News - Warzone 2 Best Search And Destroy Rush Routes On Scrapyard. Warzone 2 Snd Tips

modern warfare 3 search and destroy class

Next up, we have the super simple classic L-plane route. It works nine times out of 10; it really just depends on how many enemies are pushing. We're going to swap our knives; we're just going to run and jump inside the lane; we're just going to straight sprint, and then you're going to slide cancel the doorway; challenge enemies right here and right here as they walk in; once you get them, recommend looking here, there, and sometimes they'll be sitting on this barrel, but once you pick all of them off, figure out the best way to push your way out and get yourself into the spawn and flank.

This next TR is another way to challenge the L plane. All right, my next route is my B route. For this map, you're going to want a stun, so we're going to swap our knives. We're going to the right side. When you hit this plan, you're going to slide behind the truck and throw a stun through the window.

Once you hit that, you're going to slide, challenge the box, pick off enemies, and then flank through to the spawn. Now if you'd like to run that route with a smoke instead of the stun, there's a different way to do it, so we swap to our knife. We're just going to throw our smoke right over the top of the broken plane, and then we're just going to push straight through and cut in like this on the inside, and then push through the spawn just the same route, just another way to approach it all right.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy tips

Squad, that is it for Rush routes on the scrapyard. I hope the article helps you drop a lot of kills in Search and Destroy. I'm going to go ahead and throw some clips. I will be running some of these routes in a real game, so you can see what they look like. I will catch you all in the next one. The secret destroyer is bigger.

This could be just another one of those, another one of those. Rams do better with barrels, Oh.

Also read:
Modern Warfare 3 BEST Search and Destroy Rush Routes on SCRAPYARD! MW3 SnD Tips.
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