News - Warzone 2: New Best Ttk Smg Loadout After Update. Warzone 2 Meta Weapons

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The SMG category in particular has been very competitive, arguably the most competitive it's been so far this year because the fennec is no longer a clear top dog, if you will, but also other SMGs are starting to shine in today. I wanted to take a look at the ttk of some of the top-tier SMGs and really figure out if there is a true number-one best ttk SMG or maybe a couple of standouts.

All smg ttk stats after warzone 2.0 update

All smg ttk stats after warzone 2.0 update

So we are going to start here first on true game data today as always, and a huge shout out to Tony the Man, or The Wizard of War Zone as I like to call him, when it comes to the data that he provides so we can obviously have these discussions, and it's just clear-cut, it's super easy to interpret and understand, and I love it, so a huge shout out to Man! Tony, check out his channel.

Check out the site as well. So we got five SMGs, here we got the PDSW 528, aka the P90; we got the Voz Nev 9k, the lockman sub, aka the MP5; we had to have the fennec on this list because that's obviously a huge talking point; and then I also got the Vel 46, aka the MP7; and when we go ahead and scroll down to our ttk chart here, we are of course looking at 250 health behind the face cam there and combination shots for the most accurate ttk stats possible and we get some very interesting results.

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information here, you can see that our red line is going to be our PD SW, the P90 oranges vosnev, and blue is the MP5. green is the fennel Yellow is the MP7, and you can see the fennec now because of the changes that they made. Look at how slow its close-range tick is; it's the slowest through the first 8 meters, and that green line just keeps dropping off harshly.

All the way through, it is nowhere close to being as good as it was before the update, so Fennec is clearly out of the top tier of meta conversations for the SMGs. But what replaces it? The two most interesting lines to me are the red line with the P90 and then also the yellow line with the vel46.

modern warfare 2

Personally, I thought the Vaz Never orange line, which is clearly visible through 10 meters, the Voz Nev is great. Honestly, all these SMGs are really, really good through 10 meters, but often times you're going to find yourself in a fight with an SMG that's 20 meters or 30 meters. I don't think anything beyond this 35-meter mark here is all that relevant because past 35 meters with these subs, you're over a thousand milliseconds, you're over a second long ttk, and with most of these SMGs at that point, that's not a viable place to be fighting with these guns.

That's where you're taking over rifles, snipers, LMGs, and so on and so forth. But in front of this, it's an interesting conversation; I mean, obviously, the P90 actually stands out the most to me because of its damage ranges. Over range up through those 35 meters, we're talking from 23 to 35, so here is the P90, and here is the MP7.

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These are the two clear choices, as our red and our yellow lines prove, but in the middle ground here, you'll notice the P90 consistently has a slightly better damage range outside of a few meters at a time, so through the first 14 meters, the PDW the PDSW P90. Whatever you want to call it, it is the king for that initial first damage drop off.

modern warfare ii

It's not the best for a few meters, but then it takes over yet again, not the best for a few meters but taking over for a much larger damage range; we're talking 21 to 27 meters. It's only six, but it's significant for SMGs, and oftentimes a lot of the ranges that you're going to find yourself in with these guns are in this prime area right here, so it is actually very clear.

Standout to me between the P90 and the Vel is that you can see the Vel is right there and actually has a slightly faster tick through those first 10 meters, and then as it drops off, it's just constantly just behind the P90 obviously with the exception of 27 to about 35 meters there, so two SMGs that really a lot of players weren't paying much attention to.

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Are, actually, two of the top TTs. Options for this weapon category: Yes, the fennec is all right, but it's not crazy. The Voz Nev is still a really good choice in my opinion, I would say, and the Lochman is also a great choice because of its close range. TTK is phenomenal, and it's also super easy to use as well, so you can't go wrong with these.

Let's also look at the table here, though, because this gives us even more stats. I'll zoom out a tad bit here to make the numbers smaller, but we can still see all the stats a little bit more clearly. The ad movement speed on the P90 is one of the better ones; it's right there with the other ones, and you'll see as we get into the builds here in just a moment that we focus so much on mobility that it really turns the P90 into arguably the fastest option here, which is going to have huge ads.

The times are a bit slower, but we really work on that a ton with our build here; velocity is by far the best, so those 20- to 30-meter fights are going to feel the most consistently phenomenal. The fire rate is great, default magazine size, you don't have to worry about adjusting anything. The movement speed is right up there with the other ones.

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Reload time is right up there with the other ones. Sprint speed is the second fastest here, actually, to Sprint speed, which is right up there with the other ones, so there are really no cons to the P90 right now, and the Vel, of course, is right behind it as well as Rhymes.

Warzone 2 best ttk vel-46 loadout (mp7 build)

Warzone 2 best ttk vel-46 loadout (mp7 build)

Let's start with the MP7. I think this is really the ultimate number-two option for TTK; P90 is really the number-one option.

It really comes down to preference, though if you're going to land more shots with the MP7 than the P90, this might be the better choice. But here, first up, we are going for the soldier's rear grip. This is for better ads and Sprint to fire tuning, to maximize that even more, really enhancing the mobility there more so than with the RXT stock, as well as better Sprint speed and better ad speed.

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