News - 1 Meta "mp5" Class Is Broken Warzone 2. Best Lachmann Sub Class Setup" Warzone 2



Disgusting i never thought throwing an actual site at an MP5 would be nice, but it actually works out pretty well.

Sniper class

So for the first one here, I'm going to show you guys the sniper class on the screen; you guys can copy it if you want, but I can't change the attachments. I think I only have this weapon at level five.

This is a blueprint I have. I don't even know how I got this blueprint. And then also. I can't even show you the tunings because if I try to change the tunings, which I can't because I'm not at a high enough level, uh, it's just going to get rid of all the tunings, so yeah, it's protuned, so that's it.

So that's the class right there; go ahead and copy it if you have this one as well; go ahead and use it. But let's get into the lockman subclass now, the MP5. This class is actually really good. The reason I decided to make a class that looks like this is because I was playing Search and Destroy and the enemy team dropped 22 kills against me, and he was using a class that looked very similar, if not exactly identical, to this one right here, and I was like, Okay, you know what?

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I'm going to go and make a class that looks like that and kind of plays like that, and I did, and it is actually disgusting. Op, so normally I would throw on the 40-round magazine and all that kind of stuff, but on this class there's no need for like you really don't need it whatsoever, and it's going to do really well regardless, so the first thing on this one is the muzzle , and that's the AVR.



T90, and Comp. This one gives you horizontal recoil control and vertical recoil control.

You will see in the cons that it takes away some ads and some aiming stability, but that's not important right now. What's important is getting that vertical and horizontal recoil control super easy to control, and then for the tuning. I put the ads all the way up and then the gun kick control all the way up as well.

The reason you want to do that, and I say it all the time whenever you have something that's tunable in the gun kit control area, is that you want to make sure you always throw that as high as possible; the reason is that it just makes the gun nice and easy to shoot. Those long shots are really easy to hit with an SMG, and it looks really, really nice as well.

Like, it doesn't look nice; it doesn't change the look of the gun, but you guys know what I mean. The next one is the barrel, and that's the L-38.


Falcon 226 millimeter This one here is great because it gives you the movement speed that you want with an SMG but also gives you the added speed that you just lost with the muzzle, so you definitely want to have that back now on this one right here.

You want to put the ads all the way up, and instead of putting the aim walking speed all the way up, you want to put the recoil steadiness all the way up as well. The reason is because this gun is going to be fast, this gun is light, and this gun's going to be able to body people in seconds, but you want to be able to control that recoil super nicely as well, so I'm going on to another attachment, a non-tunable attachment, which is the fjx.



Ultra-beam XR.

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Just the name of this laser sounds really good. Well, it's not a laser; it's a flashlight, and just because it sounds really good, it's a pro. You get a flashlight, which is cool or whatever, but what you really want is that Sprint to Fire speed that you get on this right here. Now, normally. I'm not the type to run many flashlights or lasers and stuff, but when it gives you Sprint to Fire speed, you definitely want to have that on your classic, which also gives you some aim and walking steadiness.

Now the negative to it, which I don't get why it's a pro endicon, is that the flashlight is visible to in-game ads and to enemies. I don't get that if it's a pro, how is it a con at the same time, like shouldn't it blind the enemies just a little bit at least? I really don't think it does, and then when you're playing, the flashlight is activated, and I don't see a use for it because, to be honest, this game's not dark enough to need a flashlight.

If you guys followed my settings article, where I show you guys how to make the game look beautiful and make it easier to see enemies, you don't need a flashlight whatsoever. In this case, I just don't see how it's a pro; I only see it as a con. Now the next attachment is one I never thought I would throw on the MP5, because the MP5 has a very nice iron sight.



It's easy to kill people with the MP5 Ironside, so I thought so, and this one is the Slimline Pro optic. This one gives you a Precision side view, but it also takes away some ad speed, and then we're going to go into the tuning phase and turn the ads all the way up. I put it close rather than far because I just like it better.


If you guys prefer Fargo, go ahead and do that, but I set it to close, and the ads are all the way up now. The recoil, at least the visual recoil, just looks really, really bad in my opinion, so you definitely want to run Slimline Pro. It's just going to make the gun play a lot better; it's going to be a lot easier to actually kill the enemies, and for some reason it doesn't feel like ads, which isn't a negative on this at all; it doesn't slow it down by much; it's really nice; and because it's the smallest optic in the game, it's not going to take away that ads like I just said the final attachment is the LM stockless mod, and this one I'm always weary about running because on some guns, when you put on a stockless mod, it makes the guns kick like crazy, but because we had that attachment, we could tune the gun kit control.


I believe it was the muzzle of the AVR T90. We have that on, and we have the gun control set to the maximum. Attachment doesn't take; it doesn't give you much gun kick. I should say it's mostly gone, so it's really nice to actually run this. You get ads, you get Sprint to fire speed, you get moving speed, and you get hip recoil and control.

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Now normally. I would say the best ones on this are the ads speed and the sprint to fire speed; don't get me wrong, but the one thing that's really good on this one is the movement speed and the hip recoil and control, which you're really fast with. In this class, we got some attachments; already.

best class

I think two of them give us movement speed, so having this one as well is really nice, and then we got the hip recoil. Flinch, resistance, and aiming recoil control: I've been shot at by enemies, but I don't notice it much, so hopefully you guys don't either. And that is it for the MP5 class. This thing is honestly a beamer, man.

You want to use it. It is so gross. It is so good. It is probably one of the better guns. and the game. I never thought I would say that I'm a fan of the cast of 74U. That's probably one of my favorite guns in the game. I love the Fennec and stuff, and the MP5. Just watching that play with it did he went 22-3.

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