News - Warzone 2 Best Search And Destroy Rush Routes On Scrapyard. Warzone 2 Snd Tips



Today we are doing rush routes in the scrapyard. For those of you that do not know, this is a series where I go through my search and destroy routes for Modern War 3 in custom games on the various maps in the game, and at the end of the article. I will put clips of me using some of these routes in a real lobby so you can see what they look like in real time.

For the scrapyard, you'll want a crit knife secondary and an infantry vest. The weapon I typically rock is an SMG, or assault rifle. It kind of varies depending on the route. I'll let you guys know which route is for which kind of gun. This map kind of has a mix of both long-range and close-range routes.

best modern warfare3 tips

Starting things off with offense, we're going to swap to a knife, we're going to run straight through, we're going to throw smoke, and we're going to the end of the broken plane. We're going to run straight through that smoke, and then we're going to cut close right, shoot enemies in the back that are here, and on the trash can on the truck before pushing into the spawn.

Clearing it out, and then you can either flank back through b and plant the bomb, or you can just flank all the way through to a. Another way to run that exact same route without using a smoker is if you don't want to use one. You can totally get away without it. You can swap to your knife, and what I recommend doing is that once you get up here, you cut inside to dodge any sniper sitting in the window.

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You'll cut inside, you'll push out, and then you can either run right through here or you can then cut back over and run out the same way. And shoot enemies in the back, and we run this route. Keep in mind that there is usually, like, maybe one enemy that likes to run up and sit right here. Usually, you can walk right past here, and they won't even see you.


You could just turn and shoot them, so just keep that in mind, but you're usually still pretty safe. Just running straight through and shooting enemies in the back that rush the planes. The next shot we're going to go right to middle and if you have a frag grenade there's a spot to know so we're going to swap T knife we hit around this, around this rock we're going to throw the nade up with this tree so we'll come around it'll look something like this we throw it, about like that that's going to land over there on a for people running up to that white crate.

So to make it look fluid, you'll run up, you'll throw the nade, and then you'll push through, throwing smoke over the top. We're going to run straight through; usually there's an enemy that you'll see right here, maybe right here, but for the most part, you're going to run right through. You can hop up in the L plane, shoot enemies on the back before flanking a bomb site, or just push straight through to the spawn.

modern warfare 3

For the next trap, we're going to throw the exact same name, but we're just going to push straight to A, so swap the knife. We'll throw that over the top, then we're going to cut, and we'll slide right past, hit this head, Here, in between the trash can, head on the bomb, and head on the box once you do that.

You can cut through. And push down the alley and work your way through to the spawn. Also, something to note: some people like to just run up and sit in this window and LPL and just watch you, so just keep that in mind when pushing this. You might give it a quick glance before you fully push out to the side and worry about enemies in their spawn, because every once in a while you have one little rat that just runs up and sits in that window.

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All right, all right, next I'm about to show you that it's just stupid; it's risky; it's dumb. You just have to be careful when you decide to use it because when it works, it's awesome, but when it doesn't, you just instantly die, and you have to sit there and watch your teammates lose the round. So, keep that in mind.

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This is one of those risky routes that you just have to pick and choose when you want to do, but we're going to swap to a knife, and you're going to need a smoke. You're going to hit this rock, and instead of throwing the spawn, Aid We're going to throw a smoke right to the right of the tree, right over the PLS.

We're going to throw it just like that; it's going to land behind the truck, and we're going to run right through it, cutting inside. You got the idea, and you're going to challenge enemies, pick them off, flank a bomb site, push through spawn hop in LPL, people in the back, whatever you're feeling based on where the enemies are, just be very careful, because once you do pop out of the smoke, you're like right here with so many places you can be shot from, which is why it is very, very risky, and I only recommend running this route when you know where the enemies are.

If there's an app playing a team that's consistently going to one specific area, you know exactly where they're going to be. That's when you run this route, and it'll work if you don't know where they're going to be. I don't recommend running it. It's a really risky one, but it's fun if you can pull it off.



Off Swapping things over to defense I have a stun out instead of a smoke for this next route we're going to swap to our knife, we're going to run right up the ramp like to throw a smoke right about there, push through you're going to head glitch the barrels and shoot enemies pushing up right here Be careful of enemies sitting in the back of these barrels.

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You have an SMG. A lot of times I run this route with an assault rifle so I can pick them off, but if you have an SMG on, just be careful, but once you get them, you'll have enemies down here. Sit here and use this to pick enemies off close, and then you can pop through and flank back Heli, Crane, or whatever the heck it is these days, and push through to the spawn.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy

Once again, that route works with an assault rifle and an SMG. I usually am using an assault rifle on it, but every once in a while the SMG, so just be careful if you're running the SMG because some of those fights are a bit long range. All right, swapping back to the smoke, this route is risky, but this one is much more consistent than doing it the other way.

I actually like this route a lot. We're going to swap to a knife or throw a smoke right over the top that's going to land right in between the A and L planes, so we're going to use that smoke to run in, slide over, heish these barrels, and shoot enemies. Pick them off. You're going to run back through here and pick off enemies that might be sitting in this corner, and then flank through to the spawn.

Modern Warfare 3 BEST Search and Destroy Rush Routes on SCRAPYARD! MW3 SnD Tips.
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