News - Warzone 2 Zombies Is Doing Something Terrible


Let's get on with it. So zombies, I've been playing a bunch of zombies. I think I've got about 5 days of play time. I can actually check this out here. Yep, 5 days and 6 hours of play time. I have played a bunch of zombies. I've pretty much finished everything in Zombies. The only thing I don't have is the scorcher.

cod rant

Schematic—that's the only thing I haven't found yet; hopefully I'll find it in the next few days. Now when you're playing zombies just for the benefit of anyone who hasn't been playing zombies loads you can get these special items and there's a bunch of different ones you can get tools which increase the power of your weapon and some of them are super rare like the legendary EOL I've actually only seen that drop in the game once out of my 5 days played, you can get crystals to let you Pack-A-Punch stuff this isn't as important because you can just do that in game anyway like every game you can Pack-a-Punch stuff it just costs in game money, but the tools you just have to try and find them you can't pay for it or anything like that that's really rare and quite important cuz all of these things kind of add a multiple to your damage of your weapon, so if you've got a legendary epha tool and you've got a Flor aerium Crystal your weapon is doing something insane like 32 times as much damage as a gray gun is that's not pack-a-punched.

cod zombies

Then you can also get perks so you can get perks that give you special abilities you can buy these in game you can go to the perk station or there's a wonderers machine that has all of them and they cost like 2, 000 points I think so they're easy to get but if you want you can take them into the game which makes it a bit easier you know you can have it right at the beginning you can get ammo mods these are all random things you find in game but they're normally quite easy to find you can get Wonder Weapons which you find very rarely in the game, but you can you know craft them and take them in and then you get these classified things these are new things for season one that are absolutely awesome and there's only actually one way to get these the only way to get them at the moment, well sorry there's two ways to get them there's one way to get them in game to get them in game you have to have not only completed the act four story you also have to have completed an Easter egg to open up the dark EA portal.

Then you need to find a sigil, which is a random reward. Level yourself up, get ready to get into the portal, and then go through the portal. All of that takes about half an hour, then you go through the portal and have to complete one of three contracts. You know you get three different contracts you can do, and then each time you complete one of those three contracts, you get a random chance of getting one of these objects.


Where everything you extract you can take into the next game in zombies, any weapon upgrades, you've got any perks that you've got ammo mods, you've got Wonder. Weapons or any of these classified objects they will disappear at the end of the game even if you're successful which kind of sucks and we'll come back to that a little bit later the other annoying thing is that if your game crashes, you also lose them so if your g game crashes if server crashes sometimes you get the stuff back but if the game crashes you will lose that item so you could spend that 45 minutes doing some of the hardest content in the game get an epha blade case in the next game you take that EPA blade case in you activate it then your game crashes and you've lost it and that 45 minutes going in has been completely wasted and then you've got to try and do it all over again to try and find another one, or the second way of getting these is to craft them so these are all schematics I've got I've got all the schematics except for this annoying one day I'll get it so I've got all the other schematics.

And I can craft these items, but there are cooldowns, so ask if I want to make an uncommon EPA tool. I can make one of those every 2 hours. You can see the crafting cooldown on that is 2 hours, and it goes up kind of based on how useful or powerful the object is, so a blue e-tool is a 5 hour cooldown.

geeky pastimes

Now, bear in mind that with DMZ, I think the weapon cooldowns for the insured weapons are like 1 hour, 2 hours, and then 4 hours. I want to say something like that. These are incredibly long, like 5 hours for a blue EPA tool. So if you play every night across a week, you'll probably get to use this twice in a week, so that's two.

45-minute games in an entire week where you'll be able to use it even though you've gone through a lot of challenges to get that. You actually get that from fighting a secret endgame boss. I made a whole article about it yesterday. Go check that out, Red Worm Boss. You've done some of the hardest content in the game to unlock this, and then you can use it twice a week.

mw3 zombies bundle

Now that really stinks, and those cooldowns are insanely long, as I've seen lots of people say. Well, there are lots of ways they can make those cooldowns better. They could do things like make it so it's like the insured weapon, so you extract more essence, that reduces the cooldowns, that would be a good solution, or maybe there could be some special type of daily challenge, you know, normal XP doesn't really matter once you've got to max level, and the armor stuff most people will be done with that, you know.

I'm up to 61 out of 63. I think, without really thinking about it, once you're done with that, maybe they could have some special daily challenges where, if you do that, it resets your cooldown. You know, complete free daily challenges to reset all your cooldowns. Something like that would be cool, but they're definitely not going to they're definitely not going to do those things, and do you know why because of the thing that I saw earlier today?

mw3 zombies pay to win

If you go into the store and I looked in the store today because I had a free gift pack of some loading screen or some rubbish. I noticed that this bundle has the zombies logo on it and I thought that's weird so you click on that and you see okay this is 2, 000 points what's that like 16 quids something like that you get an operate skin not a particularly interesting one you get a amr9, blueprint again not very interesting I don't think you get this KVD enforcer one that is actually quite a cool blueprint I quite like that even though it's for a gun that I don't use but then this is the really interesting thing you get two rare EPA tools these are the blue ones these are the ones that to craft have a 5H hour cool down you could be waiting for that 5-hour cool down or you could just buy this and get two of them instantly, for £16.

It's not the first time Zombies has been accused of being Pay to Win remember Gobblegums - but this time it feels much worse. Your time is being wasted in Call of Duty Zombies.
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