News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

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There are very few weapons here that are actually going to shift down because of this meta update, but we do have some interesting changes.

New chimera rifle meta ranking

New chimera rifle meta ranking

Regardless, first we have to start with the newest weapon in the war zone in Modern Warfare 2, which is the Chimera. So this is our brand new rifle, an SMG hybrid, or basically the Honey Badger, if you will.

Cheval weapon we've already gone over the best way to unlock it or the fastest way to unlock it, the best setups for it for multiplayer and Warzone as well, and admittedly here in Warzone I would say this is borderline. Top-tier competitiveness is somewhere in the mix here. I think as it stands, I'm going to go for competitive.

It's on these slightly lower ends of things, and we are going to be adjusting some weapons here even if they didn't get touched, based off of more play time and more experience with things seeing and the meta evolving, but the Chimera here is great for sniper support and great for close to mid-range, but it does feel like it drops off pretty severely over range.

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Even if you have a build that's relatively low recoil, its damage feels a little bit more mediocre once you're getting out to, you know, 70, 80, 90, and plus meters, so I think that really limits it, whereas a lot of the top-tier ones here you'll notice are a little bit more consistent.

New warzone 2 weapon tuning update meta changes

New warzone 2 weapon tuning update meta changes

But getting into some weapons that changed here, a big change happened to several pistols: the Akimbo p890, the Akimbo X12, the Akimbo Basilisk, and the Akimbo Goler; the Akimbo; the Akimbo; the Akimbo. Now the Basilisk and the X12 don't really move out of average; they're still average pistols when it comes down to it.

The deagle is also still not really anything special. The p890 and Nerf, though, bring this one down to average. The Pa 90 was insane; you could honestly make an argument for it being top tier or even absolute meta before this update took place because it could three- or four-shot players up close.

It is a little slower firing, which is why I personally prefer the X13 anyways because of the full auto capacity of it and that property of it, but regardless, the Da90 was ridiculous at Kimbo before this update; it's a lot more in line with some of these other pistols now borderline competitive average.

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I'd say it's the best pistol we have here out of the average ones, but I think the X13 is probably the most consistent and reliable pistol to use after this update now that the mx-9 actually saw some decent buffs here; they actually buffed the movement, the ads speed, and the sprint to fire speed when using the 32-round magazine, which you're always going to do here in Warzone, so this is a competitive rifle, and unfortunately.

I don't think it can jump up anymore unless it gets some insane, broken damage buff. Just because it is so limited by its magazine capacity, 32 rounds at max is practical in solos and nowhere else really, so while it is a very reliable SMG right now. I don't see it being top-tier, absolute meta ever unless it gets a 45-round mag or a 50-round mag or an insane damage buff that makes 32 rounds capable of wiping out a whole squad.

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This is basically an interesting one: the cast of 74U. I actually saw some slight changes here as well. It ended up getting a close range damage nerf, essentially, so it's going to take extra chest shots to be able to consistently kill a little bit faster; obviously, head and neck shots as well, but overall, its close range property is going to be a little bit worse than it was pre-update.

Not enough to drop it into competitive territory; it's still a top-tier choice, but slightly worse than before. As well, I wanted to let you guys know that GAP is doing a pretty crazy last-minute holiday sale right now. They have a bunch of tubs that are discounted currently, and we're talking some pretty top-tier flavors, in my opinion, like star fruit and doodleberry, and the juice as well.

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There's a bunch of really cool flavors and different tubs right now that are discounted, and code Immortal actually stacks on top of the discounts, so you can get 20 to 30 percent off your entire order in addition to the already discounted price there. Now, a very significant buff happened with this update to the cast of 545.

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One of the worst primaries in the game ended up getting a velocity buff, a close range damage buff, and a chest multiplier buff, which absolutely, in my opinion, brings it up to the average and borderline competitive category. I think I'm going to leave it in average for now, and I only say that because, when I compare it to some of the other rifles that are here in competitive.

I mean the M13. I'd still probably take over the cast of the Lochman 556 and I'd probably take over the cast of the Chimera, and we'll see the M4. We're going to get to that here in a bit, but it made it a lot more viable here in Warzone, and it's especially good over in multiplayer. We'll talk more on that once we get to the multiplayer meta article here in a few days again.

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Stay tuned for that coming soon, but the cast-off got a much-needed buff here, and I'm glad to see that also. Also. I feel like I've got to bring the M16 up to below average; it's not full-on garbage; it's usable, but I wouldn't recommend it; it's staying below average, and I don't think it's ever going to get better than that.

meta after update warzone 2

Now the Vel 46, aka the MP7, actually got a slight update here as well: it got a far damage buffer or far range damage buff, which will make it more effective in those sniper support areas; it got a movement speed buff; and it got a hip fire buff as well. Its damage is still on the lower end, and again, when you compare this to some of the other competitive SMGs, like the mini box, the P90, and the Vosnia, which I think could also be adjusted here and which we'll get to soon.

I don't think it's necessarily on their level, but the MP7 is feeling a little bit better than before, so definitely a W for that. Now the 50 GS actually saw a couple of different buffs to its range and its one-shot capabilities, and its one-shot range was essentially those that were buffed; its neck and upper body multipliers were buffed; and its velocity was buffed; it's still the most unforgiving pistol out of them all and definitely not on the same level as any of the others.

meta update warzone 2

Now another big change here is the shotguns, of which three out of four I currently have an average of. can no longer one-shot any full-plated, you know, enemy, so if an enemy has three plates, a one-shot is impossible, so we're moving the Bryson down to average with the rest of the shotguns here because that was one that had a really spicy close range one-shot capability no longer though, that's another serious Nerf, and then they just kind of murdered the riot shield.

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