News - Warzone: Easy Pro Tips To Improve Fast. Tips, Tricks, Coaching

So again, we memorized that there's a guy down in this building, but we saw that there was smoke being tossed in that building, which means there could be a fight going on if you push that building, and you could be third-partying, which in most cases is good. But in this case, I'm not that good on controllers, so it might not be the best idea for me to do that.

how to improve 3

Yes i'm just popping shots at this guy, but I'm kind of curious; it seems like he's got an AR. He pops shots just to run, which is, on his part, incredible play. The circle moved in once again. We actually need to go ahead and get out of here. I've got two spectators, and a jailbreak just happened, so what I'm going to do is focus on just getting in because if I'm held at the edge of the circle, it's not going to be a good thing.

Normally, I wouldn't take a vehicle, but in this case, because of where I'm located, I would much rather be inside the circle than outside the circle. I'm going to push in a weird way, which is kind of rotating, back around getting on this bridge and trying to stay alive. I don't have a gas mask; we dropped it earlier because I don't think you need a gas mask super early in the game.

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We can go get another one when I get a little bit more cash, or we can hope that we pick up a durable gas mask off of somebody's body. So right now, I've got a guy landing right here. They're free; they're free; they're. Free, we're going to take the free, kills. I literally can't believe that just happened.

modern warfare 3

There's still a yep, there was a buy on top of that building. There's a guy on my left. We're going to take the water just because I don't have the means to fight both of those guys at the same time. I'm hoping the guy takes the vehicle and dips, because if he goes for the elimination, he might actually get it.

We're going to toss. This looks like the guy that was up top may have taken down the guy that was on the bridge, which for us is a great thing. Of course, I'd like to see the guy on the roof over there die, but he's on the same level as me; now he's pushing over to where I'm at. What I'm going to do is maybe hold this.


Just all over it that's either a cluster strike the laser from a cluster strike or it could be a laser from a sniper and as you can see we've got a cluster coming in on that building and it's the little things you need to focus on every little detail and memorize what all of them mean that's what's going to make you a better player in every single scenario, if you do that you will get better there's no way around it at the very least you're going to get more wins so let's see where this circle takes us if we go to the very edge over here I think right here is still in what I'll do actually is just go inside you can see my body is in on the map which means we should be good I think I can get a couple more plates just fill out my inventory just a hair we got multiple people got a guy right there guy just landed up there, this guy right here.

Maybe, yep, free, and we still got a guy up top on the left. I don't have a ton of ammo, but what I'm going to do is see if I can make him jump. He does not jump. I was actually expecting him to hop off right there. I need to get Ammo off this train. That guy got sniped right off, okay? So here's what we're going to do: we're going to drop in, land right here, and hit that to see if there's a gas mask in there; there is not, but we got a cluster mine out of it, and that's good enough.

new expel

We want to get back off and get on top of this building once again, because that is our high ground. Taking High Ground: The big reason that you'll see players do that is because that is kind of your ultimate. Positioning, if you take High Ground that means that you can do something called a head glitch which is basically where you can look over something and imagine this isn't see-through, and when the player tries to look at you all they can see is the top of your head there's some crazy instances of that all around the map where a player can literally just show the very tip top of their head but can still see your full body and those are the most deadly spots on the entire map so right now the best place you can be is either on top of this building with the bu station, the building right beside it or the other building with the buy station those are all the best High Ground we've got a guy Landing right there he's probably going to be camping inside that building let's see if he went inside.


He's not sitting on top, floating down; he's out in the open, and we're going to take shots. I missed my bullets, but the other guy got them, which is good for us. We got the assist, and the other guy was sitting right. There, now my goal is to get him to move, but the problem is that I'm going to have to do that, building, so I'm going to drop down, see a guy going up that over there, so we got to remember that guy on the right's not looking, we're going to push over.

I'm going to toss this portable to see if somebody's in the building already, there is not, so I'm going to take the building. We're going to close as many doors as possible because if we do, we get to hear everything in the building if somebody pushes it, and if I take the roof, it gives away a little bit of my position, but it allows me to see a lot.

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I was hoping that would hit it right away. I don't have a gas mask, so we can't play outside; we're going to have to play inside. I'm going to take this to see how close he is. I did hit him with it, which is not exactly ideal because that means he's super close to me, and if I have to rotate, I don't have a gas mask.


Mask, one, two, three—there's four players aside for myself—so we know that there's a guy camped up on that right. Yep, I just got an assist like a mother right there. What I can do is do that right. Here, my hope is that there's not a guy in that building, because if there is, I'm probably dead.

I can hear just a couple of footsteps. I'm going to turn up my audio just to hear no movement, so that whole time we heard no movement. I know the other guy over there, so what I'm going to do is rotate right here. This guy's going to look at me, and the other guy's going to know that I'm here. What I need to do is get over it.

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Here's a durable on the. Get behind him, and it's GG's hey brother; you can have the win man here, G boss. If you like the article like the article subscribe for more content coming every single day, and if you're looking for friends to get some wins, join the Discord, Gg SL Expel,

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