News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Loadouts Right Now. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

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With the announcement of Warzone 2's Resurgence coming out. I'll give you some entertainment and maybe a little bit of challenge without getting you gunned down, so we're going to start out with the N4. This is going to be a part of the top five series that, you know, you can diversify a little bit.

The M4 is a fantastic weapon, and it's actually a weapon you don't need an optic for now. There are two versions, but I'm going to give you the version without an optic. Now, we're actually going to start out with the Harbinger D20 if you don't want to use a hardware D20 My second recommendation is the Echolus 80, but the Harbinger D20 is, in my opinion, the better option.

We're gonna do is we're going to do is increase the velocity. Put it at about a 45 percent increase, and for the recoil smoothness, put it at about the same, maybe about 50 to 45 in that range; don't tune the pass there just because I don't see any real benefit. I think that's a good stopping point.

Next, we're moving on to the barrel. Now, I love using the high tower barrel. For the pros, it helps with bullet velocity damage, range recoil control, and hip fire accuracy at the cost of aim-down sight speed movement and hip recoil control. And think about it: who cares about hip recoil control?

best loadouts

Most likely, you're not going to be hip when you fire this gun. So, this is kind of essential to actually have on there. Make sure you have that on there, just like the Harbinger D20 the pros use. AIDS and actually makes it even better, so we're going to increase the damage range a little bit more, maybe around the 25 range.

And then on the recoil stainless, we crease it a little bit more, maybe about the same, because you want to make sure the mobility and handling are still okay at that point and pretty solid, so you don't have to change it much anymore. Aim for high speed and stability, but the cost is the lasers visible in the ads put on there, and then you could actually put on a magazine and a high velocity, or if you don't want to use the choreo lash, you can most likely choose one of these stocks.


Now, the one that I would most likely use would either be the Tempest p80, and it sounds crazy because of the recoil control reduction, but if you don't want that, you can use the demo Precision Elite Factory to help with more recoil control and more stability at the cost of site speed and crash movement speed, as well as walking speed and sprint speed.

Now, whichever one you want to use is completely up to you. Just in regards to better recoil control, this will probably be ideal, and like I said last but not least, you're going to want to either have on the 45 or the 60 round. If you use the 45-caliber round, you're going to have a little bit more mobility.

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60 rounds, you're going to have more bullets completely; it's up to you how you want to customize it; this is optimal. Check this out. We're actually going to tune this up just a tiny bit before we do it. recoil, absolutely, insanely, and it's so good that I hardly even have to try to use this gun.


Now The recoil and the ads are a little bit slower than they typically would be, but in my opinion, the trade-off is worth it. The recoil control is absolutely beautiful; it doesn't take any effort to actually use this gun, so I definitely recommend using this gun please give it a try. Next, we're moving on to the cast-off 762.

And this baby is so easy to use and is such a heavy hitter, so we're starting off with the polar fire s and we're maxing out the bullet velocity, increasing the recoil smoothness by 0.72 ounces, so this helps with the sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and reclose movements at the cost of aim downside.

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speeding aiming stability moving on to the Kaz 10-5 84-millimeter barrel, and this helps with damage range, ball velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aiming stability and movement speed. hip recoil control and movement speed Now we increase the damage range by 0.28 inches, and the recoil says this, but 0.26 pounds It's not a big deal; trust me, it will help you in the long run.

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We had the AIM app before this, and the site is still meta for the best recoil control. set the eye position to far Max it out, and now we put on the demo X2 grip for the recoil control increase, The aiming idle stability is 0.15 inches, and the recoil steadiness is 0.29 ounces. But not least, we have the 40-round mag on there, and this baby is insane.

Now check this out. It doesn't take much effort to actually control this; you literally have to hold your thumbstick down, maybe a little bit, and then it just absolutely melts. So this is a gun that you definitely want to have in your top-five setup, at least to try it out if you want to use something a little bit different.

I think this is a very consistent, powerful weapon with a lack of recoil. Number three is the Lochman 556. You don't have to put much effort into actually using this gun, and I think that's what makes it beautiful. High TTK; build to the extreme, so max out the bullet velocity in your case. The recoil smoothness of 0.99 ounces around the point-90 range is pretty solid.

cod warzone 2 best loadout

You don't have to be too perfect with it; it helps with sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and recall smoothness at the cost of aim down sight speed, aiming stability, and aim walking speed. Put on the 15.9 lockman wrap. Barrels increase the damage range and recoil steadiness by 0.31 pounds.

The pros are bullet velocity, damage range, recoil control, and hip fire accuracy, at the cost of aim-down sight speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control. Put on the high-velocity 556 rounds, max out the bullet velocity, then max out the damage range, and then put on the Broom Warrior grip. I actually didn't modify anything at this point, but the big thing about this is the recoil state.

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It's not that people actually know about the Room Warrior Group, but it is actually so amazing for recoil control that it's very underrated on this gun. We start with the ZLR 16.5 ignition barrel, increase the damage range to 0.25 inches, and the recoil is stated at 0.5 pounds. Now the pros are the damage range.

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willow velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aim-down sight speed, hip recoil control, and movement speed help move on to the VLK laser at 7 MW. With the aim down side speed, aim stability, and sprint to fire speed at the cost of the laser being visible in ads, which. I mean, that doesn't really matter.

Put on the agile Assault 7 stock, the sprint of sprint speed, aim, and walking speed. Crouch movement speed and aim downside speed are sacrificed at the cost of aiming stability and recoil control, and since you're not even carrying a load, you're not going to notice the lack of recoil control. Regarding stability, we're going to fix that up but reduce the weight by negative 2.06 ounces to increase the aim-down sight speed.

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