News - Warzone 2. 0: The Close Range Meta. Best Meta Loadouts To Use. Warzone 2 Best Setups


We are focused on the close-range meta here for War Zone 2.

Warzone 2 x13 best loadout (best secondary)

Warzone 2 x13 best loadout (best secondary)

So the first weapon I want to look at is actually a secondary, because most of the time you're probably not going to be running overkill, and if you want to use your full loadout with an actual secondary. I figured I'd give a good recommendation for this. What we're focused on here is actually the X13, the automatic pistol, and the way that I make this thing just extra spicy is by throwing on a Kimbo, so you've got two automatic pistols.

Obviously, you're going to hip fire only, but for close range, these are great. They kind of melt to say the least, so obviously we got the X13, akimbo pistol grip on here, so two are better than one. I do go ahead and run the 24 on mag on here. I don't feel like anything bigger than that is necessary at all; it's going to make you way, way too slow right but I would rather have a little bit extra ammo in there than anything just in case you do miss some shots, it's hip fires you're bound to speak of, of hip fire we got the one milliwatt laser on there for that hip fire accuracy, as well also better Sprint to fire then I go ahead and I use the Luc 9 barrel for the better movement that's mainly what I want out of that then I tuned this is a little bit more damage range as well those are the tunes to me that make the graph the most balanced so then also we got the steel fire muzzle on here this is a suppressor.

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I tuned this one for the best velocity, maybe slightly. Slightly better smoothness or ads like that are not going to be bars that really matter at all here because neither of those are super applicable, but yeah, this is obviously going to give you that slightly better range in velocity while keeping you off the compass as well, so a really consistent secondary here.

Warzone 2.0 best fennec loadout

Warzone 2.0 best fennec loadout

Now, of course, the Fennec is a top-tier close-range option; it's arguably the best SMG in all of War Zone 2 right now. Up close, it's very easy to use; its damage per mag could be better, but it's far from bad, like it's totally usable for the close range meta and probably my number one go-to choice in most cases here.

So first up, I do have the rubber grip for the rear grip here that'll help out with the Sprint Fire and the ads. I go ahead and tune this for a slightly faster sprint to fire even and then a little bit better recoil on there just to maintain some decent control aspects. Throughout, I have the 45-round magazine on hand; that is a must-have.

You need this in the setup for it to be remotely viable. I got the over-pressured ammo one here just because, I mean, I tuned this for maximum range and velocity, so it's going to induce a little bit more Flinch. But really, you don't need much else on this, so this is sort of an extra added attachment spot if you don't like the iron sights, so go ahead and throw on an optic.

But I'm not a huge fan of any of the stocks or the under barrels; those aren't really all that necessary, and you could. I guess in theory, drop that add-on, let's say the shark fin, because that has no actual cons if I can find it, so you can tune this for, you know, better stabilization or even faster if you want to maybe improve strafe speed as well.

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Just keep an eye on where the graph is going to become a little bit negative in some areas, but that's an option there as well. I also got the seven-milliwatt laser on here for faster ads and Sprint to Fire, and then the covert force barrel, which is going to keep you off the compass; its built-in suppressor has better range velocity, and I tuned this for a little bit better strafe speed there and then also a slight faster.

As well, you don't need to go all the way; this will work just fine.

Warzone 2 best lachmann sub loadout

Warzone 2 best lachmann sub loadout

Now the Lockman sub, aka the MP5, is another top-tier choice in my opinion, with super-low recoil and great mobility. Mobility It's got all the right boxes checked for being a good close-range option here, and it's even viable in some mid-range situations as well. This thing is super, super consistent, so here's the Krona script first and foremost.

This will help with flea resistance. I'm not really too focused on that though; what I am focused on is my ability to tune it for slightly better accuracy and sprint to fire so you get some sort of added bonus out of that 40-round magazine on there for your basic extended magazine, the seven milliwatt laser for that faster ads, and sprint to fire yet again the 12 inch barrel here, which like I said will help out in some of those mid-range fights as well, and I tuned this for Max Aim Walking Speed because that doesn't really hurt the graph too much here and also slightly faster ads, so it's still nice and snappy.

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Then I got the RR40 suppressor on there, which will also help increase the velocity and range a tad bit, and then I tuned this for a better attack speed and then I went for slightly better velocity again just for some of those mid-range fights, but this thing is still super aggressive up close for that nice and aggressive gameplay, but also is nice and reliable as well.

Kastov 74u best loadout in warzone 2

Despite being an assault rifle, the 74U Another great close-range option is here. This really is an SMG disguised as a rifle. also, it just looks so clean here with the Orion camo on here, but again. I got a rear grip on the demo X2, which is mainly meant for control here, and I go ahead and tune this for the better sprint to fire in those better ads.

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If you wanted to, you could also mess around with the true tack for better mobility and tune it for maybe better control or even more mobility if you're just super comfortable with the recoil here. I do run the 45-round mag because the extra insurance there for better damage per mag is pretty clutch in my opinion.

The Olay laser is again for that faster sprint to fire in ads. The 209 Barrel is all movement-based here, which is nice and consistent, so it's going to be super aggressive. I tuned this for slightly better recoil and also a little bit better damage and range; however, you could also tune this for better attack speed if you wanted to as well, and really, you can go max on this because it's not really having too many cons on our overall chart, so you could go either way there and it'll work well depending on your play style.

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Then I go for the Echolus 80 suppressor, for the better velocity and range that also keeps you off the compass. Yet again, I tune this once more for max velocity, to help out in some of that mid-range, and then also for the better ad speed, so it's really nice and snappy. Really solid choice, clean iron sight, so you don't need an optic or anything there; one of the most reliable close-range options by the ways we are breaking down the close-range meta here today.

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