News - Warzone 2: New Best Ttk Long Range Meta Loadouts. Warzone 2 Best Weapons

best loadouts warzone 2

A pretty obvious change that a lot of us are expecting here in War Zone 2 is a nerf to the RPK. It is far and away the number one weapon in War Zone 2 right now in terms of its overall ease easy it is to use and control. So we're expecting it to get a nerf here, either with a random update or at the latest with these season 2 launch updates.

So today. I wanted to take a look at a couple of other guns that actually aren't extremely similar in ttk that once that rpk Nerf goes into effect are going to become a whole lot more competitive in the general meta, and honestly, you could even get away with using them right now, so we'll break down the best setups for those guns as well, so we are here on Sim.

Warzone 2 long range ttk stat breakdown

Warzone 2 long range ttk stat breakdown

And we've got a handful of different weapons on our TTK chart here. We are looking at, of course, 250 health for the most accurate war stats and zone stats here, and when we look at this chart, obviously we have the combination shots factoring in for the best accuracy. I got five different guns on this graph, all of which have been talked about at one point or another.

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Our orange line is obviously there, as is our blue line. This is the main focus for today. We actually have the second one on there, which is one of the easier lmgs to use, has really good control, and is one that I actually really enjoy using with the wrap, which actually has a ridiculously fast close range ttk, as you can see in the casting of the 762, which as we've talked about before is the number one ttk, rifle, and is actually just slightly slower than the rpk.

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etc, but as we can see on this graph here, we get a very interesting story when it comes to what is close to our orange line here, what's close to the rpk, so we can basically remove the TAC 56 that's not obviously in the conversation here whatsoever, but then we look at the cast off. This is actually pretty solid; like I said, it's like right there, about even through the first 28 meters with the rpk, but then it drops off a little bit sooner, and it actually drops off a little bit more severely over time.

range, making the 762, obviously, a great choice for a rifle, and even if the RPK gets nerfed, that's a good idea to run as well, like it's certainly going to be something that's going to be consistent, but really what I want to focus on here is the second and the wrap because these both are severely underrated right now, but as you can see, the wrap is actually decent.

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Better than both choices through the first 33 meters; now, keep in mind the wrap's recoil is a little bit more noticeable than either of the other two because its fire rate is much, much faster, but even over the range from 34 meters to, you know, 57 meters, it is right there with the rpk. Now it does drop off a little bit at that 58-meter mark—nothing too crazy, not something that's going to be super noticeable in the game by any means, and especially again once we see this RPK.

Hey nerf was added to the game, and this ttk maybe is a little bit slower on the rpk, perhaps its damage drop off in this mid-range is more severe, then, suddenly, you have the wrap with a better ttk in the mid-range, then the sack in here basically, equal again with the rpk through the first 34 meters, and then it actually has a better ttk, all the way up to 60 meters, where then it does drop off a little bit more harshly, but still, even at that distance, at 60 plus meters, you're looking at a pretty small gap here, with the sacking at 783 and at 63 meters, the rp at 725, so less than 100 milliseconds, and again, if that rpk goes into effect suddenly.

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This is a lot closer, and the second being so easy to use is going to have a ridiculously fast, realistic TTK over these longer ranges here, so LMGS. For some reason, this year is just so consistent and reliable in terms of TTK and control. These two are certainly options here that could absolutely become long-range meta, and they're already clearly in this conversation.

In terms of what their TTK can produce now and what you can actually do in game with these guns if you know what you're doing with them now. Join us ultimately on the road to 1 million subscribers. Let's try a name for 2 000 likes on this one.

Warzone 2 best ttk sakin mg38 loadout

Warzone 2 best ttk sakin mg38 loadout

So for the sack and set-up here, this one is relatively straightforward. I really want to capitalize on its long-range efficiency there, so really, I just want to make this thing as easy to use as possible over range. So we're really just focused on a lot of control here for the most part, so first up.

I've got the g305, rear grip, which is going to be for better recoil control in general, and I actually go through and tune that for even better steadiness and even better idle stability, so this thing's not going to sway much; it's going to shoot very straight obviously making things much easier over range classic.

We tuned for that furthest eye position and that slightly faster aim down side speed that's not going to do anything too crazy, but it's a little something extra here and there. I also go for the Ripper under barrel per usual, which is my go-to under barely here for that better stabilization, and also for the fact that we can tune for even better recoil stabilization than also better idle stability as well, so again, just making this thing even more accurate over range.

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I do go for the Custovia suppressor here; you could also go for one of the better velocity, increasing ones as well, but this one obviously is going to help out with that recoil control, and I tuned this for that better velocity as well on top of the slightly faster ads, there with that left graph, so getting a lot of pros out of this setup in general.

Lastly, we go for the Silver Series Barrel here; this is going to be for better range, better velocity, and better control, all obviously huge pros for long range, and we tune it for that better damage range as well as the better recoil setting, so this thing is going to be super easy to use in the grand scheme of things.

At 40 meters, 80 meters, and 120 meters, it's not going to matter; you're going to be able to fry with this thing absolutely.

Warzone 2 best ttk rapp h loadout

Warzone 2 best ttk rapp h loadout

A top-tier long-range choice Then for the wrap again, this one is a little bit more difficult to use just because its control is not nearly as straightforward as the RPK or as the second, but clearly it has the TTK, so if you are landing your shots, this thing is going to fry, especially in that mid-range there as well, so first up here.

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