News - Warzone 2: The New Weapons Update. Weapon Balancing, Meta Update, More

Is a change to the sniper meta in the form of a brand new limited time mode. Again, we've talked about this one a bit before, but the devs did confirm in a call that I was able to sit in on with them that they are going to be testing out a one-shot sniper mode for War Zone 2. Obviously, snipers up until this point have not been able to get a single shot down unless, of course, you used the incendiary rounds for a very brief amount of time; they fixed that one super quick, naturally.

modern warfare 2

But one-shot snipers are coming to the game at some point; they didn't say when this LTM would be going live, but it'll be a specific mode where snipers will have the capability to one-shot knock or one-shot down in that game mode only in core Battle Royale; they won't be in, you know, core Resurgence; they won't be one-shot knocks.

But this will be a good test to see if players actually enjoy the element of one-shot snipers or if it's something that should remain the same, where they are pretty much all two-shot depending on where you land the shot on that specific enemy. So at some point in the coming weeks, snipers will be changing, but again, just for that specific mode, and then they'll make their decision based, you know, in the long term, around that. That mode's success or failure, we'll have to see how it goes really to see if snipers are going to be a viable thing this year or if they're going to remain how they are now outside of that when it comes to the other weapon.

Other expected weapon buffs/nerfs in warzone 2.0

Other expected weapon buffs/nerfs in warzone 2.0

Buffs weapon Again, nerfs haven't said anything directly here if we look at the overall meta for the most part.

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Are relatively well balanced, but there are a couple of weapons that maybe could see some nerfs. I'd be looking at potentially the Rel they tried to nerf with it in the last update, and it's still an absolute beast for long range. It has the best long-range ttk, and nothing in particular comes close, so maybe there are some changes to that to balance out the long-range medicine.

Hemlock even though it is brand new. Far and Away is the number one rifle right now because of its solo recoil and its ttk is so consistent over range, so maybe those get nerfed, but really. I'd like to see some buffs with this update, in particular a few weapons that I feel are super underutilized.

modern warfare ii

Right now, the M16 is still just garbage. Most rifles right now are relatively competitive, and then the M16 is there, and it's just not worth running at all. So maybe we see some buffs there again. We'll have the full details on all the patch notes and all the weapon changes when those drop on Wednesday, so we'll be covering them right as they are released.

That is effectively going to wrap things up for today.

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