News - What Warzone 2 Did Right. Final Review Part 1

Drill charge

modern warfare ii

After that, another very welcome addition that I enjoyed with Modern Warfare 2 is the drill charge. I feel like they haven't really been innovating too much in the equipment category for many years in Call of Duty, and this was an excellent innovation. I really enjoy using the drill charge. I can see why they don't allow it in competitive play, but at least for public matches, I really do like using the drill charge.

I think it's great for rooting people out of a room if they're sitting around a corner, just waiting for you, or if they're behind a really pesky piece of cover. You can just throw this right on that piece of cover, and it'll drill through and either force them out of the cover, kill them, damage them, or damage them significantly if they're using a blast shield.

I just thought this added a really interesting dynamic to the public match gameplay.

Great suppression mechanic

Great suppression mechanic

And I really wouldn't be opposed to this returning in the future , next up let's talk about a very subtle mechanic that not many people ever talk about, this is the good suppression, effect that they add added with Modern Warfare 2 now in Vanguard they had a suppression effect that would actually slow you down and affect your movement I didn't like that at all in Modern Warfare 2 this suppression effect is quite subtle, and it's essentially just designed to let you know that like hey there's bullets flying right past you should be aware of that and that goes alongside the audio cues as well and I think this is a perfect way of handling suppression I also feel like it just fits in so naturally.


And it's one of the reasons you don't see many people talking about it. I think a lot of people don't even really consciously recognize that this feature exists and that it's different than previous years, but it is, and I think this is a very welcome addition to the franchise, and I'd love to see this return going forward.

Swimming handled well


As for the next thing, this is another one that I think may be a little bit controversial; this is how they handled swimming when it comes to multiplayer. I personally think they handled this quite well by not going overboard and making it so you needed to swim in order to properly play the maps they also added proper risks to swimming if you're going underwater you can only use a pistol and they also significantly reduce the amount of range that you had with that pistol so it kept things limited so you didn't have those annoying situations where somebody dive underwater be practically invisible, and then just shoot from underwater and kill you while you're above water that was fairly rare and I feel like if you did pull off that move you earned it with the way that they currently handle swimming but I also just like the fact that swimming wasn't overly prevalent on these Maps sure there were a couple Maps here or there that really utilize swimming to its fullest like zarqua hydroelectric.

Or vondal Waterfront, but even on vondal Waterfront, where there are tons of opportunities for swimming, even if you never touch the water on that map. I feel like you're not really missing out on the experience. I don't feel forced to swim on the Vonda Waterfront. I think it's just a nice option that it opens up for you if you decide you want to go that route, and it's the same story with Zarco Hydroelectric: you could play that map without ever touching the water and the map would still play great, and that's why I really like swimming in general. In this game, I feel like it opens up some opportunities and some options, but it never feels like a requirement to get the full experience.

Game modes

Game modes

Now moving on, let's get into some of the game modes that Modern Warfare 2 introduced that I think were nice additions. The first one is invasion. I think DMZ.

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It was a cool edition as well. Once again, this is a mode that just didn't do anything for me personally; it's not the style of mode that I enjoy playing, but I can at least appreciate it and see the appeal for many people out there, and I am glad that they tried something different here while utilizing the war zone map.

Ranked play system

Ranked play system

With that, this just leaves us with one last point I wanted to talk about: still talking about modes.

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This is their rank-play system. I actually think this is one of the best rank-play systems we've seen in Call of Duty for a very long time now. Is it absolutely flawless, and is this the best game for competitiveness? No. I would say not so much, but the overall structure that they use for the different divisions and the progression through those divisions seemed to make a lot more sense than some of the previous rank-play systems we've seen; it was a little easier to track your progress as you were progressing through.

I also liked the fact that they also had essentially two different rankings, one for how much time you put into rank play and another for your actual skill ranking. So there is a little bit of something for everyone there now, but unfortunately, I didn't grind rank play Super Heavy in this game for a couple reasons.


First off. I didn't really like the competitive gameplay of Modern Warfare 2, and second. I just don't grind the game that much anymore, and I don't have interest in pumping that many hours in to properly grind through the ranks and end up where I feel like I belong. I've gotten to the point with Call of Duty where if I put in about 6 hours a week in total.

I'm happy that's about all I really want to play, and therefore the idea of using that 6 hours a week just to grind rank play just doesn't really appeal to me that much, but something I did hear about a lot is that especially in the higher divisions, cheating got really rough, like people just using full-on aimbots and wall hacks.

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That's really unfortunate, and I'm sure that held the rank play mode back, but if we're just talking about the general structure and blueprint for ranked. I think they did an excellent job in Modern Warfare 2, and I think that is a great template to build off of going forward.

Final thoughts & wrap up

Final thoughts & wrap up

And with that, that's going to wrap it up for all of the main points that popped into my head as far as what I feel Modern Warfare 2 did right. I'm sure there's some little things mixed in there as well that I just didn't pick up on and they didn't come to mind as I was creating this list, but those are at least the primary elements that I really enjoyed about this game, and one final note I want to make here is that overall I actually didn't hate Modern Warfare 2.

I hated a good handful of their design decisions, and I feel like the game was held back unnecessarily. If you enjoyed this one, a like is always appreciated, and don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already. I'll talk to you guys next time

It's that time of the year for a final review looking back at the past year of Modern Warfare II. In part 1 of this 2 part series, I'm going to be looking at the positives and sharing my list of things that I feel Infinity Ward did right with the game and in part 2, we'll be looking at the long list of things I feel they did wrong.
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