News - This Is Why You Should Try Warzone 2 Zombies. Warzone 2 Zombies Review



YouTube I'm Ben, players games guys, and today I'm back bringing you another MW3, zombies article. This time I'm bringing you a article explaining why I think MW3, zombies, should be given credit for what it is, and while you guys should give it a go. I would like to point out, though, before we do get into the article, that I am in no way affiliated with Activision Treyarch.

I just feel like people should try this game mode and give it some credit for what it's worth. First, though, before we get into that, I've noticed from the analytics I have on the screen from the Lockwood article that a lot of you guys find my channeling articles through Google. This is great, and I appreciate you all, but I would love it if you took the extra two seconds out of your day to just click on to the article, like, and subscribe on YouTube itself, as this really fuels my motivation to keep pumping MW3 zombies content out for you guys.

I'd love for you to pop over there and say hi next time I'm live. Without further ado, let's get into why I think you should give Modern Warfare 3 zombies a go. I will point out before we get into this article that, firstly, as a player, you need to go into this game with an open mind. It's not rain-based zombies, so don't expect it to be rain-based.

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That's returning this year and also in 2025. And also, Triarch has just literally been given the war zone map to work with, and that's it, and that's why, personally, I think they've done a fantastic job. First, we need to talk about what makes a zombie mode or map good. I've been a fan of Call of Duty zombies since Black Ops 1.

My favorite maps to this day are Moon Keen, Origins from Black Ops 2, and Derizdra from Black Ops 3. Therefore, I do believe I have the ability to break down what exactly makes a zombie experience enjoyable. I'm sure you guys will be the judge of this after watching the article, but the way I would break it down is into several categories.



The categories are the following : we've got gameplay design storyline, content, replayability, developer support, and finally, value. The first category I'm going to cover is gameplay.


The gameplay in MW3 Zombies feels great. The heads-up display genuinely seems like a zombie game again, as it's quite basic when in game.

This is a massive improvement from a few of Treyarch's previous entries, most notoriously Black Ops 4. I still hate that game, Zombies, to this day. The multiplayer was great, but I was just never a fan of the zombies in Black Ops 4. The mechanics of this game also feel great. Having the ability to drive several vehicles around the map to get around faster, having the ability to fly around the map freely with a wonder weapon, and also utilizing redeploy drones and ether portals, and even just climbing to the top of a building and jumping off to redeploy, it's great.


Gun mechanics are also very clean in this game as a whole, not just zombies since MW3 is released. I've said that it is essentially what MW 2 2022 should have been with the removal of tuning guns. Making classes in all modes is now a lot simpler and suits the majority of the fan base of cards, including myself, a lot more than last year's entry, which is great.

The next category I'm going to go into is the design category. The design of this zombie experience is also incredible. I've played this game tons now, but when I first jumped onto it, it felt like a great experience. The way that the colors of the game Chang between the zones are, it's simply phenomenal.

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The tier one zone is blue and gives you a sense of safety, but then you move into tier two and you see that the game has now got a ghoulish yellow look to it, giving you a sense of danger. Maybe not immediate, but you know that something's coming, and then you move into the Tier 3 Zone, which has this incredible, terrifying red aesthetic to it.

Honestly, I was so freaking scared the first time I went into Tier 3. I was in a vehicle, but I was still terrified. It was honestly unreal, and then you've got the dark ether, which is just beautiful. I mean, look at it. I've got dark ether gameplay in the background for this article. Just look at it; it's aesthetically pleasing.

It just looks brilliant. The enemies in the game are also great. Zombies always look incredible when they're designed by the Triarch, and the mimics, disciples, and manglers all have that scary look to them, and then you have the Mega Abomination, which is absolutely terrifying the first time you bump into this guy.

I honestly remember it. It just scares you, man; it's just terrifying.



The next category is storyline, so the story line of the game is actually pretty in-depth, and off the bat, we have four or five cut scenes that you've been able to unlock and view each time you complete the acts, which are acts one, two, and three, as much as it may not be for everyone, which I get because I missed the original story line too, just as much as the next person.

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I do think it is cool that zombies are now technically cannons in all remakes of Modern Warfare. So, like Modern Warfare 19. Modern Warfare 2, 2022, and Modern Warfare 3, obviously zombies have now become a cannon to the campaign story line, which again. I love how it all ties into one personally.

Again, I know a lot of people don't like that, but I think it is cool. Next, we have what is probably the most in-depth category I'm going to cover, and it's.


The concept of the loadout and inventory system in this game is brand new to zombies, and I honestly think it's great because it fits the nature of this mode.


It's good that you don't have to start from scratch in each game that you play, that you can take in some stuff from your previous game, and that you can craft some stuff to take in the load-out system as well. This is essentially the system from Cold War, which is a great system and works incredibly well within this zombie's experience too.

Although there are no new perks in this game, most of the fan favorites have made their return. Rest in peace, double-tap widows, and one mu-kick man. You will be missed, but yeah, the overall perk system is pretty decent. I think that this is one area that could be improved with this zombie experience, as you only really start to acquire perks easily when you're in the Tier 3 Zone, which is where Wonder Fizz is located.

best gun in mw3 zombies

Other than that, you're left training around the map, chasing each individual perk machine—at least the ones marked on the map. It would almost be impossible to get perks if they weren't, but I do think maybe the wonderist could appear in earlier zones, but maybe make the cost a little bit more depending on the zone where, in Tier 3, you buy your perks the cheapest as it's the most rewarding high-risk High-rewards style system, and that way.

Hey guys! Today I thought I'd make a video on why I think you guys should Try out MW3 Zombies before just ignoring it or hating on it.
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