News - Warzone 2: Replace Your Rpk Now. New Best Ttk Sakin Mg38 Loadout After Update. Warzone 2 Meta

best loadout warzone 2

With the Season 2 update, we saw a couple of nerfs to some of those top-tier weapons from the first part of War Zone 2, that of course being the fennec and the rpk. Now admittedly, the Nerfs probably weren't enough to knock them completely out of the meta conversation, and quite frankly, the fennec is still arguably the number one SMG in the game, number one or number two depending on who you ask, and the rpk is still one of the best long-range choices in War Zone 2 as well, both for Ashika Island and for all Mazur.

Full ttk stats for mg38 vs rpk after update

Full ttk stats for mg38 vs rpk after update

However, a new competitor is here; we've talked about it before, but now it's actually better than ever in comparison to the RPK, and what we are talking about is the second-generation Mg38. Trust me when I say that if you are an avid RPK user right now, you are doing yourself a disservice by not using the second mg38.

Instead, shout out to the man, the myth, and the legend of true game data for getting us this information so we can actually compare the time to kill here and see which weapon is truly better. We're going to go through the stats here. We've got the red line, or rpk; we've got the orange or yellow line, our second mg38; and outside of the 36-meter range, the second mg38 is better everywhere.

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I mean, that's about, like I said, as straightforward as in as simple as it gets. The second is outgunning the RPK when you are landing consistent shots, and the best pro out of this all is that yes, if we look at like some of the stats here, you know the second has a better fire rate, a better magazine size, a much worse reload time, and a little bit worse ad time as well, so it's a tad bit slower than the RPK, but it is way easier to use.

The recoil is next to nothing; it is an absolute laser beam, especially with the loadout that we're running on it here today: better ttk, so you're trading a little bit of mobility on an lmg, which obviously is not something you care about too much anyways if you're using an lmg for the clear Superior; better mag size, so a better damage per mag; and quite frankly, easier recoil as well, so the second mg38.

In my opinion, one of the new long-range meta options in the game is one of the new best top-tier meta options in the game. Rel is still the best ttk over long range, but it is much more difficult to use and also much slower than RPK. Was that sort of middle ground where there were really good TT kills in a range easy to use somewhat mobile sack and you just replaced it with ?.

Best ttk sakin mg38 loadout gameplay in warzone 2

Best ttk sakin mg38 loadout gameplay in warzone 2

This update, I'm going to make a dumb decision. Say you know you're muted. You're throwing none of them. You're so mean. You're so mean. That's my new favorite thing.

crossroads, jumped off, and mortared. And somehow you see me; I'm just waiting on you underneath me. Yep, I'm going to try and stick a res here; they're weak for sure. I'm going to help you come and get a pin if you can. I can't think he's on my body right now; I got him nice; he just landed. I'm on my way back; she's chasing me.

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I'm not your YouTube me, nor am I on my way over; I'm in; I'm coming; I'm coming with a mortar strike on me now too. You probably want to go around right or something; they're all on the beach on the far edge. I've knocked them down, but they're going to be up. I just landed there; also, does anyone have any armor?

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I have two teeth, desperately used, and I got one of my bleeds, which I'm showing, okay, yeah, that's the Snipes from before. Yeah, so me yeah man Yeah, that guy's so weak. Tell me, left edge here behind us, behind us the same tin, the same Tin Lizzy, yeah, I'm Kevin, he died, he died, no, he's self-helping get up, get up, knocked him, let's go.

All right, this guy bled just so we could play zone. Play Zone, yeah, or before, wait, armor, you went up, okay, I'm going to try as well, we know where they're at, they're pushing up, and I'm Pride dead here. Just try and play back and get some headies. They're all going to have to move here. Just chill with this guy.

I'm going to try and help our random player on the left here, shit that I get you, yeah, zone, moving again, so you've seen the stats, and you've seen the game play. Let's get into the overall class setup here now as we get into this. I have been using Scuff controllers since, you know, back in the MW3 days when I first started picking them up, and I have loved them ever since going through a bunch of different generations of them with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation.

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PlayStation 5 now has the PS5 Reflex, which is by far my favorite controller to date. They had plenty of different design styles. You can customize it with digital tap triggers on certain paddles. It's incredible if you guys ever want to get a scuff for yourself. So real quick, I was running Smokes Semtex's Basic Perk Package, which is Overkill, Double-Time Resupply, and Quick Fix on their standard stuff.

The secondary, obviously, as you guys saw, was the fennec. I have changed this up a little bit. I've actually replaced the under barrel with a stock lately, and this is just making it a little bit more aggressive, a little bit more fast-paced, so I got the Loctite stock on there for better ads and also a Sprint speed, which is nice.

modern warfare 2

I tuned to have some stability and steadiness there though, just to keep it a little bit consistent; obviously, I'm losing some recoil when I drop an under barrel off. I also got the rubber grip on there for better grip. Sprint the fire tuning for a little bit better steadiness but a faster ad, speed 45 round mag of course gotta have that on there, seven milliwatt laser it's going to give us better ads, and Sprint the fire tuning to basically enhance that even more, and then lockshot kt85.

Better gun kit control and stabilization to give us some control on top of the extra control it's already giving us with how many helicopters are flying over right now, of course, though the main focus here is the M-38. I've got a mod V4 for this die position with better ads. If there's an optic that you like more and that you're more comfortable with, of course, always run that.

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Rear grip: this is going to be for better control and doesn't really hurt too much stability, but we can gain that back with our tuning here with better steadiness and aim idle stability on that Edge 47. Under Barrel: This is again for that better stability; better tuning here will enhance that as well.

modern warfare ii

I got the second-tread 40 muzzle on here based around control to make this thing even easier to shoot with better stabilization and gun kick control on there, and then I also went for the silver series barrel because this is going to give us even better velocity, which of course is clutch in this situation, and better damage range and control in there as well.

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