News - Warzone 2 Best Search And Destroy Rush Routes On Greece. Warzone 2 Snd Tips

best modern warfare3 tips

greece for those of you new to the channel, this is the series where I go into custom games and go through my Rush routes for all the various maps in Modern Warfare 3, and at the end of the article. I will put clips of me running these routes in an actual game so you can see what they look like in real time.

If that's something that interests you, do me a favor. Leave a like. With that being said, let's get into it for Grace. We're going to want a corit knife secondary, and we're going to want a frag grenade and a smoke for this map. Starting things off with offense, we're going to swap to our knife, and we're going to keep the knife out because the knife is actually very helpful on this map.

We're going to go straight through the middle to the left side here and just keep running with the knife and just hit this corner and stab somebody. Pull out your gun; we'll challenge enemies here. And here, we're pushing through, either flanking A or hopping up into the window and flanking B. Next up, we're going to utilize that smoke swap on the knife.


We're going to throw the smoke right over the top of the building, right above that antenna, where it's going to land in the middle, and cover us so that we can cut through down to the staircase, and you can do one of two things: cut back inside this little cubby, shoot enemies, and then push up into the window and flank.

Instead, once you get down here, you could just push through and face hard enemies. You walk up these stairs and shout enemies here and here, and then I have to come on the outside here and shoot the back on the outside before then flanking the spawn. Now for the mid-rra, there is also a spawn you can run for that, so when you swap your knife and you're up here, you're going to throw your smoke, and then right when you get about at this line here, once you get about there, you're going to throw that nade almost directly up in the air, and that is going to land for enemies running up to here.

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It'll hit enemies right around here, and it'll kill enemies that are pushing up to a or pushing up to middle. It's usually pretty much a guaranteed nade kill if you have any enemies in the middle. Swap your knife. We're going to head towards B this round, and you're going to want to utilize that frag grenade, so we're going to go over here.

modern warfare 3

Cook the nade right over the top, slide on the outside, stay inside, cut inside, and challenge B this way, or you can also just push up the stairs. Once again, be careful; enemies love to sit here in silence. If people are and you're worried about it, then when you throw that frag grenade, you could also just throw a smoke over the top towards the stairs and pop that to cover your line of sight, but that will slow you down a little bit on the B push, so if they're not sniping it, then I wouldn't even do it.

modern warfare 3 best settings

Smoke swapping things over to defense we're going to swap to ey we to fill the smoke over the top angle it a little bit to the left of that building so that way it lands right in the middle you're going to once again use that as cover so you can run and cut to the side and challenge enemies pushing through here and be careful of this spot right here in particular a lot of times you can't see enemies that are up there but they are up there so just be careful of that once you hit this corner you use this little he challenge, enemies.

Inside here, and then always check this corner. People love sitting right here for some reason. I don't really know why they're just weird, but just check it before pushing through and flanking this spawn, or if you'd like, you can also just cut back and go through the middle as well, using the exact same route.

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There is once again a nade that goes to the other side, so we'll swap to a knife, resulting in smoke over the top, and then watch this flower pot. If you hit the flower pot, you're going to want to throw that nade up in the air, and then you can push through and do the exact same route and get a spawn off that way as well as swap your knife once again.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy

We have a route that's almost the exact same thing, and this map's very similar. We're doing the knife route once again; it works on both sides. We're just going to straight up run through with our knife, and usually stabs buy right around here before we pull out our gun. Two enemies here and then here and then check this head here if we're pushing through and flanking or going up the stairs and pushing over to B.

Swap your knife. This time, we're going to challenge the staircase. You can throw the spawn on this one if you like, so you can throw the N up. You don't need the smoke though; though we'll pull out the gun early, we'll hit this corner, and we're just going to walk in hard aim, so that way if someone runs around the corner with a knife, you'll have time to shoot them, and we're just going to hold this, and we'll challenge enemies that rush these stairs right here.

This is kind of a position to hold for defense. You'll hold this, challenge enemies, and then once again repeat the same thing and go through here, or you could continue to just push down if you'd like. Be careful of the roof as well. This is just kind of more of a more of a map control, a defensive route kind of thing, not necessarily an aggressive rush but more of a just getting that, a bomb control.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy class

Swap your we're going to head for B we're going to go up this staircase you're going to want to cook your nade right when we jump over this ledge so you jump cook nade two three throw it at that corner, we're hit that left side cut inside here and use this stair as a head glitch kind of kind of hold this wall for a second if there's any snipers here I would instantly back up and just chalk it and come back around through here but if there's not then you can work your way through use this head glitch to challenge.

Enemies, before pushing through and clearing top plat and the flower bed, and then flanking through to the spawn, just be very careful of those snipers. Typically, even if you have a smoker on, you can't really smoke this because they usually end up shooting you when you throw the smoke, so you'll end up dying anyway.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy tips

So if there's snipers here, I would just kind of chalk and come back and work middle, but if there aren't, push on through, and it's a solid B route flank all right. Squad, that is it for my Rush routes. I hope the article helps you drop a lot of kills in Search and Destroy. I'm going to go ahead and let these clips run some of these routes in an actual lobby so you can see what they look like in real time.

o I don't have a smoke here; okay, we have to take this route. That's a new little icon on the scoreboard. I like that. That's cool that's a cool UAV. No, I just hit Map. Okay boys, yeah, in Uzi, yeah, it's seek; of course he is; yeah, you're welcome. I just got domed across the map; he's in the white van.

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My smoke was dog; shoot, that would have been a hit marker for my.

Modern Warfare 3 BEST Search and Destroy Rush Routes on GREECE! MW3 SnD Tips. Rush Route Playlist.
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