News - Warzone 2 Best Search And Destroy Rush Routes On Underpass. Warzone 2 Snd Tips

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Underpass, for those of you new to the channel, is the series where I go to my restaurants for the various maps in modern Warf for 3: Search and Destroy, and at the end of the article. I will play clips of me running some of these routes in a real game so you can see what they look like in real time.

If that interests you, do me a favor. Subscribe and join the quad. You're going to want an infantry vest, a crit knife secondary, and we're going to want a stun gun and a frag grenade. For some of these routes, swap to a knife. We're going to go on this ledge and jump left, hop over the top, jump through the building, slide, and cancel.


Jump, pop down, challenge enemies you're for here, and then back up in these pillars. Once you're up here, you have two options that you can run straight through: check and then hop in the building and flank, or you can also cut right, go up and over the wall, and challenge it that way. That route also has a spawn a you can use that works some of the time really just depends if you have snipers trying to spawn snipe the bridge if they're sitting back there you can probably get one with this n so if we swaps her KN from that same route we'll jump over the ledge once we get over here we're going to throw aade right over the top to the left off the corner of the building so you're to throw it about like that, and it's going to land over there near the pylons, right there, which is where some enemies like to some enemies like to sit and try to snipe people on the front bridge, so if you notice snipers doing that, they might throw that nade.

Swap your knife. We're going to go down the stairs this time and head for. When we get to this corner here, we're going to slide and throw a stun over the top and go through the blue crate slide cancel out challenge enemies here and here, and once again, you have the option of either going straight through and flanking in the building or going to the right and climbing over the fence and pushing into a swap your knife.

modern warfare 3

This time we're going to go straight for a, so we're going to push down, and our goal isn't to throw a stun or anything; we're literally just going to run straight in a as fast as possible, so we're going to go all the way through the slide cancel challenge. Hard aim the whole way up and just walk your way and straight for way up these stairs and hard aim the whole time until you can see this doorway.

Once you challenge that, pick it off, pop out, and watch here and up on this window. And cover the whole entrance, and before you go in this building and push up, or you could flank back through their spot, swap your knife. We're going B. This time we're going to go down these stairs instead of going over the top of the bridge so we don't get spawn sniped, and we're going to go all the way to the left.

Also read:

If you want, you can throw a nade over the top to catch enemies. Pushing, hit that stun off. I'm going to hop up here once up here you can challenge enemies here and here and just kind of work your way covering it, check down here, here pop up, and then you take the bomb site, and you can push through and flank if you'd like, or you can plant the bomb most of the time.

Also read:

When I go, I end up planting the bomb for this next shot. You're going to want an assault rifle. This one's long-range but is an option I like to do on this map, so I thought I'd show it; it's just not a standard Rush route. We're going to swap knives, we're going to push, and we're going to jump over again. We're going to go all the way to the left, hit the bridge, and challenge enemies here here, and then, running through, you can shoot enemies up like that, then, once you do that, push up carefully, work your way into the office, take control of it, then push out and push to B , swapping things over to defense.



We're going to head for a swap with our kn. We're going to run straight through and watch this left side. Don't get spawned. You want to get behind this pillar here. Once you're behind it, you're going to slide down, throw a stun, hop up top, challenge the enemy here, and watch the window, pushing in to clear out this whole thing.

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Area, drop down, shoot enemies in the back here, and then flank through the spawn. We're headed for a swap for our knife. We're going to head down to the bomb site and just instantly Rush the build building, we're going to hit this door slide cancel challenge, throw you throw a stun if you'd like as well I like to cook aade for those that I do stun, and all you're going to do your goal here is to clear a once you get to this point you're kind of just holding the bomb site unless there's enemies back here if there's enemies that are not back there you can push through and flank, but if there is people sitting up here not moving and just kind of camping out with snipers I would just recommend holding a down this is more of a get to bomb site and hold it un L of a rush flank route Next step, we're going to go through a variation of the middle route we ran.

We're going to swap our knives, and we're going to do the same steps we're going to dot, use the pillars as cover, slide. Stun, we're going to hop up top and challenge the same spots, but instead of pushing in, we're going to go up this ladder. Once up this ladder, you can go right or left and just try and pick it off.

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Enemies, before then dropping down, pushing through, and flanking the spawn for this next route you're going to want a smoke you can do it without a smoke it's just a lot riskier, even with the smoke this route's risky but it is fun if you can pull it off it works here and there just be careful with this one we're going to swap to our knife we're going to do the same setup we did with the past couple routes and we're going to use these pillars as cover but we're going to throw a smoke right here, we're going to slide out and we're going to go inside this smoke, and hop up, top, challenge enemies like this, and then drop down, plate the enemies in the building and then push through the spawn You'll notice that most of the routes revolve around this section of the map because this seems to be the most populated section, so most of the routes are really just different ways to approach this area.

Another variation is the exact same smoke route. We'll do the exact same thing—the same smoke at all—except this time we're not going to run up top, so we're going to throw that. Smoke, sneak down, and all we're going to do is run straight through and get ready for a challenge. Just challenge enemies, drop down, and flank instantly.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy

Swap your knife. We're headed for B. We're going to run straight up through the middle, then we're going to cut over and jump down when you hit this corner. I like to cook aade and throw it back right here, and I'll throw a stun. Let that stun go off, and I'll challenge enemies on the way here.

Modern Warfare 3 BEST Search and Destroy Rush Routes on UNDERPASS! MW3 SnD Tips.
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