News - The Big Balance Patch Is Live Warzone 2. What Exactly Changed



However, just yesterday there was a hot fix that fixed this and pushed that update through properly, so this weapon balancing update has gone live now, and there were quite a few changes here. Some of the changes are super minor, like you'll probably never notice a difference, but there are a handful in here that are very notable.

Smg changes

modern warfare 2

and let's just right into it and started off with SMGs, and let's start off with the miniak, the first thing they did to it is they slightly reduced its maximum damage range or its three- shot kill potential this was quite a small reduction but there definitely was a reduction there and then on top of this within that maximum damage range they reduced our damage values a little bit and this is essentially the exact opposite of what they did with the season 6 update about a month ago they actually buffed all of these areas a month ago and now they're nerfing them but I want to point out that this doesn't fully revert this back to the preseason, 6 values instead they're actually meeting in the middle here so the miniak is still better than it was before season 6, but just a little bit worse than it's been over the past month when it comes to that three-shot kill consistency.

If you start mixing in those limb shots, as for the Vasnev, we just saw a very slight reduction to our maximum damage range from 8.9 M down to about 8.4 M; that's hardly noticeable; however, it's also worth noting that our second damage range was slightly reduced as well, from 16.3 M down to about 15.6 M.

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When it comes to the Lochman Shroud, there were a couple very slight Nerfs to our damage ranges here, only to the second and third damage ranges, though our three-shot kill potentials are identical compared to pre-patch, so it's just those four-shot kill ranges that are slightly reduced. You will probably never notice this difference.

And similarly with the ISO99, we saw a very slight reduction to our seven-shot kill potential from 34.3 M down to 33.6 M. Again, you'll likely never notice this. After that, we got the PDSW, and this one saw a bit of a buff to its six-shot kill potential; it was actually buff by a noticeable degree compared to the previous ones that we looked at.

The FENIC also saw a buff to its six-shot kill potential, but again, this is one of those really minor ones that you'll never really notice, and then finally, for SMGs with the bass P, we got a slight improvement to our five-shot kill potential, and all of the other ranges are identical, so overall, when it comes to SMGs, nothing too major. I don't think this is really going to shake things up at all.

Assault rifle changes

Assault rifle changes

Now let's move into the assault rifle category, though, and we did see some noticeable changes to the TR76. Guist, the first thing to point out is our maximum damage range, where we're going to get the most consistent three-shot kill.

modern warfare ii

This has been reduced by about a meter and a half, so nothing too major there. However, they also adjusted our damage values with this gun, and overall, by far, this was a net Nerf to our damage potential. However our long shot head shot damage has slightly increased compared to the base but that doesn't really change anything, the main thing to point out here that you'll actually notice with this gun is in that maximum damage range we no longer guaranteed a three- shot kill pre patch you could shoot him in the foot three times and you would get a kill up close, that's no longer the case you have to mix at least one upper torso shot in there which I mean is still pretty easy to do and I'd say more often than not you're probably still going to be getting a three- shot kill with this gun up close but you have to make sure you hit at least one upper torso shot and one lower torso shot if you want to maintain a three shot kill, additionally within that second damage range it's going to be a lot less consistent at getting a three shot kill as well you really have to hit multiple upper torso shots now whereas previously you just needed to hit one upper torso shot in that damage range, so overall this was definitely a very noticeable and I would say well-deserved.

Nerf to the Tr76. Guist, when they added it to the game, it was clearly overtuned in relation to the other three-shot kill assault rifles out there, so now it's more in line with what you would expect with a three-shot kill assault rifle, and speaking of three-shot kill assault rifles, with the cast-off 762, this one got a very slight buff; they just increased the maximum damage range very slightly up to 30 m.


As for the castoff 74u, with this one, there was a hardly noticeable adjustment to its three-shot kill potential; this was increased by less than a meter, so really a pointless change to this, but on top of this, they adjusted some of our damage values, and as we can see here at longer ranges, there were some buffs and there were also some nerfs to our leg damage.


At the end of the day this only really changes, very specific combinations of body multipliers though and in the vast majority of situations it's going to take you the exact same number of shots to kill as previously so you probably will never even notice a difference despite the fact that they not only touched the range they also touched the damage profile after that though with the attack 56 they noticeably reduced our maximum damage range so our three shot kill potential that's been cut down to around 21 M, then with the F advancer they slightly improved our four-shot kill potential and you'll notice there were some damage adjustments here it now has a five shot kill potential to the body at any range as long as you're able to hit torso shots and let's get into this new damage profile it turns out up close nothing was changed here but in our mid damage range it's now a guaranteed, five shot kill where whereas previously if you hit a single limb shot mixed in with torso shots it would now take you six shots to kill now it's going to be much more consistent with that five shot kill so that is quite noticeable.

And like I said, we now have the potential to get a five-shot kill at longer ranges. However, if you mix a limb shot in, this will make it a six-shot kill. Generally speaking, though, this buff will be quite noticeable when you start stretching the ranges out with the F advancer. After that, the M16 saw a little bit of a buff; this is to its maximum damage range; it went from 29 1/2 m up to 32 m.


Then we got the M4, which just saw a very slight and probably not even noticeable adjustment to its four-shot kill potential; this was just slightly increased. And it's kind of a similar story with the Lockman 556; both of its four-shot kill ranges were very slightly increased; we're talking like a meter or less, so again, you'll probably never actually notice this, and then finally, for the assault rifle category, the Tempest Razer back saw a few buffs.

The weapon balance update for MWII that was meant to go live on October 23rd is now finally live in the game so today, I wanted to go through each of the guns and show exactly what changed with before and after comparisons when possible. What are your thoughts on this weapon balancing.
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