News - How To Solo The Red Worm 3 Minutes Warzone 2 Zombies Season 3 Reloaded


Today I'm going to show you guys the easiest way that you can beat the red worm completely, solo. When I say easy, we were able to defeat this guy in under 5 minutes today, so if you guys haven't been able to complete this yet or you're thinking about re-attempting it here in season 3, we completely got you covered here, and I'm going to walk you through everything.

I appreciate everybody that STS by the article today if you're to zombies content or anything Call of Duty. We just hit 16k, and we're already almost at 17. I cannot thank everybody enough for all the insane support on the channel lately. It truly does mean the world to me, guys. I can't wait to jump into everything about how to take this guy down really quickly.

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I'm going to attempt to make it as easy as possible for you guys today. The number one thing that I would highly advise you guys to get before you attempt doing this is golden armor. Now, it's not completely necessary, but I would say that if you want to have an easier time, make sure you have some golden armor.

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Next, you're definitely going to have to have that vr11; now the scorcher isn't necessarily necessary, but it is going to make getting those USBs easier, and if you want to do the dark ether or something afterwards, you're going to need the scorcher. First off, you're going to need to start by collecting your USBs.


Come down to this building right here. I'm going to pull up the T map and show you where it's at. This picture on the wall is going to show you the exact four locations where your USBs are going to be once you've gone around and collected all four of those USBs. There's going to be a couple of things that you guys are going to want to make sure that you have now.

The first thing is an absolute must. If you don't have a durable gas mask, go and buy one of those from a gas station. Also, what's going to make your time a little bit easier while doing this is getting yourself a few sentry guns. Now you can set up three of them. I'm only going to take two of them for this run.

Not only will these things be damaging the red worm just a little bit, but they're also going to be keeping a lot of these zombies off of you, because trust me, there's going to be a lot, even if you don't have the scorcher case. This shouldn't take you too terribly long to do, but at this point, if you need any other perks or if you need to finish Pack-a-Punch and your VR11.


Go ahead and take this time to do that now, so if you pull up your attack map and then look right outside of The Ether Storm and notice two ammo crates that are right next to each other, that's where your boss fight's going to be. Now we're basically in a waiting game because we need to wait for the end of the match to come so that the Ether Storm could push its way in and cover those fractors, so we can insert those USBs.

Be sure you don't set down your sentry guns too early. I would actually wait until you get all of your USBs inserted and wait a few seconds to set them down just so you can reassure yourself that they're not going to break in the middle of your fight, and then you're going to be running around with a lot more zombies, and you also need to don't be afraid to use up the ammo that's in your VR11 because you are going to be hitting those ammo stations a lot to repair your gas mask.


That's another thing. Make sure to watch your gas mask; you do not want that thing to break. Be sure to be using your VR11 to turn a bunch of these zombies, so they can be acting as decoys, but they'll also be helping you out by getting rid of some of the other zombies, and then they will also shoot at the red worm once he comes out.

One of the main reasons why I tell you guys to make sure you bring in some golden armor plates If you're going to be attempting this, finding armor when you're doing this is going to be pretty difficult, especially if you're running solo and if you don't have a regular gun like me. There's going to be a lot of these wisps that are after you and chasing after you, and they're going to be hitting you a lot if you're like me and just running around with the VR1, and scorcher, there's not going to be very much that you can do against these guys, so you're just going to be taking the damage from them as long as you are consistent.

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Moving and you do not stop, the armor should regenerate just enough, and they shouldn't be able to put you down. I say shouldn't because if you are suffering from a whack or two from a zombie or if you get hit unexpectedly, well, that could be a completely different story after watching this footage.


Back guys, it's actually kind of crazy that we were able to defeat this guy in 3 minutes. He came out of the ground exactly at 4 minutes, and we were able to kill him at seven. That is insane. There are a few tips that I can give you guys while you're trying to do this. My very first tip is that you should never stop moving; standing still or standing in one spot for too long is definitely not going to be good for you.


Also, when you are moving, try not to be moving in a straight line or backwards too often; try to be moving either counterclockwise or counterclockwise. Or clockwise in more of like an actual circular, motion, not only is this going to be training up the zombies, that you do have it's also going to make it easier for you to see the gaps that you are going to be able to run through and avoid being hit by other stuff also just like by the storm caller you are inside of The Ether storm so look on the ground and make sure that you're not standing on one of those lightning Bol, areas cuz you will get shocked and that will down you next try to really avoid getting right in front of the ether worm because not only can he slam the ground but he's got those beams and that is an insta down really try to stay to his sides or behind him as much as you can he didn't do it to me on this run which I was very quite surprised, usually whenever I fight this guy he ends up picking me up into his mouth, several times if he does end up picking you up into his mouth go ahead and spam.

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