News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Season 2 Update

Absolutely, it's going to stay in this category, but again, like I mentioned, the gap isn't this big anymore. It's this big, so it's going to be more competitive with these other choices, but it's not going to be super dominant like it was before, so that's a good nerf. I'm surprised it wasn't nerfed more, though, and maybe that extra nerf comes in the future, if you will.

new meta update warzone 2

The rail also got a slight nerf. On it, you can just change the setup to have more recoil control, though, and it's still the best TTK of a range. The thing is still absolutely dominant in the meta-conversation. EBR, curiously enough, ended up getting some changes here. It got a ranged nerf but a damaged buff.

I think it's already a competitive option. It has a really good shot-to-kill ratio in this game even with three plates, but it's still going to be harder to use for most players, so I'm going to keep it in. The LMS got a nerf, basically because it has that minimum armor damage now that's going to stay at average.

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It's not crazy, but the fire rate kind of stinks, and frankly, the TAC M is surprisingly good. Also got a change here: the rate of fire was buffed, and that's solid because the rate of fire on the attack M was garbage, but it also got a damage buff too, which to me kind of makes this a competitive choice now.

new meta warzone 2

It was tricky to use because it is still slower firing compared to some other choices, so you can't spam it as much, but its damage is pretty ridiculous, and the fact that it got buffs to me makes it seem a lot more viable and practical in the actual meta conversation, so it definitely gets a not up to competitive standards.

There were also some really interesting changes to some of the SMGs. Actually, the voznif's got a ranged nerf, so it's not going to be as good for sniper support, but for close range, it's still going to be really good, and it's close range. TTK was already right up there at the Fenix before this update, so Voz Nev stays in the top tier, but it's not going to be as versatile as it was before.

Mini Buck This is the one that surprises me the most. The mini Buck might be one of my new favorites. I won't lie; it has a damage and a range nerf to some of the extremities, so certain body shots are going to do less and its range is not going to be as good. If you're hitting, you know, headshots, upper chest shots, and torso shots, it's still going to be ridiculously good, and its damage per magazine is the best out of the SMGs because it has that huge magazine.

warzone 2

I'm loving it right now, so definitely the only one that I've got my eye on is the Fennec, which also gets a decent amount of damage from a Nerf gun. I do think it's enough to drop it down into the top tier category because I think all the SMGs now are basically going to be hyper competitive, if you will, and the lockman is a great choice.

The fennec is still usable; it's just not going to fry like it once did in that magazine and at that rate of fire; they don't go together super well, and, you know, damage per mag kind of sucks, and now it's going to be worse than it was before, but mini Bach is great. Voz Nev is great. The Chimera and the 74U are still also fantastic for close range, so that area is just super competitive right now.

warzone 2 best weapons

Then there is also the signal. Our final update here, signal 50, actually got a speed nerf, a velocity nerf, and a range nerf, basically just lining it up even more with the other snipers, and frankly, because of the update that ended up giving us three plates by default not allowing snipers to ever one-shot kill unless a player is already weak.

I think the victus drops down into competitive with the other snipers, and so does the signal sniper. Right now, they just don't really have a spot in the meta, which is a bit unfortunate, but that's kind of the way that things have played out. I also want to make a couple of other adjustments, the second of which I think is a top-tier choice.

warzone 2 best weapons after update

We've already looked at the ttk for this, and it absolutely can hold its own, and with that said, that's pretty much how the meta is playing out right now. I mean, it's very diverse, like I said multiple times in the top meta category. The meta is much closer to top-tier competitive than it was before season two, and while we still have a few weapons that I think stand out, it is very possible that you could drop in with a chimera and an M4 with a second even, with some of the competitive options here too, like the lockman and the stb, and do well against an rpk or a cast of 762, which is great news; we are trending in the right direction.

I think there needs to be more adjustments, and I'm sure there will be in the coming weeks, but as of right now, this is how the meta-update shakes out, and that's going to wrap things up. Later, peace, out.

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