn't it interesting, though, that whenever it seems that things aren't going your way, those who are melting and those who are doing the best are the ones with the shiniest newest skins?

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I'm not saying 100% confirmed. I'm not saying that this is the reason why I'm losing every single gunfight Again, part of it is skill-related, and part of it is server-related, but it does make you think, and it does make you speculate: why is the hit detection so bad for some yet so great for others?

You watch clips on Twitter and Reddit here on YouTube sometimes as well, and it seems as if some people just do not, Miss. It's a little funky that those people are also the ones that are investing as much money as they do into Modern Warfare 3, and I know it's a running joke on Twitter and on Reddit that hey, the reason why you lost that gunfight is because you didn't invest the newest $20 that you had into the brand new skin that they launched.

At what point is this joke Just the absolute truth: at what point is this conspiracy theory not a theory anymore and 100% fact? Because that's where we're headed with Call of Duty, it seems as if this is the road they want to go down; they want to ensure that they can insulate those who spend money on the game and alienate those who don't, and I get it.

I'm a player who doesn't want to criticize your game on a regular basis, and I never spend money on microtransactions. I'm the worst player. What you want is people who are never going to criticize you; they're never going to demand more out of you; they never have higher expectations for the product you release; and you want people who are endlessly going to continue to spend money.

And it's kind of interesting, really; that's who they're trying to cater to now, and this seems to be the audience that they're trying to cater the game to and have been ever since they made Modern Warfare 2019. I mean, that's when a lot of people who were longtime Cod fans started to feel more and more alienated from the franchise was Modern Warfare 2019.

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I think it's widely considered one of the most polarizing games in the franchise because they made an entire mechanic to just help out the Sentinel gameplay style. AKA, campers and, yeah. I think a lot of the decisions that went into modern warfare in 2019 are affecting the game today and are hindering the game today, and one of those decisions is 100% the server, and servers are causing the hit detection issues.

Call them what you want, part of it is connection part of it is skill and it would not surprise me if part of it is the amount of money you invest in Call of Duty. I mean. I think it's basically proven that if you spend money on Call of Duty, you get easier lobbies for the first little bit until you spend money again, and then you get easier lobbies again, and I think it's just a recurring cycle.

The hit detection in MW3 is so inconsistent and bad, they need a serious overhaul. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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