News - Warzone 2: The Resurgence Map Just Leaked. Rebirth Update


By far one of the most highly requested things so far, and one of the most asked about things so far within Warzone 2, is Resurgence, which is a Rebirth-style map. What's going on with Resurgence in Warzone 2? And while we don't have anything happening here in the relatively near future, it's definitely a bit further down the road.

We have a few confirmations on this sort of resurgence, an update if you want to call it that, and there's also, you know, various leaks and various rumors that have come out over the past couple of months regarding the future of resurgence here in Warzone, just as a general comparison between Warzone 1 and Warzone 2.

So we've got that to break down as well, of course.

Resurgence is gone currently, but for how long?

Resurgence is gone currently, but for how long?

Just this past week, we saw the reintroduction of War Zone 1, now known as Warzone Caldera; that happened back on the 28th, and with that update, they officially removed Rebirth. It is unfortunate to keep saying that there is no more Resurgence available in any Warzone gameplay. Of course, it was limited to just Warzone before Warzone 2 dropped and Warzone 1 went offline; that was basically the end of that, and obviously it's not currently available and it's not currently live here in Warzone 2 either.

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We just wanted to let you know that the unhinged Mosh Pit is the third person. Mosh Pit is the soloist. For duos, trios, or whatever for standard Battle Royale, there's no real LTMS; there's also no Resurgence yet, and obviously, no alternative maps either; it's just all Masra, which is pretty blatant.

The warzone 2.0 resurgence confirmations so far

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That said, it has surprisingly not been radio silence when it comes to the future updates for Warzone 2 regarding small Battle Royale maps, rebirth-like gameplay, and gameplay improvements. Gameplay I should say that because, to be honest, I don't expect Rebirth as a map to ever come back. We saw it back in Blackout; we had it for multiple years in the war zone, and I'd be very surprised if they just reused it again.

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That would look very lazy, and two, I feel like just the gameplay would get very monotonous and stale very quickly. I'd imagine they'd go the route of Fortunes Keep; maybe we see that return because we only had that for two seasons or whatever back in Warzone One; or they design a new smaller map or multiple new smaller maps, which really is what seems to be the case here because if we were to go over to the Call of Duty blog, they talked about Warzone Caldera returning and that being the only thing no playlist outside of standard Battle Royale; I think right now it's just solos and quads unless that's changed since it was reintroduced; there's really not anything fancy going on at all in that game; it's very Bare Bones, and in the Cod blog they say Rebirth.

Island and Fortunes Keep will not be present when Wars on Caldera becomes available to play; obviously, they're done, so they're out of here. They also include this, which is very important, and while it's only one sentence, there's a lot to depict from this and a lot to take away from it for those fans of small Battle Royale maps who can expect exciting developments in War Zone 2 during future seasons.

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Yedo, we're going to be the grammar police here for a bit and focus on the amount of plurals that they used in that sentence, so they say expect exciting developments, plural. This is indicating that potentially there could be multiple new maps coming, and they say during future seasons, again in the plural.

Seasons was there, so perhaps, you know, in Season Two and Season Three, we end up seeing one small Battle Royale map drop for Resurgence-style gameplay, and then later on in Seasons 4, 5, and 6, we see a second map drop. It definitely seems like this year, with the upgraded engine and all the technical improvements they've made to War Zone 2, they are aiming to have this game feature more playable content.

We've already talked about you know previously with the second map being sort of teased in the campaign and how we could end up seeing all of Mozra and the sort of lost almost map take place at the same time where you could choose which one you want to play, or maybe it just cycles and rotates like over in other games like Apex Legends.

Deal potentially with the Resurgence update now.

Warzone 2 resurgence leaks & rumors

Warzone 2 resurgence leaks & rumors

So that'd probably be season three, if I were to guess. We know Season Two is starting on February 1st, and that'll probably last for about two months—maybe two and a half months—or something similar to Season One, then we'll jump into Season 3, which is like right in the middle of that time frame, so that would line up well there.

Hope also says Infinity Ward and Raven will help direct it, with Infinity War deleting the narrative and Raven consulting on gameplay ideas. With this map that would be similar to Warzone 1 gameplay in terms of map dynamics, a lot of the QoL updates perhaps that Raven introduced throughout Warzone 1 are here: things like redeployable balloons, portable buy stations, different zip lines available, and good movement all across the map, so you can navigate the map in a handful of different ways.

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To me, that's what stands out from that report from Hope. Keep in mind that's just insider information that's been leaked, so things could be subject to change there, but that is important information nonetheless. There have also been some rumors floating around about what the new map could be for Rebirth or Resurgence.

Whatever you want to refer to it as, keep in mind that resurgence is really what it is. I'm hopefully pronouncing that name right. It's an island off the coast of Japan to me, and it looks like it's downtown Verdansk, just you know, on an island. I don't know if that'd be great for a Resurgence map, but a lot of players have been talking about that.

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I just want to reiterate that there's no confirmation on what this map is as of right now, but we do know for a fact that they appear to be working on multiple, small maps, and for what it's worth. I also think we're probably going to end up seeing Resurgence as a mode debut. Before any actual small Battle Royale maps, we will probably end up seeing Resurgence happen on all mods, or we saw that back in the day with Dance, where we had Dance Resurgence, even during Caldera.

modern warfare 2

We had Caldera and Resurgence, and I imagine that, especially because War Zone 2 does end up playing so differently than War Zone 1, they'd want to test out Resurgence first in, you know, those cut-down areas of Almazra, to see how it plays, gauge feedback there, and see if they need to tweak anything before they fully implement it on a brand new map.

The WARZONE 2. 0 Resurgence Update - All details, leaks, and other information.
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