News - Warzone: The Massive Haunting Update

This is basically going to work like an armor box or a munitions box if you end up taking out a zombie, so those will drop at times, and from that, there's going to be blood. Seeker grenade This is basically a grenade in the shape of a bat, and it's going to work like a snapshot—almost like it's going to highlight enemies in thermal vision.

modern warfare 2 haunting update

There will be the jump scare crates returning as well, so, you know, be prepared. You might open a crate and your screen's going to go crazy with, like, loud sound and flashing, whatever the case may be this year, and then essentially, with all of that. I just described the gameplay elements. Nightfall, everything like that, will also be live within DMZ2, which is pretty cool to see shifting.

Modern warfare 2 multiplayer haunting updates revealed

Modern warfare 2 multiplayer haunting updates revealed

Over to multiplayer, there's a few new updates here with The Haunting in general; we're going to have two maps re-skinned. Specifically, for the Haunting event, the first of which is Ella Silo, and then we're going to see Embassy both take place in like a different lighting with a different mood set basically there based around the haunting itself.

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Also, we're going to see some modes updated for The Haunting. Although these are a little bit less, you know, flashy, they're relatively basic in their changes. It's just a little fun seasonal stuff. There's going to be haunting dominance, and instead of having flags, it's going to be scarecrows.

Wherever the objectives are, there's going to be a haunting kill confirmed. There's going to be skulls instead of dog tags, which also applies to grinds and hunting drop zone drop scares, so if you open up the crate in the drop zone, it might be a jump scare, then an infected zombie. Obviously, you're going to have zombies.

modern warfare 2 the haunting update

There's well with that, so standard gameplay exists for infected zombies, but the zombies are going to look a little bit different now. Spinning across all modes with the haunting event, we are going to have the Soul Capture on menu events, and they say this is going to be a new variation of the trophy hunt event back from season three, so in all modes, anytime a player is eliminated, they leave a soul behind.

Collect the souls, which are automatically added to your total in all game modes, and trade them for items shown in the event tab, like calling cards and blueprints. Whatever the case may be, we are going to have a new on-menu event there alongside some new daily login rewards available during the Haunting event with the mid-season update then.

New haunting equipment for warzone & modern warfare 2

New haunting equipment for warzone & modern warfare 2

Lastly, here's what's described for The Haunting: some new equipment, so it's going to be actual: new field upgrades and tacticals that are going to basically change how gameplay looks.

The first one is the sound-veal scream field upgrade. This is going to be like a suppression mine, but instead of the suppression mine audio, it's going to be hallucinations and screams of the dead, so a little bit more obnoxious, and then decoys with this update are going to be inhuman and monstrous sounds instead.

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Until next time, take it easy, have an awesome rest of your day, and I'll catch you guys

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