News - Warzone: New Best Meta Loadout Every Weapon Category. Warzone Meta

best loadout 3

60-round mag downgrading from 100 so that we do get better movement speed across the board really makes this feel more like an AR lmg. And it is much more similar to those other LMGS that we talked about just a second ago. Ruin heavy support here as well again, just making the weapon so predictable with the horizontal benefits, the better stability and sway there Spirit fire suppressor on here as well that nice 3 in 1 combo, and then lastly, really got no wrong answer here between two main barrels: the Horizon if you want better control, go for this, and then the Ferocity if you want better range and velocity, go for this.

So really, like I said, both of these work great; it just depends on what you want out of the gun and how exactly you want it to feel, but yeah, the Bruin is feeling.

Warzone best shotgun meta loadout

Warzone best shotgun meta loadout

Every single day, I get you covered with news updates, patch notes, and meta breakdowns. All things going on in COD you'll find right here, so feel free to hit that sub button and turn on those post notifications. Next up for the shotguns, I got to go to the haymaker here. I saw some of the changes that they made to the barrels on the lockwood.

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I feel like that kind of drops it down some, plus the Haymakers spam ability here is just absolutely absurd, especially when you're using this Jack Magift kit. They nerfed it, so you can't use fire ammo on it, but it's still really solid for that close-range meta. Of course, when you have 60 rounds, you can fire them off incredibly quickly.

meta weapons

I mean, it's going to be tough and intimidating. At the same time, here I also go for the no-stock mod, which speeds it up quite a bit and makes it a lot more aggressive. I go for the Grim line laser helps out with the hip fire and the tack stand spread so you could use it in either way there also helps out that Sprint of fire as well hand stop on here is going to help out with the general movement speed the Sprint of fire the ads whatever you're going for Mobility there that helps out and I just go for the crownbreaker choke again helps out that hipfire spread makes that tighter pellet spread happen in general so this thing as a shoty is going to be really consistent, in those obviously shotgun-based gunfights which is that super close range now for SMGs this is by far the hardest decision at least in my opinion because you can make the case for three different Subs all being the true best in the category.

Warzone 3 best smg meta loadout

Warzone 3 best smg meta loadout

The AMR 9's ttk is unmatched; however, it's not as aggressive as the other options. Just straight up, its sprint to fire is slow, and its ads aren't as good, so you have to play it differently than the other subs. You cannot run and gun with it like you do with some of the other subs. The Ram 9 is really good as well; it's pretty snappy, and it's got a fast ttk.

modern warfare 3

Sprint of fire is a tad bit questionable and the feel of it sometimes can be questionable as well for me the HRM 9 is that number one sub a lot of the pros still default to this one as well which should tell you something because so many of their gunfights are close range because they're always p pushing the feel of this the Good mix of mobility and ttk, combined here is just kind of like the perfect storm this is a really solid option and this setup in specific is incredibly aggressive so I do go for the Z 35 compensator, here really doesn't hurt the ads all that much but gives me some decent control back out of that the thorn 90 barrel speeding up the ads the Sprint of fire your general Sprint speed so it's a lot more Snappy and aggressive, dr6 hand stop yet again for a ton of movement benefits, the 50 round extend mag very basic there then I just go for the light stock on here again helps out the ads the general movement.

No stock on a build like this would be too much recoil. You need a long barrel, and you'd probably need an under barrel for better control there, so you'd have to adjust things if you want the max mobility option here, but this setup does fly and fry; it's got really good agility and really good stats across the board for running around, and of course it's got that quick ttk.

Warzone best battle rifle meta loadout

Warzone best battle rifle meta loadout


By default, now for batt rifles again, I think this one is pretty obvious. The new SOA subverter is absolutely insane. Close to mid-range, fast ttk. Easy to use it's recoil is that bit of an scurve but with these attach ments you do flatten it out some so it's a bit more vertical, it's got clean iron sights then you get into the 40 50 60 M long range areas and this things ttk really starts to take over so it's versatile, for a battle rifle and it's relatively easy to use so long as you get that recoil pattern down and sort of engrave that into your muscle memory which really only takes a couple of minutes if you're just shooting in the firing range right so initially here like I said I like the base iron side so I do go for a stock instead of an optic I just go for the heavy one adds in some recoil control and makes it easier to use if you want to use a glassless or 2.5, times I'd probably drop that for it though instead, 50 round ex cinm mag very basic there ruin heavy support again making the gun a lot more predictable this is particularly, important getting rid of some of that horizontal bounce so that makes that a lot easier I go for the Cassis break although there are some other really good compensators.

The Ty is really good as well, and the Ty LR8 is pretty solid on there, so if you want that for horizontal control, you could use more of that castus break, which again is going to be really easy because it's only focusing on horizontal control and firing stability. Then I go for the Dozer 90 long barrel, which has better range, better velocity, better control, and a little bit of firing aim stability, which is a nice benefit too, so again, just simplifying. The weapon's behavior makes it pretty easy, and as long as you're hitting shots at this thing, it's going to melt.

Warzone 3 best assault rifle meta loadout

Warzone 3 best assault rifle meta loadout

And then again, kind of a tough decision here, but for the rifles, I got to go with the BP50. The Ram is right there because it's just so good in the close range and midrange, but overrange does falter some, whereas the BP50 is just consistent all throughout.


Not only does it have great mobility, much like the Ram, but in the close to mid-range it's right there it's got a fast ttk not nearly as quick as the ram but still one of the best in class and then actually overrange it takes over as the Best ttk in Class basically, while also being incredibly easy to use in super low recoil, so this thing like I said is just the most consistent across the board, and not just really, really good in one specific area more so like the ram would be or some of the other rifles for some long range and specifics so initially here I got the spirit fire suppressor three in1 combo as always lower 9 heavy barrel range velocity control firing aim stability which is always super clutch there so making the gun way easier to use 45 round extend mag is the max here with a faster fire rate so its DPM is not the greatest there that's maybe like one of the only drawbacks with this thing if it had a 50 or a 60, no one would be using anything else honestly.

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