News - Warzone 2 Best Search And Destroy Rush Routes On Quarry. Warzone 2 Snd Tips

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quarry, For those of you new to the channel, this is the series where I go through my rush routes for Mod War 3 Search and Destroy in custom games. At the end of the article. Starting things off with offense, we're going to swap our knives and head towards. We're going to use that stun and a to challenge enemies pushing the sight, so we're going to throw that stun right towards the site and then cook that nade and throw it on the stun enemies or back behind that barrel.

Now, once we do that, we're going to push up, and we're going to go into this building to push inside and take control of the site, or we can also, if we don't have the bomb but don't want to plant and want to push through, we can actually cut right and hop on top of the quarry, push over the top, and either go in these windows to be or go under and flank.

And then finally, in the third option, we can also, if you feel risky, climb all the way up to the top of the third story, challenging enemies to push it, and then from there, push and flank the spawn. Swap your knife; we're going to head towards it, Bside, and we're going to cook our nade right when we hit here and throw that nade over the top.

modern warfare 3

And throw that stun down there; we'll challenge enemies with this stun. And push through, to the spot you can also if you want to sneak right through and just go straight into the back power plant area, but just be careful of enemies that'll sit on top of that roof. If they're on top of that roof, odds are they will get you.

If you walk to the side, it's much safer to push under them because you can usually get under them before they kill you. But if you do want to go over the top for the height advantage, just be careful of that roof. But once you're in here, it's usually pretty safe to shoot them in the back and then push through to the spawn.

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As far as offense goes on this map, that's kind of pretty much it; there's not a whole lot of options. You go A and then push multiple ways in the buildings that way, or you go B and kind of do the same sort of thing. The map revolves around pushing these two buildings on the offensive side because those are the bomb site buildings.

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But if you're feeling risky and you're feeling stupid, you can risk this, so if you swap your knife and hold the right side, we're going to jump, fall right down, push inside the building, and challenge enemies. And pushing right through this route is not only extreme L but also risky if the enemies are over here spawn sniping you from this position, so be careful doing that, but if they're actually not spawn sniping it, then pushing through that middle is a really quick way to get to the spawn and get a lot of kills, swiping things over to defense We're going to push towards the middle; we're going to go through these doors.

We're going to immediately throw our stun out towards the truck, then cook our nade and throw that nade right behind the truck. Fun fact: That nade actually won't blow up this truck. You actually can't blow up this truck, but if you throw that right behind the truck, you'll catch enemies running through here to go for the route that we showed on offense.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy

But once you get that off, you'll be over here. You're going to push inside this building, and we're going to go up top. Once we go up top, I like to walk around and then jump on these outside rocks, work my way all the way over, and challenge enemies to spawn sniping. From the back, once in here, we can then flank either the front or backside, depending on where the enemies have pushed.

That was a lot of information, so let me just do it one more time and just be real quick so you guys can see what it looks like fully as we push through these doors. We jump-threw the stun, cooked the name, then we'll push through up the ladder, and then we'll go and use these boxes to jump all the way around and push to the spawn, so op your knif.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy class

If we're going to push up towards B this time you're going to want that stun and a so we get over here we throw the stun right over the top then we're going to throw that almost straight up in the air we're going to challenge this right here cuz that's right where the N will land that'll put heal enemies that are pushing out across here and then all you have to worry about is the enemy on this head glitch once you on the head glitch you can push inside this, building clear it and then jump out this window and flank the spawn swap your knife we're going to head towards, a, we're going to hit this throw the stun, cook the N just straight up the opposite of the normal a route on offense we'll push out the.

Door and challenge the outside. And work our way to the spawn pretty standard defense to spawn push swap your knife. We're going to head towards B once again, but this time we're going to climb on top of the rocks, so we'll throw the stun, and then what we're going to do is we're just going to hop up on these sides.

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Be careful of enemies pushing right here. We're just going to walk on the outside of these rocks, and we can either push into the building challenge and pop out the window and flank like on the previous B route or, like on the previous mid route, just hop on these rocks and work our way to the spawn.

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That way, all is right. Squad, that is it. Those are my rush routes for Cory. I know there's really not that many of them, but this map is so big and so open that most of the routes are kind of like a you push the same direction and then you kind of split off from there kind of thing with this map.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy tips

It is kind of a fun one, but it is kind of a fun one to rush on. I do enjoy playing it, so I hope these RS help you out. Leave a like if you do. Next, throw it so loud you're going to like it, oh. Yet yeah, in the middle all right, sir, UAV [__] If we go for four and he can assist, that sucks. Search and destroy one charge on Target and level it.

I'm going to stun that guy. There's one there blowing up a nice MCW buddy, oh. Here, I think it was the teammate. I'm actually shocked at how good this bass is. I'd had people telling me it was good, but like, this thing is like rival level good; it's very, very good, which is kind of crazy to say, but it is a strong ass SMG for being the worst SMG in Modern Warfare 2.

At least one of the worst. I'm pretty surprised by this turn of events. With this gun being this strong, maybe the guy was over here because you just killed our teammate over here.

Modern Warfare 3 BEST Search and Destroy Rush Routes on QUARRY! MW3 SnD Tips. Live Streams.
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