News - Warzone 2 Top 10 Best Loadouts Season 1. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

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These are the top 10 best loadouts in season one, and I have to actually admit something in my last article. Now the RPK is the best overall long-range weapon. Not be as important like you can probably have it just about right here and then it'll probably be stuck at that point and you don't really need to change it any further.

You guys see it's not really that big of a change, so you can actually have it right around probably about $.30, and then that'll be good, so just leave it right around there, and for the recall, if you guys see the big difference, change right around. The best part to actually have it would actually be somewhere right around 0.21 inches now for recoil steadiness.

Now it improves recoil a little bit, but it's not a significant amount, so maybe 0.21, and then the VLK 4.0 optic, which I'm not really going to change from the demo X2 grip. I didn't change the width with the change in recoil steadiness; let's see. Now if we get rid of this if we go back to the medium, if we increase it, let's see how significant it is.

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So it does spike, but let's see when that spike actually stops. So the spike stops right around here at that point; I mean, it does spike a little bit more, but it'll be somewhere around the 0.82 marker, where it doesn't change anymore. So we'll say that 0.75 would probably be your midpoint, or your good point to where you don't need to change it anymore, then High Velocity.

I do max these out, but it might actually not be that important to max them out. I mean, it looks like it does change the entire time, so it might be a good idea to actually max these out. Okay, so it's a good idea to actually max that out, but damage It looks like the damage stops, changing around.

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Now we're going to move on to the Fenik 45, so these are all going to be modifications. Just letting you guys know about the ZLR 16.5 ignition barrel. I did not change that, but the recoil steadiness -- now let's see how big of a change that is if I go back to normal -- doesn't seem like it actually changed that much.


I mean, if you go right around here, it seems like that's pretty much the sweet spot right there at Point 30. If you go beyond that, it doesn't really seem like it's worth changing anymore, so 0.30 is the sweet spot. You don't change any more than that. Be okay with being lazy. You don't actually adjust Agile 7 stock.

You and I maxed out the idle stability, but is that even worth it? Let's see, so when you go back, the handling actually gets significantly better. At what point does this stop getting a significant boost? Now, in my opinion, the accuracy does change over time, and it seems like it's actually balancing out, so I feel like this is actually probably one of the only ones that are worth keeping it where it is now, aim down sight.

Is this worth changing? It seems like the more I change this, the better it actually gets, and I feel like this might actually be balanced, so this is a balanced setup right here. The Phenix rubber grip, you don't really change that, but the recoil steadiness, let's see if changing this will do anything, so setting it back, and, boom.


It seems like it stops somewhere. Now moving on to the M4, the M4 is such an amazing gun, but are we tuning it properly? Harbinger D20, it looks like I maxed out the Beloved velocity, but did I need to? It seems like I might have had to, but I'm just going to modify it anyway to see if there's a certain point that it stops growing, and it doesn't seem like there's a certain point to where it stops growing, and then the recall smoothness.

Just to see, it doesn't really seem like there's a certain point to where this stops growing either, so we're going to leave this as is, but the high tower's 20-inch barrel damage and range are maxed out, and it seems like it is consistently growing the entire time. Recall steadiness Let's see if this is actually okay.

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It seems like you don't actually need to go anywhere past 33; it looks like we'll just go with 30. So this doesn't actually have to change past 0.30, so that seems perfectly fine. We have the VLK 4.0 optic and the second ZX grip tune that I maxed out on the Sprint to Fire. This is a personal preference and isn't actually in regards to the game, but let's just see if it's worth it.

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So at some point, apparently, the tuning would stop benefiting, but it doesn't look like that in this case. It actually looks like it benefits the entire time. Now, the one thing it looks like as I go back a little bit is that the accuracy actually raises dramatically, so if you don't mind being maxed out on sprint to fire, you can actually get a significant amount of accuracy back at Point 30, and then the recoil steadiness, let's see if it's worth bringing down.

And it looks like you can actually bring it all the way down to about Point 50, and you'll still be able to significantly use this in a positive way without affecting your other things. Still very little recoil, and a fantastic gun to use. You still have your mobility, and you actually have a better build, so this is actually fantastic.

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This is a fantastic and much better build. That gets three guns out of the way. We now have the wrap. H is officially my favorite gun in War Zone 2. So we have the polar fire, and I showed you guys before the bullet velocity. I like where it is, and I think it helps overall recoil and smoothness.

cod warzone 2 best loadout

It looks like it actually doesn't need to be tuned; I feel like it's comfortable where it is, and I feel like I could actually have some sort of benefit now if you reduce it a little bit. You'll have a little bit better handling, so if you want to reduce it a little bit, maybe reduce it to 1.04, put on the Romeo ft.

16-inch barrel, and I maxed out the damage range, but let's see if that's actually worth it. It seems like they do move significantly when I max it out. Recall steadiness let's see, it looks like you don't actually see any negatives. As you move it down to point 37.35, you start seeing a significant change, so you leave it right there on the vlk 4.0 optic lochman tcg10 and then The Recoil's steadiness If I bring this down, let's see what happens.

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So if I bring it down, the only time you see a significant downturn is after about point 50, so 0.50 is where you really want to have it before you see any significant downturn, so this is solid. This is the mini box now: x10RR40. I maxed out the bullet velocity now; is this actually worth it? I believe that it is always important to max out the bullet velocity during reload movements.

Let's see if it's worth it. It looks like you can actually get significant mobility handling back, I'm sorry, significant handling back. Bring it to 0.36 or 0.45.45, and the scene is pretty good without significantly changing recall smoothness, then I put on the bach nine to 79 millimeter Barrel Max, which is out of the damage range just because this isn't super powerful in the first place.

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