News - Warzone 2 Best Search And Destroy Rush Routes On Rio. Warzone 2 Snd Tips

best modern warfare 3 tips

We're going to then slide to the bomb, head-glit it, and challenge enemies by pushing through down the stairs. Into the spawn SWA your knife, we're going to head for the bridge on the right side, we're going to get that stun grenade ready, we're going to throw it under the bridge before then using this hop up to hop up top.

Cut inside, get inside the middle, and challenge before once again pushing down the stairs into the spawn. Now on that exact same route, sometimes what I'd like to do is you can get you a kill if you have an enemy sitting on the back of that truck back here, so what I'll do is I'll climb up when I hit this top.

I'll cook the nade, and then I'll throw it as I cut over, which slows me down the middle just a little bit, so enemies usually will be around here instead of dcking down over here, but it'll get you a kill if you have an enemy sitting on the back of that truck. Swap your knif. We're going to head towards B through the bridge, and once again, we are going to throw this stun under the bridge.

modern warfare 3

And this time we're just going to push through instead of cutting over, so we're going to cook the nade. Challenge enemies and we're going to hop inside this window. Swap your knife. We're going to head toward a bomb once again, but this time we're going to ignore the nade and run straight down to this van.

We're going to throw a stun, jump over the top of the van, and immediately cut over to our right, going inside. Sometimes I like to just straight up bang through the door because odds are you'll get a kill, but then you'll push through and flank enemies that are in the middle, or outside, towards the truck in response.

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Swapping things over the defense, we're going to swap knives, and we're going to head up towards the middle once again. Once we get up to the middle, what we're going to do is immediately run and jump on this ledge. We're going to use this ledge to challenge enemies, not only by running up these escalators, but it also gives us kind of a dirty head glitch on enemies sitting down the bottom stairs, and we can usually pick them off right here before pushing through and going down the escalators.

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Always check this corner, and you can go up the stairs and flank, or you can pop out the doors and flank enemies on the bridge. Swap your knife. We're going to head towards the bridge, essentially on the exact same route that we did on offense. Just on the opposite side, we'll throw the stun and HP up top, cook the N if you'd like or not, challenge enemies, and cut through the middle.

You can once again, if you'd like, just drop down and push straight through spawn. One thing I will note, though, is to be very careful with this head glitch. People love to sit on this head glitch, so be very careful. It's a lot harder to push straight through on this side than it is on the other side because there's no little window to pop in, and there's this head glitch back here, which just makes it a little bit harder, so be a little bit more careful if you're going to push all the way through from the bridge on this side of the map.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy

SWA your knife; we're going to head through these double doors, and we're going to cut to the right towards a so we're going to pop through. Go to the right. We're going to pop through these double doors, slide challenge enemies pushing a bomb, pick them off for popping down, and you're going to use this van as cover.

As you methodically check your corners and your heads and push through and flank the spawn, all is right. Squad Those are my rush routes for the Rio search and destroy in Modern Warfare 3. I hope the article helps you drop a lot of kills in search of destruction. I'm going to go ahead and show some clips of me running these routes and an actual lobster so you can see what they look like in real time.

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I will catch you all in the next one. Get it, get it. I wonder if that's what the names are. Gun, game, too much, too much—it's Yeah, it's like it's basically the MP7 mixed with like a growl; it's like a combination of the new one you're saying. Yeah, there's one, okay, and that's you. Thank God there's two all the way back, and they.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy class

Yeah, buddy, pretty consistently. Bullseye the range, and what we used to do is we would like to throw balloons in the air, bounce balloons around, and then shoot them out of the air, and I could do that. I could shoot balloons out of it. Bye; I can't wait. RND, we are going to have S fights. A he I have you know, I was putting a lot of balls in that guy.

I only saw two of his heads. I just shot. Once another one over here thinks you got him okay. No. Joe, come here, buddy; get out of here, buddy; yeah, teabag. Exactly because he's bad I guess I don't know it's very much B and mid, which is kind of what I expected it would be like since they stuck the B bomb site in the middle.

See if anybody pushes it to this side.

Modern Warfare 3 BEST Search and Destroy Rush Routes on TERMINAL! MW3 SnD Tips. Rush Playlist.
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