News - The Warzone 2. 0 Meta. Every Weapon Ranked

best guns

0 has been out for a bit now, and I've been grinding and putting in a ton of hours testing as many different guns as possible with as many different setups as possible to figure out what is the true War Zone 2 meta, and today we are breaking just that down. We've got a brand new tier list here, obviously, and it looks very similar to our multiplayer one if you've caught those articles with a few different categories here and obviously between multiplayer.

And in Warzone, things are pretty different with how engagements work and how the health system works, so this will still have some similarities but also be specific to just Warzone 2 gameplay. You can get away with using them. You can have different setups for them to hold their own average. All right, you're going to get some kills from them, but there are several better choices below average.

You probably want to avoid using Niche, which is just used for very specific things and then garbage. There is absolutely no point in using.

Warzone 2 all battle rifles ranked

Warzone 2 all battle rifles ranked

So first up is the SO14 in our battle rifles. Now, the SO14 does have one of the lower TTKs, but in multiplayer, it can get away with being decent there, and I think I have it in competitive mode there for MP. In Warzone, though, with that extra health, it's just average to me.

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It can be like a three- to four-shot kill if you land one or two headshots, but overall, it's nothing too crazy. Average is probably where it's going to cap out unless it gets a pretty significant buff to attack V. Absolutely, it is competitive; I would love to put this in the top tier, but to me, the recoil it has is just a little too much.

The thing is a powerhouse; don't get me wrong, this thing absolutely melts. I was using it last night, actually, when I was recording this article, and it felt so good at medium range, but outside of like 40 meters, it was too much to use, even with a longer Zoom scope. For maximum control because the recoil is rough and it's got the damage but the recoil is holding it back some, the F-TAC Recon is also going to go in average; you can spam this one a little bit more than the SO14, but its damage is also nothing too crazy there than the Walkman 762, while in multiplayer I think it's really solid because it's like a two-shot kill here in Warzone with its fire rate; it's just damaged properties.

I'm not a huge fan of this either. I think that also ends up landing on average as well, so, out of the battle rifles, the TAC V is definitely standing.

All smgs ranked in warzone 2.0

All smgs ranked in warzone 2.0

Now we get into the SMGs, which I think is a very competitive category. First up is the MP7, whose damage is not really impressive in any mode, MP or Warzone, and obviously when you go to Warzone, there are engagements at further distances for SMGs.

The AUG SMG I am going to throw it into competitive riding; it's been used by a lot of pros already, and they're really enjoying the MX9. I've used it myself, and it feels good. It's nice and mobile. It would probably be higher on the list if it had a bigger magazine. 32 rounds, I believe, is the cap for it, and that's just not enough for anything outside of solos.

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Now the Walkman is available on the MP5, which I think is a top-tier choice. The thing is great; it's got really good mobility and good control, like you can beam in mid-range even with this thing, good damage per mag, or just overall TTK; it's checking all the right boxes for the MP5, absolutely.

best weapons

A top tier The choice of Voz Nev, I would say, is more of a competitive SMG. Its damage is not the craziest; it is really good to use though in terms of mobility; it also is very simple in terms of recoil as well, so it's holding its own but there are some better choices. By far the best optimizing piece of my setup is these glasses, and once the day is done.

I can go to bed at night and sleep nice and easy because these things wake me up feeling refreshed and ready to do it all again the next day. They are game changers and lifesavers. If you're looking at screens for long periods of time, they offer prescription or regular lenses and plenty of different frame options.

The great thing here, though, is that super-large magazine by default, and it is also very good for mid-range with that easy recoil. As well, it's got quite a few things going for it. The bass P again, I would say is just a competitive SMG once you build it from the ground up. It's not all that great because it's got that smaller magazine, but when you build it correctly, it certainly is competitive.

The mini box is one that I am torn about, because it's got the damage per mag, but I think ultimately it's also just a competitive SMG. I wasn't lying when I said this was a very competitive weapon category, but a lot of these TTKS are good, but they're not as good as they could be to truly be a top-tier gun, and really, truly, we want most things in the average or competitive category to have a super diverse meta, as is the case with the PDSW.

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I am also going to throw this into competitive just because our next gun, the fennec, is an absolute meta, and I think I would take the lockman and the fennec over the PDW currently. The P90, as it's also known, is really solid, and just like the Hurricane, it has that larger magazine by default, which is super nice, so it's right there on the borderline, top tier, and that's probably the closest out of all of these.

All shotguns ranked for warzone 2

All shotguns ranked for warzone 2

I would say that then we get into the shop for shotguns, and frankly, I don't think many here are going to be all that crazy.

I think the Lockwood because it only has two shots, even with slugs in it, it's just an average shotgun. The expedite's damage is a little bit lower, so I'm not a huge fan of that. Brysons could be interesting here because I know the Bryson 800 is very strong from what I've used of it already. There are some very interesting one-shot kills, so I think I'm going to drop that one into competitive.

I don't like the Bryson 890 as much, so I'm going to say that one's average. I think of the shotguns, the Bryson 800 is the most useful, I guess you could say.

Warzone 2 every lmg ranked

Then we get into the LMGs, which is again another very competitive category, so the second MGF38, Easily competitive, I mean, this thing is low recoil and has a really good ttk.

best weapons warzone 2

Over range, it's obviously very heavy, though, because it is an lmg, and the same is true with the AUG lmg, the hdr56. I really wanted to have this one in the top tier because I believe its damage is there, but if you want it to be used for mid-range and long-range, it is just so, so slow if you want to keep the control feeling good and it feeling like a laser beam.

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