News - Warzone: The Best Meta Loadout For Every Weapon. Warzone Best Setups

The best meta setup for every weapon in warzone!

The best meta setup for every weapon in warzone!

When it comes to the War Zone meta, obviously, already this year, even though it's really just the beginning, we're still in season 1. We've got so many choices when it comes down to your style of gameplay, whether you are a main sniper and you're always going for aggressive sniping the one shots with the cat, obviously pairing that with solid rifles or SMGs for Sniper Support.

Maybe you're more of a running gun-style player, whatever the case may be across all MW2.

Best warzone setups ␓ perks & equipment explained

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best loadout 3

So obviously, in the game, you've got your custom loadouts right. You can go through and set them up with whatever you're trying to run at any given moment, whether the meta is the Interceptor, going crazy with the bass B like it was back on day one, or maybe you're more of a regular bass B player trying to mess around with some other stuff.

Whatever the new meta weapon might be at any given time, obviously you want to have the best setup for that applicable, and I've actually gone through and built out the best loadout for all guns in the game, whether it's MW2 or MW3. In its own unique way, but initially before that, obviously, it's not just weapons that make the best load out; right perks and equipment are a huge deal as well, so briefly touching on these, when it comes to your tactical, you got a few decent options here.

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I still think that currently, in their current form, whether they get buffed or nerfed in the future, it might change, but as it stands, smokes are just so clutch because they're kind of a do-it-all answer for any situation; you need to cover and throw down a smoke. You need to rotate from point A to point B, and you don't want to have, you know, a gunfight in the middle of it.

best loadout for every gun

To throw down a smoke, you need to get a quick res throw down a smoke This thing is so clutch in so many different ways, so that's definitely my go-to tactical. That said, stuns are always solid, as our flash snapshots are even pretty good. If you have to restock or something, then of course stems do give you a slight added boost and instantly heal your core health, so those are a good choice as well, but to me, smokes definitely have the most upsides.

Then, when it comes to lethals, it really probably just depends the most on what you're playing for resurgence-style gameplay. When you need those Instagram finishes so you can quickly go through and get those pings on your mini map, throwing knives is going to be the way to go. The one-hit Instagrams are obviously clutch for that.

best loadouts

For standard Battle Royale gameplay, it's got to be sem Texas or frags. If you can cook frags really well and you know the timing, these are great sexes. To me, they are the most clutch for an actual explosive lethal. Just because they really force players to, you know, move out, there's no ability to throw them back.

You can stick players with them, obviously, so these are a great choice as well, so any of those three would be my recommended choice. There, and then for perks—I mean, we've definitely got some options here. I've actually already gone through and sort of ranked all the perks in the game across all four perk slots, but perk one is pretty straightforward in my opinion; slight of hands is an interesting one just because it differs for this most of the time and is definitely worth it, and then double time obviously, getting a faster reload.

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Other guns have, you know, a faster reload than their base one, but it's not crazy fast to me, though the upsid for this most of the time is definitely worth it, and then double time obviously, getting a faster tack Sprint refresh and a longer tack Sprint duration. Is huge in this game because you're going to be tack sprinting probably more than anything else there.

meta loadouts

Obviously. EOD is a great one as well for preventing you from getting instantly blown up by explosives; Battle Hardened is decent as well, for, you know, being immune to stun flashes and whatnot as well; and then also Mountaineer, reducing the fall damage. The radius on this or the like distance is crazy good, so if you're constantly chasing players, you don't want to have to use the parachute to prevent the fall damage or anything.

This is a clutch one too, and this is really, really underrated in my opinion, so any of those aforementioned, ones for perk one or perk 2, are a great combination. For Perk 3, to me, it's a little bit more straightforward, quick fixes clutch for that instant health regen. Whenever you start to put something on a plate or, obviously, you get a full finish.

modern warfare 3

Tempered because you only have to plate up two times instead of three to get full health and then resupply, for recharging, all your equipment over 50 seconds, those are going to be the main three there; everything else here is just kind of eh, but when it comes to temper, to keep in mind, this is also a vest you can find in game now, me personally.

I think the medic vest is the most important, so I'd much rather be able to mix and match tempered as a perk, and then the medic vest, you're not always guaranteed to, you know, have it the other way, so you know, when it comes to looting that stuff in game, it's obviously a bit more RNG-based, but having tempered as a default, you know, safety net regardless of whether I find the vest in game is really, really clutch, and then perk four is by far the most competitive.

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You got so many good choices here; obviously, ghost being able to stay off the radar, that's clutch in and of itself. Flex kind of helps with footstep audio; it's certainly situational. But it is something that does help out: combat. Scout Being able to live is great to me. A bird's eye is so clutch because it gives you more information on your UAVs.

It also counters ghosts, so even if a player is ghosted, you still see them, and of course, you're highly alert to getting that vision pulse if someone's looking at you great as well so this one's definitely what you value the most. I don't think there's a true best here just because there's so many good choices.

To me, bird's eye is the most powerful for my sort of style of play, always trying to spam uavs and push enemies, but if you're a little bit more relaxed or you just like the information, high alerts, and great combat. Scout's great if you depend on audio a lot. Flex is good too, so obviously you can apply that stuff to all your loadouts.

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