News - Top 5 Ar Loadouts Vondel Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - Mw2

best class setups

The best assault rifle loadouts for Warzone 2, so we're starting out with the cast-off 762, which is currently number one in my opinion, but we're going to go through plenty more that can be used as alternatives. Starting out with the second tread 40 for vertical and horizontal recoil control, with the tuning, we set the recoil control to 0.11 inches and the recoil stabilization to 0.49 ounces.

Next, we put on the cast 10 5 84 millimeter barrel for damage range, bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aim downside speed, hip recall control, and movement speed. We set the tuning to 0.28 inches, and the recoil stain is the 0.26 pounds put on the lock grip Precision 40 for hip-fire accuracy, which doesn't really matter in my opinion.

The recoil steadiness is the big thing because it is phenomenal. I mean, I don't really know what you use as an alternative. Maybe the hex 40 or maybe the pineapple, but I can't really think of any other one. This is the best one for the AK, but tuning I did absolutely nothing, so don't change anything in the tuning area.

best loadouts

I put on a 40-round mag just because starting out with 30 is not ideal, and having 20 is definitely not the best choice in Warzone. Last but not least, I put on the amount V4, but this is a personal preference; you can choose anyone that you want to, honestly. There are so many choices, but I would prefer this one because it's the best choice.

I set the far-distance Max down on the negative side, and here's the first weapon to test out. It's so easy to use, in my opinion, and probably one of the most dangerous weapons in Warzone, and if you guys want to see it with three plates, it does just as much damage and is just as crazy and very easy to use.

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Set the below velocity at 0.55 inches in The recoil smoothness was 1.08 ounces. I chose high velocity, but I'm starting to want to use hollow points, so whichever one you want to use, high velocity is probably ideal for this class setup, but if you shoot the legs, hollow points are good for you either way.


It's at a bullet velocity of 8.42 g and a damage range of 0.59 g. Put on a 15.9 lockment wrap barrel for recoil control, bullet velocity damage range, and hip fire accuracy, at the cost of aim down side speed movements being hit recall control. set the damage range of 0.01 inches or just don't change it at all but set the recoil's day and it's 0.37 pounds and once again the amount V4 The end product is beautiful and, in my opinion, very easy to use.

This weapon has some of the lowest recoil out of any weapon in Warzone, so make sure you're trying it out super high fire rate and is very fast to kill. Next, we're moving on to my baby, which is the Cronin Squall. Now, I know some people are going to complain and say this is a battle rifle, but guess what?

You're going to have to cry about it. put on the second tread 40 for vertical recoil, control, and horizontal reco control at the cost of medium downside speed and aiming stability. Set the tuning for the recoil control to 0.28 inches and the recoil stabilization to 0.59 ounces. Put on the HR 6.8 barrel for damage range, bullet velocity, recoil control, and hip fire accuracy at the cost and downside speed, hip recoil control movement speed.


set the damage range of 0.37 inches, and the recoil state is 0.39 pounds. Put on the 6.8 high velocity for bullet velocity to cause some damage range, or use hollow point whichever one you want to use, like I said before. set the below velocity at 8.71 g and the damage range at 0.50 g. put on a 50-round drum just because it's ideal, and they might B4 once again.

This is just the best attachment. In my opinion, for optics and a competition for low recoil and high damage, this is definitely one of the kings. The only downside is the long range. It does get a little more complicated; it's a little bit more recoil, but as you guys see, it's not really that much before I get the alternative to the Lochman 556, Optic.

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The next gun is an underrated weapon, the TAC 56, which is crazy because this was meta at first. We're starting out with the Harbinger D20 for sound suppression bullet velocity damage. Ranger recoil smoothness comes at the cost of aim down side speed, aiming stability, and extra aim walking speed.

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Putting on the 17.500 Pro barrel for damage range hipfire accuracy and bullet velocity at the cost of aim down side speed and hip recoil control 5.56, high velocity for bullet velocity at the cost of damage range or using hollow point, just copy the tuning is going to be maxed out on the bullet velocity, and the damage range is going to be at 0.61.

G's I put on a 40-round mag; you can use 60. I just don't really think it's necessary, and then the last thing I put on there is the TV Cardinal stock for aim walking speed and Sprint speed at the cost of aiming stability. If you can't handle the iron sight, then feel free to throw on the mop V4.

This is just my personal preference. You could just take off the last stock. In my opinion, it has a super low recoil and does amazing damage even at long range. It does a good job, which is what you really want. If you want a better no-recoil build, throw on the second tread, 40. Increase the recoil control to 0.16 inches, stabilize 0.38 ounces, and now you have even less recoil as it was.

cod warzone 2 best loadout

Look how easy this is even at long range; it is just absolutely busted. Last but not least is everyone's favorite weapon, the M4. We're going to throw on the second tread 40 for vertical and horizontal recoil control at the cost of aim-down side speed and aiming stability. Set the tuning to 0.19 inches for recoil control and 41 ounces for recoil stabilization.

put on the high tower 20-inch barrel for recoil control, damage range, bullet velocity, and hip fire accuracy at the cost of aim-down sight speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control set to 9.36 inches, and the recoil stain is 0.31 pounds. put on a 60-round mag-choreo precio factory for aiming stability and recoil control at the cost of aim walking speed, sprint speed, aim down sight speed, and craft movement speed, and if you don't want that, just put on the locker Precision for Less negatives, last but not least, the amount V4 Here's the end product, right here.

modern warfare 2

This is absolutely amazing, but you have to keep in mind that you have to get those chest shots on point because, otherwise, you're going to be struggling and not get all your kills. Now this is a bonus, but I wanted to go over it because it's basically an AR SMG hybrid; it's the cast-off 74U, but I'm going to initially put on the echolus a D or the D20, whichever one you want to use.

TOP 5 AR Loadouts in Vondel Warzone 2! Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - MW2.
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