News - Warzone: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

New warzone meta update fully explained

New warzone meta update fully explained

Ladies and gentlemen.

New bal-27 rifle ␓ is it meta?

Is not all there just because the first four bullets fire a little bit slower than the rest of the magazines, so that does impact the ttk depending on when you're landing your shots right or when the back-to-back shots are landing, but for the most part, this thing is actually up there with some of the other more competitive rifles.

I would say it's a little bit more borderline, top-tier competitive depending on where in the fire rate you are landing the majority of your shots, but if you can get that faster fire rate up there and land the majority of your shots there, this thing absolutely is in that sort of top-tier area. It does help that it's a bit lower recoil, as well, so it's relatively easy to use. You can also kit it out to be a little bit more versatile there too, so it's relatively consistent, but that fire rate change is going to impact some gunfights, here and there now and beyond.

All warzone season 3 reloaded meta changes explained

All warzone season 3 reloaded meta changes explained

In battle 27, we saw a ton of weapon buffs and nerfs; some of them were a little bit more impactful than others, like, for instance, the BP50, which just got some hipfire nerfs.

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That's not really a huge deal, and quite frankly, with how this update played out, with certain nerfs compared to other weapons that we'll get to in a moment. I honestly think the BP50 jumps up into the absolute meta category right now with how it stands with its ttk and its versatility. This thing is an absolute go-to; in my opinion, the SVA 545 also ended up seeing some adjustments to its hip fire, just simply nerfing it a tad bit, but again, not anything that significant is going to impact a rifle meta, and inadvertently, it really does become better and more competitive over the long range.

modern warfare 3

I feel like this one could and should be considered an absolute meta rifle as well. Now this is a surprising one, the ram 7. I'm honestly going to be pretty harsh on here because they nerfed its close-range damage, its mid-range damage, and its long range as well. This thing is worse everywhere.

It was already relatively mediocre leading up to the season 3 Reloaded update. M and now when it's close range which was its only strength, it's not going to be out gunning anything so this thing I would say honestly drops down into that competitive category quite frankly, it's just not it anymore it had a long time towards the top of the meta but it's time for a change there the revolving door has finally hit it the MTZ 556, also saw some hipfire Nerfs this is one that again I think is probably a little bit overdue from jumping up into the top tier category but those hipfire Nerfs are not going to be anything impactful on this either the hogre 556 also got some hipfire Nerfs again I I'm not concerned the MCW, actually ended up seeing some mid-range and some long range damage Buffs which is nice because that's where it needed to see some increases, although I will say for the rifle version of the MCW.

mw3 meta

Its long range is still a little bit underwhelming when you get into 45, 50, and 60 M. It's not going to be as quick to kill as other meta rifle options, but I do think we have to consider the ranking here with the MCW conversion kit as the more popular version of the weapon right now, and that 100%.

new meta

Is the sniper support meta so put like a little asterisk in here mentally right this is a absolute meta placement for the MCW conversion kit not just the base rifle but that things ttk in the close range and even the mid-range Prime for that sniper support play style is nuts all right folks gfuel has gone and done it they've created, what I would consider to be the Best of Both Worlds gfuel, and protein, in one that's right we got our G fuel energy plus protein 15 g of protein 140 Mig of caffeine, and I'm about to try it for the very first time and see what I think so three different flavors they've got mocha French vanilla latte and then chocolate I think is what I'm going to try see what it's like all right so I've got it in my cup of almond milk personally I prefer my chocolate flavors with milk you could also mix it with water if you wanted to kind of whatever is your preference but when Shake It Up Mix it nice and well give it a.

Try as far as taste goes, I mean brownie milkshakes and chocolate milkshakes kind of Vibes. I like it honestly; it's a solid, nice blend of things like brownies, chocolate cake, and chocolate milkshake. Think of all of that as one. They buffed its strafe, its velocity, and its torso and arm multipliers.


Then they went through and buffed a ton of the attachments. But its ttk is still not all that great; all things considered, the burst does make it kind of awkward, and so it's still competitive; it's just definitely a much better competitive version of itself than it was pre-update the m3b. Got some close damage Buffs a headshot multiplier Nerf but then a torso hand and arm multiplier, buff so kind of all over the place, admittedly it's close range is not where you're going to be using this thing the most that's not a super impactful, buff there it's still competitive but nothing all that crazy now the Razer back which was already a decently competitive MW2, rifle especially for like the mid-range sort of sniper support area ended up getting some mid and long range damage Buffs which is solid it's one that really is borderline being right there with these other top tier rifles and I think it certainly has a place in this category this is one that I'm certainly keeping my eye on as a potential, great MW2.

warzone 3

Option the advancer another great sniper support MW2, gun got some decent upgrades here it got a near mid and long range damage buff across the board so pretty much everywhere becomes slightly better which is great to see it's not going to be an absolute metag gun because it is an MW2 rifle but it's still very good now this is a pretty important one here the SOA subverter it got a long range damage Nerf and then a close range Nerf so in the close range and even some of the mid-range it's still going to have a decent ttk It's just really slow, so that's not like it's an area to play long range; it's going to be significantly worse though, especially with the control factored in, so I would say this one drops down into the top-tier category.

Now the MTZ 762 got an ad buff that's solid, but it's still super limited by its ammo capacity, and its ttk isn't like gamebreaking anymore, so that's not going to be super impactful. I also got some full-auto Mobility Buffs, which is cool, but full-auto TTK isn't really that competitive, so it stays incompatible.

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