News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

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We're going to start with the number five best weapon in war zone two, and then we're going to start out with the RPK. Some people aren't fans of a silencer, but for me. I think that you want to be a little stealthy on the battlefield, and to top it off, it helps with the sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and smoothness of recoil.

Now, the downside is that the aimdown speed and aim stability are going to be a little bit lower, but I honestly think it's worth the trade-off. I agree with increasing the bullet velocity by 0.32 inches and increasing the recoil smoothness by 0.32 ounces. You need all these attachments, and they're very important, trust me, and you want to have the tuning as well.

Now you put on the TAC 597. Barrel, and increase the damage by point 26 because at that point it no longer benefits you; it doesn't help pass point 26; increase the recall saying this by 0.27 around these ranges; you don't want to move it any further. This helps with the damage range, hip fire accuracy, movement speed, and bullet velocity at the cost of hip recoil control, hip recoil, and hip recoil aim.

best loadouts

This is a gem, and we're going to max out the distance, which helps with the precision sight picture. It's going to feel like there's no recoil, but to help with the recoil, we put on the demo X2 grip, so I'll put the recoil control on and we'll increase the recoil stainless by 0.74 ounces. Check this out: zero recoil, but this thing's absolutely melted, and it literally has no recoil.

Moving on to the number four weapon, we're going with the mini box. This weapon is amazing and can take out multiple people. Enemies, at once the downside to this is that it's not the strongest, but it does get the job done with 64 bullets, so you don't have to worry about reloading, which your enemies will have to do, but the muzzle you're going to put on is the X10R-R40.

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If you max out the beloved velocity D and increase the recoil smoothness by 0.45 ounces at that point. "Max up the damage range, improve hip fire accuracy, and have Boulevard see that it costs aim down sight speed and hip recoil control, which doesn't even matter." like I'm going to put on the Marquee R7 stock.

Max, and aim for idle stability and downhill sight speed. This will help with those increases, plus these pros have crouch speed, sprint speed, and aim down sight speed, so the negative aim down side speed previously is taken care of at the cost of some recoil control, which is already basically zero recoil now.

I put on a true tag grip, which helps to sprint the fire speed and aim down sight speed at the cost of recoil control, so we increase the recall and steadiness by 0.52 ounces. Here are the results of this weapon. High Velocity max out the bullet velocity and increase the damage range by 0.61 G's, put on the 60-round mag or the 40, whichever one you want to do.

40 round mag

40 round mag

If you use the 40, you'll have more movement, aim down, reload quickness, and sprint to fire, but it's completely up to you whether you want to have more bullets or more mobility.

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Check this out. This thing has such little recoil and does such amazing damage, and it's not even the number one weapon.

Fennec 45

Number two, we're moving on to the number one SMG, which is the Fennec 40/45; now, this is something that you absolutely need to have if you're going to be. On close range gunfights, you want to have the ZLR 16.5 ignition barrel.

I know a lot of people are still having smoke issues, but now when you're shooting your gun, you shouldn't have that much smoke, and this barrel right here will make sure you have zero. Make sure you don't put on any sort of silencer because you don't need it.

Vlk lzr 7mw

Vlk lzr 7mw

Put on the BLK laser (7 mW). This helps to improve sight speed and aim stability. Sprinting to fire speed comes at the cost of lasers being visible in ads, so that's one downside.

1mw quick fire laser

If you don't want your laser to be visible in ads and you don't really care about the benefits, just put on the 1 mW quickfire laser, and you'll have the AIM downside speed increase.

Now, put on the agile assault at 7.

Ftac stock cap

Some people would suggest the F-tex stock cap, but I think that the increased recoil from that is just not worth it. This still gives you amazing benefits, and you can actually tune it to your liking, so this helps. Sprint speed, aim, walking speed Crouch movement speed and aim down side speed I maxed out the aiming stability, and the aim-down sight speed was increased by a negative point, or 2.06 ounces, which took away from the aiming stability and recoil control we put on the fennec rubber grip.


This helps prevent the fire speed and aim down sight speed and increase recoil stainless by.42 ounces were put on the Fennec 45-magnum rifle. This thing is absolutely insane. This is something you absolutely need if you're going to be fighting at close range. Long range would be something you have to burst fire on unfortunately, but, like I said, close range is something you absolutely want to use so insanely, and, like I said before with the smoke issue, you don't get the smoke issue, but the number one gun in this top five is going to be the attack V, and this thing is so incredible that it's such an insane powerhouse that you're going to be using to destroy the enemies at any distance.

We're going to start out with Custovia. DX90, and we increased the bullet velocity to 0.84 inches; we also increased the recoil smoothness by 0.90 ounces, and this helps with the sound suppression and bullet velocity. Recoil smoothness and recoil control are on the downside, as are the aim downside speed (Wallace speed) and aim stability, but that's not a big deal.


But put on the 18-inch Precision 6 Barrel Max, out the damage range, and increase the recoil steadiness by 0.39 pounds, so it's a damage range, hip fire accuracy, and bullet velocity, so you'll get some more recoil control as well at the cost of aim down sight speed and hip recoil control, which we don't honestly care about.

We got the secret gym once again, the aim of V4 Max out of the far position, and then a 50-round drum. It's a fantastic increase, and aiming for stability at 0.23 inches at that point is no longer beneficial. You want to make sure you have that on there, along with the recoil stabilization.

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