News - Warzone 2 Zombies Is Doing Something Terrible

I mean, you also get the skin in the guns and stuff and whatever these are. Now, what this is doesn't really matter, like the specifics about this object don't really matter. This is a terrible deal, and I don't know why anyone would want to pay money for two blue EA tools; they're super easy to find in game.

Inconsequential but I vividly remember the beginning of the DMZ. It suddenly became much more of a problem that people could buy bundles, which gave them an advantage. Now you might be saying it to yourself, and I think it's perfectly reasonable. Well, this isn't a PVP game, whereas in DMZ it was kind of paid to win, whereas in this.

mwz bundle

It's not like that at all; there's no PVP in this. Who cares if another player has an advantage? Who cares if another player has paid money to make the game easier for themselves? But I'll tell you who should care; you should, unless you like your time being wasted. Why do you think those cooldowns are so incredibly long?

mwz pay to win

Why do you think this item, which is a rubbish item in zombies and really not something important at all, has a five-hour cooldown on the schematic? it's because if it didn't you'd never want to buy anything like this you'd never want to buy a bundle that had it in but you might be tempted if you're like I don't want to wait 5 hours to have one but I do have some cod points kicking about I could use it and just get it now, imagine when they release some bundles where you get some slightly better things imagine when you start getting bundles where instead of a blue EPA tool you get something like a legendary EPA tool which again I have seen one of in 5 days of played time, imagine if you could get a legendary EA tool than a bundle that might be something where you think okay I really want to have a go at this boss I want to have a go at the worm boss.

I don't have a legendary e at all, and I don't have any way of getting one. The cool-down time is 24 hours. I could just buy this bundle and then I'll get it; that's going to be slightly more tempting than if this had a reasonable cooldown of like an hour and you were just like. I could just wait 50 minutes.


I could just wait an hour, and then I'll get another one then, so I'll just wait until then. I think they've made these cooldowns artificially long. To encourage you to buy stuff in the store to encourage you to buy stuff in the bundles, and the bundles to make it clear are definitely not good value and no one should ever buy them they're single use items, you could buy that bundle get those EA tools and then immediately crash in the game and lose them and then they're just gone I doubt you would get a refund for that they're just single use things that will be completely gone but I don't want the developers to think well it's a problem to do with the crashing so that's the issue we'll keep on working on the crashes then everything will be fine because that is not the issue to me I'm never going to buy one of these bundles, to try and get one of these items I don't care about them in any way at all.

But I would like all of these cooldowns to be lower, and they're never going to be lower as long as those bundles are being sold because that is creating the incentive. They've changed the game design by creating an inconvenience, the long cooldown times, with the idea that some people will try to solve that inconvenience.


By spending money. Now this is something that used to be really, really common, and I think it still is common in free-to-play games or incredibly cheap games like mobile games. You know, you're paying 49 pesos for something like that. In those free-to-play games, they often have a kind of system where it's not PVP; it doesn't matter; you know, it's not a pay-to-win thing; they can't be accused of that, but.

They will set up a situation where they can have fun with the game. To have the most fun with the game, you need some sort of item, and you can either wait a very long time for it or you can just spend a little bit of money and buy it straight away, and obviously the incentive is well. I want to have more fun, so why not?

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I'll spend a bit of money. I'll do that, and the game is designed around trying to encourage you to do that, trying to tease you along where you think okay. The game is fair because it's giving me these things for free, but I don't want to wait this long, so I'll do it, and now with Call of Duty, they're using that same kind of psychology in a game that isn't even free to play.

zombies pay to win

This is like A70, and people have spent a lot of money on this game. I imagine lots of people who play zombies bought it exclusively for zombies, and now they're being faced with this thing like that game you played that you paid for. That game where you did some really difficult challenges to unlock something, yeah, if you want to have fun with the stuff that you unlocked, you're going to have to wait 3 days for a Flawless Aerium Crystal, you're going to have to wait 24 hours for another refa tool, or, you know, you could just buy it on the store.

That really stinks. I really don't like that. Now I know there's an argument that you know these things should be rare, particularly these classified things. These new season-one things should be rare because that makes the game a bit more exciting in some ways. You know, when you get one of these objects, it's a bit more exciting if you don't have it all the time.

And I kind of understand that, but there's surely some sort of line between not having it all the time easily on hand or only having it once every two days, and make no mistake I'm fairly sure at some point we will see a bundle that includes some of these items that you will get two golden armor plates or you will get two dog bones with it I'm sure they'll release some adorable operator looks like a cute dog maybe like a Scooby-Doo crossover, and then you will get two dog bones with it and you'll be like well Scooby-Doo doesn't eat bones eat Scooby snacks and that doesn't make any sense but anyway people will be like ho isn't that funny it's kind of thematically appropriate but the point will be some people will want to play with this dog bone some people will be like yeah I want to use that but I don't have a group that can do Elder sigils I don't have a group that can do the dark EA so instead, rather than facing that challenge.

I'm going to go and buy that bundle, so maybe they've made the game artificially harder to try and encourage people to buy these bundles. So yeah, this has really annoyed me, and then the more I was thinking about it, well, how else could they make them rare? I was thinking, What would the effect on the game be if all of these things didn't have a cooldown at all?

What would the effect on the game play be if every time I hopped into the game now I could choose to take in a wonder weapon? I could choose to take in golden armor plates or a dogbone or EPA blade case or some perks or immediately pack a punch of things, and I was thinking that'd be awesome, that would be so much fun.

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It's not the first time Zombies has been accused of being Pay to Win remember Gobblegums - but this time it feels much worse. Your time is being wasted in Call of Duty Zombies.
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