News - Warzone: New Top 5 Lowest Recoil Meta Loadouts To Use. Warzone Best Setups

New lowest recoil meta loadouts in warzone 3!

New lowest recoil meta loadouts in warzone 3!

ladies and gentlemen. Within the war zone, we obviously look at a bunch of different niches here on the channel, whether it be the long-range options the close-range options the weapons that have the best ttk in the game, there's also a lot of weapons, especially this year, that are extremely easy to use borderline laser beams at any given range, and with that, today I really wanted to highlight five of the absolute lowest recoil, easy to use guns, so if you just want to drop in with something an absolutely beam from really any range, you can do so with really minimal effort.

Warzone 3 best pulemyot 762 no recoil loadout

So it's been a minute since we've talked about this one, but the Peat 762 Conversion Kit is finally back in the conversation. And it's because it is so easy to use this thing's recoil pattern, which is very straightforward. It's basically a relatively vertical pattern with a slight right curve, if you will, so up and to the right basically throughout.

modern warfare 3

Its damage obviously nowadays is not anything too crazy it ttk is not going to stand out that much but the benefit of low recoil weapons and this really applies to all the guns we're talking about today is the fact that because you can be so accurate with these your realistic ttk when you factor in missing you know 10 shots out of 50 or something is going to be a lot more competitive to some of those other great options than you might realize so the peel out despite being maybe a little bit slower in terms of ttk compared to the bruan or the hoger or something is actually a whole lot easier so you might be better off using something like this if you want that just very straightforward setup.

As far as the overall loadout goes, we obviously want to use the conversion kit. The bull pup kit on here makes it a lot more like an AR and LMG hybrid, but you get 100 rounds so you can spray and prey. The conversion kit does grant you access to the Commando 15 recoil pad, which is just great for general recoil control here, plus that helps out with some firing aim stability.

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I go for the basic 2.5-times Eagle ey optic on here; if there's a different optic you prefer more, always go for that. The conversion kit also gives us the Jack Annihilator long barrel, which simply has better range and velocity. It's already so easy to use that not getting extra control out of this is not really a big deal, plus I also use the spirit fire suppressor, which is going to help out with some range velocity and some control, so this setup in general makes an already very easy-to-use weapon even easier. You'll love to see that this thing is definitely one of the best low-recoil guns at the moment.

Warzone best vel-46 low recoil loadout

Warzone best vel-46 low recoil loadout

Now the MW2, MP7, Aka Vel 46, It is also an extremely easy-to-use weapon. This thing actually has the largest recoil pattern from like bottom to top out of everything on the list today except this recoil pattern is literally just straight vertical so it is so easy to counter obviously it's an SMG so you're really not using this outside of probably 30 35 M Max so it's going to be really easy to stay on target obviously close range fights recoil is already easier to manage as is you factor in this weapon being so ridiculously straightforward, as well and you've got a very nice situation there plus it has a pizza blueprint I mean, we've got pepperonis and cheese on our weapon here; that's a win as well, so initially, here I go for the assault 60 stock; this actually does help out with control, and it's only hurting your Crouch movement speed significantly, then 3% to your ads, not a huge deal whatsoever.

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50 runic CACs are here. If you wanted to jump up to 60, you could do that as well. There's really no wrong answer there. I actually go for the angle. The underbarrel in this case now if you were more movement-based you already find the weapon easy enough you could switch on over to dr6 hand stop that'd be a great alternative too but with the angled grip it's really not hurting anything but your vertical, control which we already know is so easy that that's not a huge deal it's going to give you good horizontal, so ultimately you're making this pattern entirely vertical really no deviant no RNG, there incredibly predictable so I do like that on there as well but like I said if you want to focus on movement you can definitely get away with that on this build too.

Warzone 3 best low recoil lachmann 556 loadout

Warzone 3 best low recoil lachmann 556 loadout

Next up, we've actually got the Lockman 556. Now that this was buffed recently, it wasn't a super significant buff because it kind of focused on its close range, and this is definitely more of a mid- to long-range-based weapon, but again, it's incredibly, incredibly easy to use for this; it's basically a slight vertical recoil pattern and then about halfway through your mag.

It just stops and stays super steady, which is really convenient. This means that, really, over some very extreme long distances, you could be ridiculously accurate with this thing. Now again, its damage is not anything too crazy, but realistically, when you factor in accuracy, its ttk becomes a whole lot more competitive when it's one of the easiest to use rifles in the entire game, really one of the easiest to use weapons in the entire game.

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So again, for the mid- to long-range, we are once again using that 2.5-time Eagle ey optic. Here I got the 60 runic cinemag, which obviously works great for really any squad size. Once more, I am going for the angled underbarrel just to minimize any real cons. Here, it helps out that horizontal control and helps out the idle sway.

You could run brewing and heavy here if you wanted even more control; just keep in mind that it's going to slow you down a tad bit more. I also go for the wrap barrel. This is better range, better velocity, better control, and then lastly, the Spirit fire suppressor once again—better range, better velocity, better control, and pizza.

Papa John's, I should have said that on the MP7. That's a miss on me. I won't lie; I'll own up to that one, but yeah, the lockman, 556, Actually, pretty nice. This thing gets one or two more buffs for its long range or even its midrange. You could be looking at a really, really great top-tier rifle and then another MW2 rifle that is phenomenal.

Warzone best no recoil stb 556 loadout

Warzone best no recoil stb 556 loadout

We've talked about this one a lot recently, obviously, the stb. 556 this actually has a really, really good ttk, especially when you get into the mid-range and the long range. It's able to compete with other top-tier meta options in general, so you factor in its recoil.

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