News - Warzone 2: Change Your Meta Loadouts Asap. You're Building Them Wrong. Warzone 2 Best Setups

best attachments warzone 2

We've been focusing a lot on meta attachments here in Warzone too lately because we of course have the raw data mine stats now available for a wide selection of the attachments here in Warzone 2, and today I wanted to focus on a way that you could actually drastically improve your setups just by switching around a handful of things but still end up with a very balanced weapon build overall, so of course we are here on Sim.

Warzone 2 meta builds explained & compared

Warzone 2 meta builds explained & compared

Ggsym. Gg, which is the site. Gun here if you will, so this first one here is a relatively standard 762 cast and build, and we've got the Zulu suppressor on theirs that we've talked about recently with our suppressor articles. This one is a really good choice because of some of the added benefits.

I got the 584 barrels for the control range velocity right. Ripper, having a great underbarrel for stabilization is not going to make your weapon sway too much for control. There are 40 iron sights and a nice optic on the right ammunition article for you to see if you get some decent stats. You know upgrades here: the view kick is a little bit better, the gun kicks a little bit better, and the velocity is also better, so it's like a well-rounded, solid build, but can we actually improve on this?

best loadouts warzone 2

Essentially, what I wanted to look for here were changes to the muzzle and then also changes with the ammunition to see if those two categories could make drastic impacts. On long range, now of course the main focus of this article is medium-to-long range. Close range is very basic and very straightforward, right, but that's the first build here.

I've also gone ahead and made basically the same exact build and swapped out the Zulu suppressor for the sack and tread 40. This is just going to make it so that our control is obviously much better, but our velocity gets a bit worse because obviously the Zulu suppressor adds some of that, but it doesn't have nearly the same impacts on your overall level of recoil control.

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I've got another build here, which is the second shred 40, and I actually dropped the barrel in this case and went over to high-velocity ammo instead, and you can see the velocity increases a bit, but the control is still really consistent, so we've got that as well. I also have another one where I go for no under barrel, I drop the ripper, I keep the basic barrel on here, and we've got the second shred 40 in high velocity ammo.

The next build here we've got the Zulu suppressor back on here with the barrel high velocity ammo no under barrel in this case, and then also the last one here is with the Ripper no barrel Zulu and high velocity to see basically which of these builds is going to be the best overall of all of them. They are very similar in a lot of ways.

Right now, three out of the five attachments for the most part are staying the same in this case depending, you know, on the certain gun here, but is there a one specific build here that is the clear standout because that's the difference in what's going to win you a fight or lose you a fight? You know if someone's using this cast of 762 and you have this cast out 762, is one going to basically be a free kill?

Meta warzone 2 loadout stats compared

Meta warzone 2 loadout stats compared

So let's start first up top here with our velocity; we get a bunch of different values here right, so our first basic build, the one that you know we've been using for quite some time, sits at an 829 velocity, which actually is the second lowest out of all these and obviously four long range fights.

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Especially here in War Zone 2, where the hit rate feels so inconsistent because the servers are so bad and because the ttk is so fast, having a good velocity stat is huge because this is going to allow it to basically feel like your weapon is hitting more consistently. You don't have to lead your bullets as much; where you're shooting is where you're hitting, so having a good velocity is crucial.

best setups warzone 2

So this one is mid-tier. If you're building them for, like, sniper support, then that's a really, really low value that I don't think is going to be all that great here. We'll have to look at the other stats, though, to see if anything balances out. If you use high velocity and no barrel, you get an 850, which is a nice mid-tier option as well.

If you use no under barrel with high velocity, you get a 997, which is also pretty solid, and then you get some really good velocity when you use the Zulu suppressor with no barrel or no barrel. You're looking at almost 1200 there in just over a thousand there, so obviously, those stats are looking very prime and long-range, but there's more to the story here.

Let's look at the ad times now as well, and I'll zoom down a little bit so you guys can see all the values so far. So our basic one actually has the slowest ad time out of them all, and when you are factoring in long-range gunfights and some mid-range fights, ads are not the number one factor because, obviously, over long range, your ads are probably going to be much slower than the weapon that you're building for close-range fights, and that's where it matters the most, but obviously.

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You don't want to hinder a build if you don't have to when it comes to that aim-down sight speed. Having a decent speed can also be a determining factor in a lot of fights, especially with the super fast TTK, if you're fighting in the mid-range or early long range. The fastest one here is actually 3.95, which is very impressive, and that's using high velocity and no barrel, so obviously that barrel is slowing you down quite a bit in terms of that added speed.

If you're using high velocity and no barrel here, you actually end up getting a 437; that's not too bad at all. We also have a 468 here for the Zulu suppressor with no barrel, and then a 426 for Zulu with no barrel as well, so the barrel there is the main hindrance and obviously for using Zulu, and with that and a under barrel with no high velocity, we're getting those slowest 80s time again, not a huge factor but something to take note of.

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It would be seriously appreciated, so when we get to the control values, This is where we see some very glaring and very obvious things right away. Long range, you have to have good control; you do not want your weapon bouncing around like crazy because you are going to miss shots; it's going to kill your ttk anyone.

With a more accurate gun or better recoil control than you, someone is likely going to take you out, so we can immediately look at our 762, with the Zulu suppressors and no under barrel, and say, "Yeah, these are bad." Your view kick is actually getting worse, and you're only getting a six percent decrease, or a six percent reduction.

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