News - Warzone 2 Top 10 Best Loadouts To Use. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

best class setups

Overall, I'm showing the best long-range and short-range weapons to start out with: the RPK, the Kestovia, and the dX90, and I tuned them to max out the bullet velocity and the recoil smoothness. Now, there are people that tell you don't need to max it out, and if you do, it's only going to get better, so just letting you know the stigma of not actually being maxed out doesn't really matter.

I put on the TAC 597 barrel, then maxed out the damage range and the recoil steadiness. Put on the VLK 4.0, optic now if you don't want to use this; you can use something like the Schlader 3.4, and that's also pretty effective; or you don't usually need to use any optics in general; you can just throw on something like the Schlager.

Schlager peq box iv

Schlager peq box iv

PEC box, and you can get better ads. I put on the demo X2 grip and tuned it to max out the amount of stability and recoil steadiness, and then finalized it with the 7.6 velocity, maxing out the below velocity and damage range, so that's the RPK.

Then we put on the fennec.

Fennec covert force

This fennec actually gives you no smoke now; that may sound bad, but some people actually Use the covert, forest, or forge tag ninja, and you've noticed that there's a whole lot of smoke that comes out of the gun and makes it kind of hard to see this, which gives no smoke whatsoever.

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I didn't modify the damage range, but I did max out the recoil steadiness just because I think it already has a pretty good damage range and I don't want the 8 down side speed to actually go lower. I put on the BLK laser (7 mW) to max out the aim speed, aim stability, and sprint to fire speed the laser is.

best loadouts

in ads, but that's only why you're advertising, so just keep that in mind. Throwing the agile Assault 7 stock. I maxed out the aiming idle stability but didn't max out the aim down sight speed just because I didn't want to reduce the aiming walking steadiness, but I did increase it a little bit. The weight is 2.06, so if you're going to copy that, feel free.

And then we put on the fennec rubber grip just to increase the sprint to fire speed and the aim down sight speed. I also fixed the recoil control, so recoil steadiness has increased a little bit. That is what I put on the FANUC 45-round mag, and that is the entire FANUC 45 setup. This thing absolutely melts and has great range, so please try it out.

So if you guys are worried about any smoke, I mean, you guys see the little bits of it that come out of the barrel, but, I mean, that's barely noticeable in comparison when you put on a silencer. Like I said, you don't need to use this; you can use the Slater Schlager and it'll be fine too. I put on the 40-round mag and then the F-TAC Ripper maxed out the aiming eye stability and recoil stabilization, and this thing is, basically, incredible.


It has no recoil, and it hits incredibly hard, so when you use it, you're going to be going crazy, but trust me, it's absolutely worth it. Then we're going to move on to the mini box. Now the mini box is fantastic, but it's also interesting. The reason why I recommend the mini box so much is just because it has a ton of bullets.

This thing has 64 bullets, which can take out entire teams, and considering how fast the TTK is in this game, you don't really need something that's super fast to kill like the fennec to get the job done. Now you can catch people off guard and literally take out an entire team without having to reload versus them having to reload, so I put on the X10 RR 40, maxed out the bull velocity, and recoiled smoothly.

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The bach 9, 279 millimeter, max out the damage range, and aim walking speed because this already has pretty good recoil control, so I didn't really feel the need to increase the recoil steadiness and put on the strong pick box for the better ads. On the Marquee R7 stock for the ammo stability and to increase the aim down sight a little bit, the True Tech grip for aiming loss ability and recoil steadiness, and that is all that I put on there; this thing is incredible and has incredible damage.

I mean, there are an incredible amount of bullets in there, a credible amount of bullets, and I'm sure you guys will absolutely enjoy it.



moved on to the M4 now. I know a lot of people love the M4, so I thought it'd be a fantastic idea, especially considering it's a starter weapon, to throw this on there. I put on the Harbinger D20 with the bullet velocity and recalled the smoothness of the High-Tower 20-inch barrel just because this is going to be the best barrel for you to actually use.

Max out the damage range and recall steadiness. Put on the vok four times: optic, choreo, and previo. Factory now here's the thing with this: I didn't really feel like I needed to do anything in this just because I think it already does the job. I think actually tuning it is going to make it worse, so I put on the sock and ZX grip, maxed out the meal stability and recoil stiffness, and this is the best M4 to use with so little recoil, and it's just amazing with the rate of fire it has.


I put on the Vas Nev 9K just because this is actually a rarely used weapon and not many people actually use it. It has incredible damage and kills incredibly fast. Put on the X10 RR40, max out the bullet velocity—well, it's just about maxed out now that I've maxed it out—and the recoil smoothness from the cast of a 381mm, max out the damage range, and recall steadiness—there's no optic on there, so I put on the American R7.

Stock, and max out the aiming out of stability and aim down sight speed. Put on the demo X2 grip, max out the Amy House stability and recall steadiness, and add the 45-round magazine, and this makes for an incredible SMG. Now I put on the lockerman's 556 and the lockman's These are two amazing classes that I really do highly recommend.

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Put on the 15.9. Lock them in a Rap Barrel tuned to max out the damage range and recoil steadiness. As you guys see, there's no optic and no stock. In this version, if you want to have an optic, maybe take off the 40 rounds, but I don't really suggest taking anything else off just because this is the perfect setup for the 556.

cod warzone

Now, for the Lockman sub, this is actually an underappreciated sub that's fantastic to use right now. I consider it one of the top three SMGs in this game now. I was talking about the smoke earlier; I compensated with the AVR. T90. Comp, and maxed out the gun kit control and recoil stabilization from the FTEC M-Sub 12 for the maximum amount of damage range and recoil steadiness phase 3 grip for the aiming out of stability and recoil stabilization.

40-round mags and a LM stockless mod The reason I do this is to increase the downward flight speeds. rectify movement and hit free quote control. I do highly recommend using this build, and you actually won't have the recoil, but you'll still have the same movement benefits from the no stock, so just keep that in mind.

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